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Walmart smartphone service?

mello dude

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  mello dude said:
I admit I'm cheap so I have avoided going to a smartphone. I saw an ad for Walmart smartphone service for $45 for unlimited. That's a good discount over others. What's the good, the bad and the ugly. School me.

Find out who's network they're using, and how well that network does for where you need it.

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  jporter12 said:
Find out who's network they're using, and how well that network does for where you need it.

^^This! I would check on insurance and the warranty too.

Edited by Ron505
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Straight Talk uses the Verizon (prepaid) network. It's probably the best option for coverage. Not the top-tier Verizon network (with roaming) but no pre-paid offers that, that I'm aware of.

I have Virgin which is $35/month unlimited data, 300 anytime minutes on the Sprint Network. Phones aren't cheap, new at least, but you can buy a like new Virgin android for $50-100 on Craigslist or fleabay. I have zero complaints, my phone is great (especially once you root/rom it).

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  max power said:
Very spotty service, slow ass data, shitty phones

^---- There's a reason they're cheap.

Don't confuse the parent carrier company with the same level of service and QoS you'd get from the MVNO itself. StraightTalk from Wallyworld is basically TracFone Wireless which has subleased space from all the major carriers -- space that they don't really use anymore. Basically, while everyone else is driving on the data highway with new cars, StraightTalk is selling you a new car, but you're on the backroads with twists and speed limits. For example... Verizon customers have LONG migrated past the 1xRTT protocol, and only use the 1xEVDO protocol as a last resort backup in BFE areas -- technically the 1xEVDO network meets the minimum specification for a 3G network, but we're already beyond that.

More reading where I got my info:



Evolution of Mobile Wireless Communication Networks:

1G to 4G (Dec. 2010)


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straighttalk uses verison, t-mobol and att, depends on what phone u buy and sim card, i have the att phone through them works well in my area, 2gb cap on data, ive heard they dont throttle the data but if u use to much they cut off the service, use to have sprint and could not get any signal, i guess it depends on where ur at and what u want to do with the phone, warrenty is 7 days through walmart they told me when i bought mine.

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