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My Daughters Christmas Present!


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My Daughter, Riley, will be 6 the day after Christmas. She always want to ride on my bike with me, but she is a little to hyper and I am afraid she may fall off. I have taken here around the cul-de-sac a few times and she loves it. So I talked to the wife about having a customer bike made for her. I have a friend that likes to build go carts, mini bikes, golf carts, whatever he feels like. He was looking for a Fall/Winter project so I asked him about making one for me. He agreed and the final product is below. I can't wait for Christmas to see her face light up. Hopefully its decent outside so she can take it for a spin. I have already gotten her some gear, so by Christmas morning she will be ready to ride. The training wheels are removable for later down the road, and we have it geared down to only do between 15 and 20 mph. On to the pic!


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OMG better not let my 5 year old see that..she would fall in love. I need to get something like that done, she loves to ride around the housing development with me on my bike as well. She has one of those electric dirtbikes, but there is nothing like your first bike with a real gas engine. I had been kicking around the idea of finding one of those old Honda mini bikes and redoing it for her...your project gives me some inspiration. You will definitely win "Dad of the Year" with that Christmas present!

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I bought my nephew a pw80 a couple of years ago. He rode it twice for about 40ft then crashed and wanted nothing to do with it. Turns out he didn't even know how to ride a bike yet. Guess I should have bought the training wheels. Well now that I don't live near by any more I guess he loves riding that thing and is raising hell on it. My dad told me awhile back that he was watching him ride it and he was doing burnouts in the piles of wet leaves. So be ready for your girl to start riding around the same as you would on it. She'll love it. I bet its hard to wait until Christmas to give it to her.

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