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School shooting in Connecticut


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This should be interesting...

National Rifle Association of America is made up of four million moms and dads, sons and daughters – and we were shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders in Newtown.

Out of respect for the families, and as a matter of common decency, we have given time for mourning, prayer and a full investigation of the facts before commenting.

The NRA is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again.

The NRA is planning to hold a major news conference in the Washington, DC area on Friday, December 21.

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As I mentioned before, I place most of the blame for events like this on the media. In search for a plausable explanation, it occured to me that the we have all (or many of us) seen this type of event before.

Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars 3 slaughters an entire school of very yound Jedi Knights. This scene was so distrubing to me I left the theatre and sent a letter to the studio condemming them for going too far.

The murder is of the right age to have been influenced by this movie and with his temperment, I don't believe that it would be too much of a stretch for him to associate with a disgruntled teenage Anakin.

In my search to determine which SW movie (3) had this scene, I came across this article which suggests that I am not alone. Lots of theories but this is definetly not out of the realm of reason and should be a very strong causal link between violence and media.


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As I mentioned before, I place most of the blame for events like this on the media. In search for a plausable explanation, it occured to me that the we have all (or many of us) seen this type of event before.

Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars 3 slaughters an entire school of very yound Jedi Knights. This scene was so distrubing to me I left the theatre and sent a letter to the studio condemming them for going too far.

The murder is of the right age to have been influenced by this movie and with his temperment, I don't believe that it would be too much of a stretch for him to associate with a disgruntled teenage Anakin.

In my search to determine which SW movie (3) had this scene, I came across this article which suggests that I am not alone. Lots of theories but this is definetly not out of the realm of reason and should be a very strong causal link between violence and media.


You blame George Lucas. I blame the guy pulling the trigger. Close enough

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Autistic and special needs my ass.......this was more of an introverted Mama's boy with Daddy issues and self esteem issues. That fucker was intelligent and totally premeditated in everything he did, Austism and especially Aspergers syndrome is nothing but an excuse/copout and is total nonsense horseshit in this tragedy. Hope he is burning in Hell right now, whether a fictional place to some or not....hope he is suffering immensely.

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I think it's time for media organizations (music, Hollywood etc) to take a stand too.

WHOA! They are doing something! They're repeatedly broadcasting it 24/7, holding moments of silence at NFL games further giving attention to the tragedy. Hell, even The Voice was shamelessly capitalizing on it by having all the singers hold signs with names of the victims! C'mon man! Like Chris Rock said, "I ain't lookin' over my shoulder for the media!"

Austism and especially Aspergers syndrome is nothing but an excuse/copout

While I get what you're saying, that it doesn't excuse the behavior, be careful you're not discrediting the role and reality of mental illness in these events, because ignoring them is part of the problem.

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That's the thing about compromise... If nobody compromises then only one side wins. I fear that this time the wrong side will win. If we don't work together on a solution then the govt will do what it thinks will work - and we all know that their solution will be a simple ban.

I'm gun owner too, don't forget. I have guns that will be covered by an AWB. i want to keep them. But if keeping them requires compromise then I'm willing to do that - but only if the compromise results in effective solutions.

If they institute a 10-deep rule and there's another shooting then what? 5-deep? 2-deep? Some solutions are not solutions.

If we compromise on measures that would have stopped the shootings, such as integrating mental health records with NICS, then there will be less need to come back and take more from us.

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"Out of my cold dead hands" could become a reality.

I'd be willing to bet more than half the people that quote that would be at the front of the line to turn their guns in if a ban ever did happen. Too bad mine all fell of the boat when it hit that iceberg last winter.

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WHOA! They are doing something! They're repeatedly broadcasting it 24/7, holding moments of silence at NFL games further giving attention to the tragedy. Hell, even The Voice was shamelessly capitalizing on it by having all the singers hold signs with names of the victims! C'mon man! Like Chris Rock said, "I ain't lookin' over my shoulder for the media!"

While I get what you're saying, that it doesn't excuse the behavior, be careful you're not discrediting the role and reality of mental illness in these events, because ignoring them is part of the problem.

Maybe I have a family member with Autism or Aspergers, hence why I am calling bullshit. Lets also define mentally ill, that is just another easy way and excuse for many killers.

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Maybe I have a family member with Autism or Aspergers, hence why I am calling bullshit. Lets also define mentally ill, that is just another easy way and excuse for many killers.

Just like the Chardon shooter they decide to charge him as an adult and out comes the insanity plea all of the sudden he suffers from hallucinations, psychosis and fantasies bullshit fry that little fucker and the scumbag attorneys that agree to represent him.

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