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Texas School District Will Let Teachers Carry Guns


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A tiny Texas school district may be the first in the nation to pass a law specifically allowing teachers and staff to pack heat when classes begin later this month.

I do disagree with the wording "pack heat"...make it sound gangsta. :nono:

"When you make schools gun-free zones, it's like inviting people to come in and take advantage," Thweatt told FOXNews.com.

In order for teachers and staff to carry a pistol, they must have a Texas license to carry a concealed handgun; must be authorized to carry by the district; must receive training in crisis management and hostile situations and must use ammunition that is designed to minimize the risk of ricochet in school halls.


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Are people going mad?! First pot is legalized in a couple states and now teachers can carry guns in another? What has the world come to??? Oh wait, it's about fucking time people have pulled their heads out of thier asses. Hopefully this will spark a trend and others will follow.

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Good for Texas. Although curious kids or punks worry me. they better keep it on them. They should be teaching firearms safety in schools. Then maybe we won't have so many generations of wackos afraid if them.

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Thought it was an older story. They would use frangible rounds like a sky Marshall would use.

In order for teachers and staff to carry a pistol, they must have a Texas license to carry a concealed handgun; must be authorized to carry by the district; must receive training in crisis management and hostile situations and must use ammunition that is designed to minimize the risk of ricochet in school halls.

I think I heard about some other school a while back. The teachers take turns being armed at school.

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as long as they are well trained to use them in a crowded school

I work at a school district. I think I am as pro carry and second amendment as most. I think that if you are going to carry at a school you should be required to take training similar to what an LEO takes.

In Ohio, that is the law actually in a round about way. My school board could, if it wanted, allow me to carry...actually they way it works is they force me to carry....they make it part of my job description. Then under the Ohio law for a government employee that is required to carry a weapon you are required to take the appropriate training. If my memory is correct it is 5 days and then yearly qualification, all done by a licensed police instructor.

So it is all in place here, in a round about way. But politically it will never happen. We can't even get permission to store in our cars in a locked safe.

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The day of the Ct school shooting, Michigan, amazingly being one of the most liberal states in the midwest allows for Concealed carry in schools and churches.

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Oklahoma has been quietly changing state laws to what they want them to be.

The federal government has told them "they can't do that" for many of the changes.

Oklahoma is ignoring them, and making the laws they want to be laws.

For Oklahoma, this is changing just about everything that DC has done that is dumb.

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We don't hold our police officers accountable for our safety. Why would we ask that very thing from our school teachers? They're educators. They're not mercenaries.

side note: I believe teachers should be allowed to carry for their own protection' date=' if they feel the need.[/quote']

But that has an ancillary benefit. Would you march into a gun show to kill the guy there that is unarmed and you have a beef with? I'd bet not.

If teachers were armed, or volunteer watchdogs, or staff, or whoever it creates a tangible barrier to anyone wanting to walk in and light the place up.

And, by virtue, it protects the children.

Isn't that the whole idea?

We don't need to make soldiers out of educators, we need to change the reality that schools are risk-free killing zones.

That's why they're being targeted, and not government buildings, or police stations.

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Active shooters in schools: The enemy is denial

Preventing juvenile mass murder in American schools is the job of police officers, school teachers, and concerned parents

“How many kids have been killed by school fire in all of North America in the past 50 years? Kids killed... school fire... North America... 50 years... How many? Zero. That’s right. Not one single kid has been killed by school fire anywhere in North America in the past half a century. Now, how many kids have been killed by school violence?”...

Arming Campus Cops is Elementary

Nearly two years ago, I wrote an article called Arming campus cops is elementary. Not surprisingly, Grossman agrees with that hypothesis.

“Never call an unarmed man ‘security’,” Grossman said.

“Call him ‘run-like-hell-when-the-man-with-the-gun-shows-up’ but never call an unarmed man security. Imagine if someone said, ‘I want a trained fire professional on site. I want a fire hat, I want a fire uniform, I want a fire badge. But! No fire extinguishers in this building. No fire hoses. The hat, the badge, the uniform — that will keep us safe — but we have no need for fire extinguishers.’ Well, that would be insane. It is equally insane, delusional, legally liable, to say, ‘I want a trained security professional on site. I want a security hat, I want a security uniform, and I want a security badge, but I don’t want a gun.’ It’s not the hat, the uniform, or the badge. It’s the tools in the hands of a trained professional that keeps us safe.

“Our problem is not money,” said Grossman. “It is denial.”

Armed citizens can help. Think United 93. Whatever your personal take on gun control, it is all but certain that a killer set on killing is more likely to attack a target where the citizens are unarmed, rather than one where they are likely to encounter an armed citizen response.

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