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Know thy Enemy Know Thy Self - defending yourself.


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I'm just saying, it's the same concept as riding my motorcycle... there may be more risk involved, but i'm not going to let fear drive me to become some paranoid, volvo driving, only on country roads during the day drivers, just as I'm not going to let fear drive me to becoming some sort of paranoid gun slinging cowboy...

If you need to live in constant fear of being shot, so terrified of everyone with a gun that you shoot at the first sight of one so be it... but advocating the same for others seems a little sad... and really the wrong direction.

NO but you take precautions, such as wearing a helmet and jacket. Same shit so just stop with your continuous bull shit of every one that that carries a gun is a pussy.

From here on out mags will be labelled the as being a paranoid gear wearing cowboy.

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NO but you take precautions, such as wearing a helmet and jacket. Same shit so just stop with your continuous bull shit of every one that that carries a gun is a pussy.

From here on out mags will be labelled the as being a paranoid gear wearing cowboy.

Gear/helmet=defensive; if/when something goes wrong, and my body hits the pavement, it takes less damage. perhaps equate to a ballistic vest/body armor.

Gun=offensive, does nothing to protect your body from damage, only damages other bodies. If it could catch bullets I'd be on board with your analogy. Otherwise it would be like rigging a rocket launcher to the front of your bike to blow up people who pull out in front of you...

but as some of your own data suggests, you're WAY more likely to die by automobile than by bullet, so why bother carrying a gun? Do you also carry antivenom in case of cobra bites?

Edited by magley64
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Gear/helmet=defensive; if/when something goes wrong, and my body hits the pavement, it takes less damage. perhaps equate to a ballistic vest/body armor.

Gun=offensive, does nothing to protect your body from damage

tell that to the knife wielding asshole that backed the fuck up when I lifted my shirt to show him I was carrying

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tell that to the knife wielding asshole that backed the fuck up when I lifted my shirt to show him I was carrying

if you're using it as a deterrent, why not just open carry? surely the knife wielding asshole wouldn't have even bothered to pull the knife if he seen a 6 shooter strapped to your hip.

it still does nothing to stop a bullet from penetrating your body once it's been fired.

I can take steps not to crash, but that's not the same as wearing a helmet and a jacket.

I can turn on my high beams and make myself more visible to deter people from pulling out in front of me, but it does no good at all if they pull out anyway.

Edited by magley64
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if you're using it as a deterrent, why not just open carry? surely the knife wielding asshole wouldn't have even bothered to pull the knife if he seen a 6 shooter strapped to your hip.

it still does nothing to stop a bullet from penetrating your body once it's been fired.

I can take steps not to crash, but that's not the same as wearing a helmet and a jacket.

I can turn on my high beams and make myself more visible to deter people from pulling out in front of me, but it does no good at all if they pull out anyway.

skipping the point, sometimes the best Defense is a good offense

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Mags makes me do this so often when I hear his babble, so oblivious to the world and evil around him. When something hasn't happened to him, he denies its existince or isn't an issue. And if I were a betting man, I would bet that in many bad situations, you would just shit your pants. I don't live in fear at all, but I also prepare for bad shit that can and does happen. Do you have any kids by chance, are you married, do you get out into the real world much, do you travel much abroad? Every forum has somebody like you, just amazes me there are such naive people in this country. :rolleyes:


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Mags makes me do this so often when I hear his babble, so oblivious to the world and evil around him. When something hasn't happened to him, he denies its existince or isn't an issue. And if I were a betting man, I would bet that in many bad situations, you would just shit your pants. I don't live in fear at all, but I also prepare for bad shit that can and does happen. Do you have any kids by chance, are you married, do you get out into the real world much, do you travel much abroad? Every forum has somebody like you, just amazes me there are such naive people in this country. :rolleyes:

I'm not naive, I'm aware of the risks of living in this world and I have terms that I live on. They are my terms. No kids, Not married. None of those worries. I've been a number of places on my bike, and I travel outside of the country for work on occasion.

You may be fine with your psychological need to carry deadly weapons with you everywhere. I'm fine with myself as I am. I face the world myself with my own 2 hands and my own 2 legs, and my own brain. I don't see the need for me to ever have to impulsively kill anyone. Could that change? sure... But I'm not seeing it change anytime soon. If i were a religious man, I'd say I'm fine as god built me, but then I never believed in any of that nonsense, so I guess I'm just fine as nature built me.

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I'm not naive, I'm aware of the risks of living in this world and I have terms that I live on. They are my terms. No kids, Not married. None of those worries. I've been a number of places on my bike, and I travel outside of the country for work on occasion.

You may be fine with your psychological need to carry deadly weapons with you everywhere. I'm fine with myself as I am. I face the world myself with my own 2 hands and my own 2 legs, and my own brain. I don't see the need for me to ever have to impulsively kill anyone. Could that change? sure... But I'm not seeing it change anytime soon. If i were a religious man, I'd say I'm fine as god built me, but then I never believed in any of that nonsense, so I guess I'm just fine as nature built me.


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If he can't differentiate "shooting anyone having a gun" from "having a gun pulled on him", then I agree totally with him; he should absolutely not carry a gun.

from above

When to shoot

The time to shoot is immediately upon seeing his weapon. You are not a police man who has to try to arrest the guy. No need to scream at him. No exposure while you yell for him to drop the gun.

once you see his weapon, shoot.
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can you tell me why you were in a situation to get a knife pulled on you? Were u just randomly walking down the street? Or what was the situation?

Was back in Cinci visiting my fraternity house before they knocked it down and was walking up the street to meet up with some friends for dinner and "insert racial slur here" jumped out from an alley between 2 buildings with his knife in hand and said give me your wallet and phone. I laughed lifted up on my hoodie and put my hand on the gun ready to draw and he ran back into the alley. Called my Cincinnati District 5 buddy and give him the description and location of the dude and he said he would take care of it

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Was back in Cinci visiting my fraternity house before they knocked it down and was walking up the street to meet up with some friends for dinner and "insert racial slur here" jumped out from an alley between 2 buildings with his knife in hand and said give me your wallet and phone. I laughed lifted up on my hoodie and put my hand on the gun ready to draw and he ran back into the alley. Called my Cincinnati District 5 buddy and give him the description and location of the dude and he said he would take care of it

How dare you walk some place. Thats is just asking for trouble.

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How dare you walk some place. Thats is just asking for trouble.

the irony of the situation is I made that same walk hundreds of times in college and never once ran into that situation, thankfully the time it did happen I was able to deter and defend myself as Ohio legally licensed me to

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the irony of the situation is I made that same walk hundreds of times in college and never once ran into that situation, thankfully the time it did happen I was able to deter and defend myself as Ohio legally licensed me to

That don't happen guns only kill people, because they are only offensive.

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Any nurkvinnys point is still made. You can't differentiate.

Then I have no idea why everyone on this site seems hell bent on arguing with me that despite what I know about myself and my environment that I must need a gun to protect myself or I'm just naive...:cool:

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That don't happen guns only kill people, because they are only offensive.

as I've said, could also be a deterrent, but if that's the case, why conceal? why not buy the biggest shiniest hand gun you can afford and strap it to your hip for the world to see? "look at me everybody, I have a big dangerous gun, don't mess with me"

isn't knowledge better than doubt?

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