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Know thy Enemy Know Thy Self - defending yourself.


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Then I have no idea why everyone on this site seems hell bent on arguing with me that despite what I know about myself and my environment that I must need a gun to protect myself or I'm just naive...:cool:

passes the time at work, makes me feel smarter too

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seriously? you have no more answers to my concerns so you just infer that I must be stupid? :nono:

I had come to expect more from you...

I have said plenty, so much has already been said from everybody....yet here we still are.

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I have said plenty, so much has already been said from everybody....yet here we still are.

If you intend your gun to be a deterrent, why not open carry the biggest shiniest handgun you can get your hands on? (if it's concealed how does a "bad guy" know to be afraid of it?)

Like putting ADT signs in your front lawn...a deterrent is only effective if it is seen or known.

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If you intend your gun to be a deterrent, why not open carry the biggest shiniest handgun you can get your hands on? (if it's concealed how does a "bad guy" know to be afraid of it?)

Like putting ADT signs in your front lawn...a deterrent is only effective if it is seen or known.

it is a lot more fun to let them shit their pants.

But real reason, because people freak out about open carry too much so its less hassle to conceal

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If you intend your gun to be a deterrent, why not open carry the biggest shiniest handgun you can get your hands on? (if it's concealed how does a "bad guy" know to be afraid of it?)

Generally speaking, there's likely going to be someone who's either going to freak out about it, or be a jackass and make some passive-aggressive scene out of the situation. Most people don't want that kind of attention.

Need to know is need to know.

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Magz, in all seriousness, really why do you keep reading and posting in the firearms section? I'm not bashing, we already agree to disagree. Just curious why you keep doing it.

Because it's usually intellectually stimulating. Also, I like to hear opinions that differ from my own, as well as the reasoning behind those opinions... and see just how far I can push those opinions using hypothetical scenarios.

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Fair enough I guess.

short answer, it's just entertaining :dunno:

same reason I used to frequent the Y!A R&S board, I guess

My opinion was far and away the minority opinion, but I liked to see how far I could push the logical arguments. (at least what was logical to me)

Guns are similar, their opponents cite all of the bloodshed and heartbreak they are responsible for, and proponents cite all of the advantages and peace of mind... It's really a similar mindset.

Edited by magley64
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I understand, I have a lot of respect for you. I believe your question was asked honestly, and so I wanted to answer your question as fully and honestly as I can.

If some people take my positions/arguments/logical conclusions personally, and can't handle a little opposition, then they probably already have me blocked. I'm okay with that.

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