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I may have Space Herpies


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Ok. I thought it was a spider bite but since monday I get a a few skin colored or red raised bumps that appear randomly, first one was on the ankle and same spot on both forearms near the elbow. Along with this my joints itch and practically everything past my knees and elbows itches pretty bad. Had 3 or so on my right knee yesterday. This morning there's one on the front of my shoulder, and yesterday my neck was all broke out and itchy and still kinda is. It's random bumps with a chaos of itchyness. No crotch itch. It's like it's in the blood and surfaces randomly but the mojority of itch stays at and past the elbows and knees, worse on the right knee. WTF is this? It's not like chicken POX and I had those a long long time ago. Some side effect from knee surgery? My midi-chlorians have a cold? :nono:

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I took a 24hr releaves itch due to hives pill and it seemed to work the day before. Also took benedryl pills late yesterday and had a hives pill in the morning but i'm not sure since the benedryl put me to sleep. The only new place I have been to, where I'm touching stuff, is the gym for therapy on my knee. I had something similar to this 3 years ago but it was on my torso not joint related, random rash, no particular cause. Doctor shot me up with a boatload of epinephrine and said you're allergic to something.

I dislike going to the doctor. I don't care about relieving the symptoms, which they always just want to write prescriptions for relievers, I want to know what it is and fix the cause, not the effect..But I might go today and let them guess.

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I took a 24hr releaves itch due to hives pill and it seemed to work the day before. Also took benedryl pills late yesterday and had a hives pill in the morning but i'm not sure since the benedryl put me to sleep. The only new place I have been to, where I'm touching stuff, is the gym for therapy on my knee. I had something similar to this 3 years ago but it was on my torso not joint related, random rash, no particular cause. Doctor shot me up with a boatload of epinephrine and said you're allergic to something.

I dislike going to the doctor. I don't care about relieving the symptoms, which they always just want to write prescriptions for relievers, I want to know what it is and fix the cause, not the effect..But I might go today and let them guess.

Find a good doctor that doesnt just treat symptoms.

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You just had surgery and in a rehab center so I'd high tail my ass to the ER to see if it is at all MRSA related. None of those symptoms are what I experienced though. I had a similar experience though from an antibiotic one time

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I dislike going to the doctor. I don't care about relieving the symptoms, which they always just want to write prescriptions for relievers, I want to know what it is and fix the cause, not the effect..But I might go today and let them guess.

I totally agree with you. I hate going to the doctor for the same reason. Maybe someone can suggest a doctor that won't just be trying to get you through as quickly as possible so that they can get paid.

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Might still be bed bug bites and the itching/irritation varies from person to person.

However, they do take awhile to heal up and disappear - 7-14 days.

Bed bugs can hide out in any number of locations near where the "host" sleeps so check out other areas like in the seams of the mattress, under nearby furniture, bed frames, closets, clutter near the bed, etc. They can travel over 100 feet but typically stay within 8 feet of the "host" for feeding at night. They look like small cockroaches or can be mistaken for a tick - their bodies are small and flat.

Keep in mind, too, that they can go without feeding for over 330 days.

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Allergic reaction.

Have them do an allergy test. Basically they prick you with a dozen needles, and rub some shit on your back. Then you swelll up and itch for things you are allergic too. Not the most fun test in the world, but it should give you some answers.

Haven't taken any new meds lately have you?

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First guess is that it might be the pine tree if you have a live tree inside the house.

First things first:

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following:

  • increasing pain or discoloration
  • tightness of the throat or difficulty breathing
  • swelling of the face
  • new pain or a new rash
  • fever over 100.0 degrees F
  • confusion or dizziness
  • severe head or neck pain
  • repeated vomiting or diarrhea

Contact your health care provider if you have:

  • joint pain
  • a sore throat or low fever
  • red streaks or tender areas near the rash (it may be infected)
  • been bitten by a tick

Sounds like a basic rash, if there are not white spots/patches or swelling. Or red streaks away from the areas. Or open wounds.

Rash are broken down into two basic groups:

Contact dermatitis can be caused by coming into contact with:

  • beauty products, soaps, and laundry detergent
  • dyes in clothing
  • chemicals in rubber, elastic, or latex
  • poisonous plants such as poison oak, poison ivy, or poison sumac

Drug rashes are caused by medication. They can form as:

  • an allergic reaction
  • a side effect
  • a result of sensitivity to sunlight

Other types of rashes include:

  • eczema: a common rash for people with asthma or allergies. The rash is often reddish and itchy, with a scaly texture.
  • bug bites: tick bites are of particular concern, as they can transmit disease
  • psoriasis: a scaly, itchy, red rash that forms along the scalp and joints
  • dandruff: an itchy, flaky rash on the scalp. On an infant, dandruff is called cradle cap.
  • seborrheic dermatitis: dandruff that occurs on the ears, mouth, nose, or somewhere besides the scalp

Did you say something about a spider bite a few days ago?

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Allergic reaction.

Have them do an allergy test. Basically they prick you with a dozen needles, and rub some shit on your back. Then you swelll up and itch for things you are allergic too. Not the most fun test in the world, but it should give you some answers.

Haven't taken any new meds lately have you?

and allergy test will only test for the most common things. If it's a reaction to a drug, the allergy test wont show that because they dont test for drugs.

First guess is that it might be the pine tree if you have a live tree inside the house.

First things first:

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following:

  • increasing pain or discoloration
  • tightness of the throat or difficulty breathing
  • swelling of the face
  • new pain or a new rash
  • fever over 100.0 degrees F
  • confusion or dizziness
  • severe head or neck pain
  • repeated vomiting or diarrhea

Contact your health care provider if you have:

  • joint pain
  • a sore throat or low fever
  • red streaks or tender areas near the rash (it may be infected)
  • been bitten by a tick

Sounds like a basic rash, if there are not white spots/patches or swelling. Or red streaks away from the areas. Or open wounds.

Rash are broken down into two basic groups:

Contact dermatitis can be caused by coming into contact with:

  • beauty products, soaps, and laundry detergent
  • dyes in clothing
  • chemicals in rubber, elastic, or latex
  • poisonous plants such as poison oak, poison ivy, or poison sumac

Drug rashes are caused by medication. They can form as:

  • an allergic reaction
  • a side effect
  • a result of sensitivity to sunlight

Other types of rashes include:

  • eczema: a common rash for people with asthma or allergies. The rash is often reddish and itchy, with a scaly texture.
  • bug bites: tick bites are of particular concern, as they can transmit disease
  • psoriasis: a scaly, itchy, red rash that forms along the scalp and joints
  • dandruff: an itchy, flaky rash on the scalp. On an infant, dandruff is called cradle cap.
  • seborrheic dermatitis: dandruff that occurs on the ears, mouth, nose, or somewhere besides the scalp

Did you say something about a spider bite a few days ago?

Where did you get this? First off eczema, is just extremely dry skin. Psoriasis doesnt come up here and there, it is always there and its usually developed as a child and there is no real cure for it so it's something people live with their whole life. Contact dermatitis is really just a professionally sounds phriase for an allergic reaction to something.

Thats also why I asked if the skin was hot to the touch, if so, see a doctor asap, it's infected. Are they large bumps, or small bumps? is the skin around the bumps red?

(basically skin is my thing. It is what I do for a living. So if I can see a pic, I can help).

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Correct on Psoriasis, it's a life long struggle once it occurs.

I look most stuff up at Mayo Clinic website, US National Library of Medicine, and Harvard Medical. Might as well use root sources of knowledge. edit: Ok, sometimes WebMD.

Here's one from the NLM on eczema. Often used interchangably with dermatitis.

edit: reread Gump's description. I'd wonder what it was too. Raised bumps at joints?

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Yeah, eczema, is just dry flaky skin, nothing to do with bumps. Most people get it bad especially on areas where clothes rub on the skin, in the winter. If you do get eczema, you need to use lotion without alcohol in it. Most lotions contain alcohol so you must be particularly careful when choosing a lotion. Contact dermatitis is the most rediculous work ever because it can explain so many different things. There is such a wide range of what it covers. Dermatitis is basically just a skin reaction to anything. Contact dermatitis means the skin is reacting to someone it came into contact with. Even a bug bite, eczema or allergic reation is considered dermatitis.

and even those sites can out up wrong information sometimes and not even know it.

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I've seen several people at work contract shingles this year. I get the impression it's a bit more common. But shingles is normally back and sides of chest. Although I've heard of it striking neck area. and it's big patches of red stuff. Hard to miss, but confusing to identify.

Here's a WebMD list of joint pain and bumps as symptoms. 28 possible causes. But it's not getting me anywhere. Too confusing. I'm sure most can be eliminated. Not even sure the cause is on the list. edit: I'd have to print them out and cross them off to see what's left over.


WebMD symptom diagnostics of rash. Work through the questions different ways to see possible answers..


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the spider eggs have started to hatch. soon enough, there will be a massive exodus of multiple generations of spiders erupting from your various orifices.

think on the good times as the spider geyser spews forth like a brown, hairy, and arachnid version of old faithful.

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the spider eggs have started to hatch. soon enough, there will be a massive exodus of multiple generations of spiders erupting from your various orifices.

think on the good times as the spider geyser spews forth like a brown, hairy, and arachnid version of old faithful.

Your words are enchanting. Have you ever considered writing children's books? :D

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