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I may have Space Herpies


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My wife, an RN, says to get to good skin doc. It may an allergic reaction or possibly a yeast infection. It is not MRSA.

Ninjachick, what do you do for a living?

She stays in a Holiday Inn Express sometimes. ;)

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My wife, an RN, says to get to good skin doc. It may an allergic reaction or possibly a yeast infection. It is not MRSA.

Ninjachick, what do you do for a living?

first off theres no K in ninjachic. and I'm drunk and can still type that very slowly. and secondly i'm an esthetician who works and grew up with a plastic surgeon.

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Now that I've seen the pictures... Pityriasis rosea. Medically: cause unknown, although sometimes follows a respiratory infection. Usually goes away on it's own in 4-8 weeks. If you read the links, the time line of events sounds like what you were describing.

The raised edge around the spot was the clue.

6% of cases are on extremities. It's usually on torso, and develops from a single spot, into a "Christmas tree pattern". That threw me until I found that 6% of cases were on extremities instead.

Sunlight helps heal faster. Try to get some sunlight on the areas. Even an ultra violet lamp will work. Don't get a sunburn from the lamp. Avoid scratching and harsh soaps. The anti-histamine is for the itching.

The change in the muscle is weird, and that was near the initial start area?


The pityriasis rosea rash is similar to the rash seen in other skin conditions, including ringworm of the skin, tinea versicolor, eczema, and psoriasis.
Mayo Clinic

Medicine Plus gov

disclaimer: I am not a Doctor. I didn't even stay at Holiday Inn Express.

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Thanks Recon. It went away with the last itching being on the tops of the hands with no spots just itching. I now have pneumonia but its going around apparently hospital beds are full with people with the flu. so who knows. They gave me a shot today in the butt and a z pack. Going to see the knee doc since I havnt been right since and the knees worse than it was before the surgery and still swollen, hot and looks deformed and Aches. I woke up twice last night,slightly delirious, in a pool of sweat. Got up to take theraflu and fall back asleep. It started Tuesday morning with a slight wheezing and shortness of breath. The I drove for 9 hours not feeling bad until I got home last night. Then the bs started. This shit sucks. Tired of being sick. I don't know what you mean by change in the muscle.

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... I don't know what you mean by change in the muscle.

What you said here: "...Here's pics from yesterday. You can't tell much. The knee looks like hell, it's as if the thigh muscle died and fell on top of the knee. They said it's weird but should get better. It's not reddish like that this morning..."

I thought you were meaning the two were associated. Guess not.

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  • 2 years later...

I don't think it's bed bugs. Seems around every 3 years something like this happens. It's hives but not really sure why. More aggressive than the last time which was after a surgery and not really the same except for being able to predict were it would pop out next. Time before that was from a lot of Cayenne pepper I believe and more like this time. It went from back, to knees, to elbows, to shoulders, to hands and feet, forearms, thighs, day by day lessoning in intensity as it did before till been everywhere, then it's gone. Last night I could actually sleep. I'm guessing these hives were a result of combined stressors on the body, cough thing in the throat was first, international jet lag stress, and pepper again in salsa and spaghetti. Although I eat the same spices and peppers regularly. If a doctor ever gives you vistaril to treat hives and allow you to sleep, use caution, also used as a pet sedative, I think I was in a sleep coma, makes you all jittery feeling, crazy weird chest pains, shortness of breath, and dry mouth, once you actually wake up. It also could have been midichlorians figthing space herpies or a map of a distant planet.






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I literally just went to a minute clinic in Kroger yesterday because of hives.  I got some poison something (ivy, oak, sumac, who knows), and the rash has been appearing over the coarse of the last week and THEN, I broke out in hives.  I couldn't handle the itching anymore.  For me, I actually have some random things that can trigger hives.  There's a certain german suntan lotion that does it, I think the ivy scrub or benedryl cream i was using triggered them this time.  My sisters bf breaks out in hives when they drive through a busy city - just from stress. 

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That really stinks if Benedryl cream caused your hives. Hope you feel better. Running thru a briar patch naked seems like a rational way to feel better.

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I think prednisone is possibly the worst drug ever. I started with poison ivy, got the hives from benedryl cream, took prednisone to fix the hives, have gained and lost a minimum of 5 lbs every day for the past few days ( one day gained and lost 8 lbs), and ended up with a sore throat/sinus issue that is making me so miserable. Shoulda stuck with the poison ivy rash and just let my body handle it!

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I think prednisone is possibly the worst drug ever. I started with poison ivy, got the hives from benedryl cream, took prednisone to fix the hives, have gained and lost a minimum of 5 lbs every day for the past few days ( one day gained and lost 8 lbs), and ended up with a sore throat/sinus issue that is making me so miserable. Shoulda stuck with the poison ivy rash and just let my body handle it!

I agree completely but for different reasons. Prednisone makes me very hungry. Also keeps me up at night. Like ALLL night. I had a crazy bad itchy hives night Wednesday didn't sleep till 7am. I had stopped taking P 4 days before as the hives weren't that bad and we're almost gone. It only acted up at night last week. After Wednesday's craziness I took P again. No hives but no sleep again Thursday night. Then I went to the doc Friday about Wednesday's hives and he said keep taking it and gave me more P. I did Friday and NO SLEEP again till 8am and I got to work at 5pm. Took that crap again Friday night and again no sleep till 8 am. Same thing sat night, NO SLeep.Said screw it and quit taking it. Hives have been gone since

Wednesday. I don't think it has anything to do with the PREDNISONE. I think hives just need to run their course. Best thing I took for relief was a Otc Claritin hives pill and Tylenol. I threw all the P out and have not filled the new prescription. He did give me some prescription for some Hail Mary pill if they come back after prednisone. I might try that if they do come back.

That other pill I got that put me in a sleep coma was avaril. Friggin side effect of avaril is hives. Go figure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the hunger and messed up sleep too. I've been gorging myself like a 600lb man... Even my coworkers noticed. lol. I'm quitting it and just dealing with the hives.

I think I've figured out the cause. It's pizza, guessing the sauce. Or beer, seems like they come out the night after drinking but oddly I seem to always have pizza the day after drinking.

Hydroxyzine works good.

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