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Demand celebrities go fuck themselves

Uncle Punk

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I see, so Hollywood and violent movies are to blame...not the guns after all. Good to know. :wtf:

Celebrities jump on every bandwagon flavor of the week. I don't know why a large segment of the population hangs on their every word. They don't know any better than the rest of us and I'd wager that's it's less than the average American because many grew up sheltered rich brats from celebrity families. Hollywood is rife with nepotism. The title is apt, fuck them.

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There is a plan in place that has been in place, and it works. And yeah that is the blackest kettles I have ever seen. Wonder how they would all feel if their paychecks are vastly affected by this, no more action movies and no more people going to the theaters. Celebrities don't live in the real world anyways, so fuck them!!!!!!!!!! Take away their security guards, make them get rid of their guns in their homes, bet they won't like that huh?

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I'd like to hear this plan they demand. Or are they just demand that someone else fixes the problem like they with all real life situations.

According to their website:


  1. Require a criminal background check for every gun sold in America
  2. Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
  3. Make gun trafficking a federal crime, including real penalties for “straw purchasers”

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Hollywood douche bags, did someone tell them their opinion matters.

Hollywood and those Liberal actors give millions of dollars to their Lobbyists, so unfortunately they have the funds behind them to sway public opinion.

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Hollywood and those Liberal actors give millions of dollars to their Lobbyists, so unfortunately they have the funds behind them to sway public opinion.

What the fuck has happened to our country, when bullshit and $$$ means more than the truth.

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I didn't even make it through the video....

Just because someone makes a movie with violence doesnt mean they condone it, and it doesnt mean they cannot speak out about it.

Yeah, it is fun to point out someone as a hypocrite, especially when it is a douche-bag celebrity who has hours on film that can easily be referenced, but they get the same gut reaction that we get when seeing something horrible like a school shooting happen.

Part of everyone wants to blame something bigger than a single person, but that it what caused the shooting.

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I didn't even make it through the video....

Just because someone makes a movie with violence doesnt mean they condone it, and it doesnt mean they cannot speak out about it.

Yeah, it is fun to point out someone as a hypocrite, especially when it is a douche-bag celebrity who has hours on film that can easily be referenced, but they get the same gut reaction that we get when seeing something horrible like a school shooting happen.

Part of everyone wants to blame something bigger than a single person, but that it what caused the shooting.

The "problem" is they believe that stricter gun laws will help prevent this from happening going forward. They will continue to make their violent content and killing spree movies, because they don't believe that is harmful in any way. My Mom always told me as a kid "trash in equals trash out". It is a parents responsibility to teach their kids right from wrong and fantasy vs reality. But that there is a HUGE part of the problem, and many parents have no idea what their kids are into and what is age appropriate vs not. So all those actors are all major hypocrites, they live by do as I say, not as I do......as do many other Americans.

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The "problem" is they believe that stricter gun laws will help prevent this from happening going forward. They will continue to make their violent content and killing spree movies, because they don't believe that is harmful in any way. My Mom always told me as a kid "trash in equals trash out". It is a parents responsibility to teach their kids right from wrong and fantasy vs reality. But that there is a HUGE part of the problem, and many parents have no idea what their kids are into and what is age appropriate vs not. So all those actors are all major hypocrites, they live by do as I say, not as I do......as do many other Americans.

I think people think that every action deserves a reaction, and unless there is a reaction, "we" consider the action insignificant. Stricter gun laws are a reaction, nothing more....right or wrong doesn't matter, it shows "we" are paying attention and care. It is no different than our reaction to 9/11.

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I think people think that every action deserves a reaction, and unless there is a reaction, "we" consider the action insignificant. Stricter gun laws are a reaction, nothing more....right or wrong doesn't matter, it shows "we" are paying attention and care. It is no different than our reaction to 9/11.

There were some seriously fucked up reactions to 911, patriot act and the TSA being two big ones. Yes there are right and wrong reactions, caring doesn't mean your solutions aren’t diabolical.

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I think people think that every action deserves a reaction, and unless there is a reaction, "we" consider the action insignificant. Stricter gun laws are a reaction, nothing more....right or wrong doesn't matter, it shows "we" are paying attention and care. It is no different than our reaction to 9/11.

Really.......you and I obviously see things differently. It is referred to as a witch hunt, and witch hunts are rarely done for the right or sane reasons. So much blame being placed in the wrong direction, can't say I am surprised though. The reaction to 911 was one of much better unity, this is anything but. The 911 reaction hasn't turned out so well either.

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There were some seriously fucked up reactions to 911, patriot act and the TSA being two big ones. Yes there are right and wrong reactions, caring doesn't mean your solutions aren’t diabolical.

Right and wrong reactions are easily confused whenever the masses are having a knee jerk reaction/emotional response.

Really.......you and I obviously see things differently. It is referred to as a witch hunt, and witch hunts are rarely done for the right or sane reasons. So much blame being placed in the wrong direction, can't say I am surprised though. The reaction to 911 was one of much better unity, this is anything but. The 911 reaction hasn't turned out so well either.

If the mass majority of people are blaming guns, how is this not being done out of unity? It can easily be a wrong reaction, and be accepted by the majority.

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Right and wrong reactions are easily confused whenever the masses are having a knee jerk reaction/emotional response.

If the mass majority of people are blaming guns, how is this not being done out of unity? It can easily be a wrong reaction, and be accepted by the majority.

So what is your stance on the whole thing?

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I dont give a shit.

Pulling extended mags off the shelves is just making people feel like something was done to correct the "problem".

It is a band-aid that will be forgotten about in 5 years or whenever the legislation comes to an end.

And in the mean time, if someone wants to do some destruction, they will find a way.

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I don't believe the vast majority of people are blaming an inanimate object for a person's actions, but I do believe that the vast majority of people DEMAND some type of reaction for an incident such as this.

If there isn't a reaction; it will be a subject come next election, votes will swing, politicians will lose foothold and the flow of money will change.

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