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Changes I would like to see in CHL laws...


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- Renewals must show proof that they attended at least 12 hours range time per year (in any increments) as proven by receipts. Hours of training count double.

So for someone like me who has their own outdoor range and shoots once a week on average I'm supposed to take a video of my time? Or should I just refer them to You Tube? :rolleyes:

How about requiring CPZ to accept financial responsibility for and damage caused by a criminal who uses a firearm on the premisses. That or require armed security guard. One guard for every person on the premises.

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So for someone like me who has their own outdoor range and shoots once a week on average I'm supposed to take a video of my time? Or should I just refer them to You Tube? :rolleyes:

Where the hell did you get the video comment from?

Just a log book or piece of paper that you file. You would attest that it is accurate, like a tax return. That's it. Two hours on the range at home? "2012-12-31 2 hours" There you go.

I'm open to other ideas to encourage ongoing training.

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Is the lack of shooting time a big issue in Vermont? Untrained, unlicensed gun carriers killing people willy-nilly from missed shots or mishandling?


Well, there you go. Let's just go with "bear arms" and "shall not be infringed" and let freedom work itself out.

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Where the hell did you get the video comment from? See Below

Just a log book or piece of paper that you file. You would attest that it is accurate, like a tax return. That's it. Two hours on the range at home? "2012-12-31 2 hours" There you go.

I'm open to other ideas to encourage ongoing training.

Finishing off my 2012 training with 200 hours, and I still suck. :lol:

Happy New Year


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Is the lack of shooting time a big issue in Vermont? Untrained, unlicensed gun carriers killing people willy-nilly from missed shots or mishandling?


Well, there you go. Let's just go with "bear arms" and "shall not be infringed" and let freedom work itself out.

Nope no problems. But there are a shitload of lefties who inhabit that state, so not sure how many carry anyways. :D

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If we are a free state then why don't we already have this? Why did we not have this under a Republican majority?

We are not in a free state and you suggesting additional gun laws will surely slow down the process of us ever getting there.

The makeup of our state legislature is very disappointing regardless of what party is in power. Some of them are like you, gun owners that like gun laws and are the enemy from within. Sometimes we have to vote for the lesser of two evils. I do have a very hard time asking for more laws and regulations no matter what good intentions people see as a possible outcome.

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Is the lack of shooting time a big issue in Vermont? Untrained, unlicensed gun carriers killing people willy-nilly from missed shots or mishandling?


Well, there you go. Let's just go with "bear arms" and "shall not be infringed" and let freedom work itself out.

A strict reading of "Shall not be infringed" requires that violent felons be able to own guns. How strict do you want to get?

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there is "right" and there is "realistic" and "abominable but livable"

pick one, varying on a scale of "pigs fly" to "pipe dreams" to "maybe possible"

just like the would be gun confiscators are working in baby steps, we too must do the same.

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A strict reading of "Shall not be infringed" requires that violent felons be able to own guns. How strict do you want to get?

Once released from prison is his life less valuable than yours that he shouldn’t be afforded the right to self protection or to join others in arms against a tyrannical government? What leads you to believe that you are superior to others that your life is more valuable?

Shall. Not. Be. Infringed.

If the felon is dangerous' date=' why is he not still incarcerated? Don't parallel my love of freedom with the epic failure of your government officials.[/quote']


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Shall. Not. Be. Infringed.

If the felon is dangerous' date=' why is he not still incarcerated? Don't parallel my love of freedom with the epic failure of your government officials.[/quote']

My government officials? are they not yours too?

Typically even murderers will be released from prison eventually. You can't jail all violent felons for life. There are an estimated 6 million felons in this country. 1 in 40.

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My government officials? are they not yours too?

Typically even murderers will be released from prison eventually. You can't jail all violent felons for life. There are an estimated 6 million felons in this country. 1 in 40.

Why do people not understand that no matter how strict the laws and how much training is required the bad guys don't give a shit they will get guns and they will carry regardless what big brother or Scruit says they can or cannot do.

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Why do people not understand that no matter how strict the laws and how much training is required the bad guys don't give a shit they will get guns and they will carry regardless what big brother or Scruit says they can or cannot do.

Sure, some will. But why make it easier?

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If a man or woman has done their time, I have little problem with them being allowed to protect themselves with a gun just like the rest of us. They followed out their sentence and paid their dues IMHO, of course I guess it "could" depend on what they were incarcerated for in the first place. I feel really bad for many that get out, they are looked upon as vermin and not always given a second chance.

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If a man or woman has done their time, I have little problem with them being allowed to protect themselves with a gun just like the rest of us. They followed out their sentence and paid their dues IMHO, of course I guess it "could" depend on what they were incarcerated for in the first place. I feel really bad for many that get out, they are looked upon as vermin and not always given a second chance.

Because once you break the trust of the public by showing you are capable of committing an offense against the public you lose certain rights that require the publics trust. ;)

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