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Well the dpms is almost done.


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Yeah hit fin not long after you guys left. Right after the wife removed 90% of the money i just got. You guys should have stopped by fin you passed it on the way back to 71. Good to meet you guys today, hope we can do a ride soon.

My wife would've put me on sex probation had I stopped in there, can't just look I gotta buy something. :D

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I hope you guys are just joking about the wife thing. If not then I lucked out and got a good one my discretionary spending knows no limits. Well, there have to be limits but I haven't found them yet

My wife is very cool, just that I have spent allot of coin lately.

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I hope you guys are just joking about the wife thing. If not then I lucked out and got a good one my discretionary spending knows no limits. Well, there have to be limits but I haven't found them yet

Ive been pretty lucky myself. While Shawna likes to give me a hard time about it, she will tell me "If you want it, get it" Of course I dont think she really understands how much some of this stuff is but when I had a chance at buying a $3000 spotting scope last week for 1500, she said go for it. I still passed even though it was a helluva deal.

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When i get a free weekend. We are crazy busy at my work. Sunday is my only day off right now. I have shot it indoors to break it in some. But need to get to a outdoor range still. What kind of accuracy should i expect? From factory loads that is, and what factory ammo is know to have good results.

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When i get a free weekend. We are crazy busy at my work. Sunday is my only day off right now. I have shot it indoors to break it in some. But need to get to a outdoor range still. What kind of accuracy should i expect? From factory loads that is, and what factory ammo is know to have good results.

Accuracy will be based on your shooting ability as well so without knowing that, its hard for me to comment.

But, Ill say that you should be able to take almost any off the shelf rifle and put 3 shots into 1-2" at 100 yards. If you cant do that 99% of the time, you probably need to work on your shooting skills before judging the accuracy of a rifle. Just my .02.

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Well i have only shot bolt guns at distance so far. But i can get three shots almost touching out of my 17hmr at 100. My 30/06 i was able to do about the same at 100-200 off the bi pod and a sand bag. If this carbine does inch groups at 100 i would be happy for a start. I need to mount a scope on the. 308 to replace the red dot. I have a 3x9 that i might swap over for now?

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Sounds like you have proper fundamentals down if you are getting those groups with your 30/06. I think a lot of people go and try and judge the accuracy of a rifle without first really knowing how accurate they are as a shooter. Many people are happy with what I would consider sub par groups, just because they dont know any better of what the setup is actually capable of doing. Additionally they have never been taught proper fundamentals or how to shoot accurately. Its hard to diagnose accuracy issues when you dont know if its the rifle, the load, or the shooter. Shooter consistency is key before you can look at the rifle or load. Ive watched people try and sight in rifles and they will spend all day adjusting their scope and chasing the rounds on paper when the real issue is that the shooter is not consistent and is pulling shots due to poor shoulder/cheek weld, bad breathing techniques, and poor trigger control.

Edited by flounder
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