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New House bills related to firearms 2013


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FS: Ruger Mini-14 Tactical. Stock. Excellent condition. Includes two 20-round magazines and a hard case. $2999.99 :D
mine is the same. except i have 4- 20 rounders. ill make an even better deal at $2950

wut? The original factory side folder stock alone, is worth the same amount as a rifle.

I hereby offer one of those with the original rifle (pre pre ban) for the low low cost of $5999.99 :D

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i find this rather hypocritical...

Diane Feinstein: I know the sense of helplessness that people feel, I know the urge to arm yourself, because that's what I did. I was trained in firearms. I walked to the hospital when my husband was sick, I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if someone was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me.


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Agree....This bring on the money thing is funny but not really. An affordable, enjoyable hobby & right will be eroded to the rich and support will fade away for future battles against the 2A.

"We in America do not have government by the majority, we have government by the majority who participate. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."-T.J.

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We have some of the bill's wording now:


Ban the sale, transfer, manufacture or importation of 157 named firearms. Presumably, these were chosen by looking at pictures, as Sen. Feinstein has said she did before introducing her first legislation on the issue in 1993.

Ban all semi-automatic rifles that can accept a detachable magazine. This is because the bill would ban any semi-automatic detachable-magazine rifle that has even one "feature," particularly a pistol grip—which is defined to include any "characteristic that can function as a grip." Other features that would cause a rifle to be banned include a forward grip; folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; grenade launcher or (as an absurd propaganda move) rocket launcher; barrel shroud; or a threaded barrel.

Ban all detachable-magazine semi-auto pistols that have any of the following: a threaded barrel, second pistol grip, or magazine that mounts anywhere other than the grip. The bill would also ban any handgun that is a semi-automatic version of a fully automatic handgun.

Ban all semi-automatic rifles and handguns that have fixed magazines that accept more then 10 rounds.

Ban all semi-automatic shotguns that have just one of the following: a folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; a pistol grip; a fixed magazine that can accept more than five rounds, a detachable magazine; a forward grip; a revolving cylinder; or a grenade or rocket launcher. As with the rifle provision, this could potentially ban any semi-auto shotgun, because all of them have "characteristics that can function as a grip." And of course, countless Americans have pistol-grip shotguns for home defense.

Ban all belt-fed semi-automatic firearms, such as semi-auto replicas of historic machine guns.

Ban all frames or receivers of banned guns, even though in many cases they are identical to the frames and receivers of guns that would not be banned.

Ban "combinations of parts" from which "assault weapons" can be assembled. Read broadly, this could ban the acquisition of a single spare part that could be combined with parts you already own.

Ban any "part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic rifle"--a vague definition that could ban items such as competition trigger parts.

Ban the sale or transfer of all ammunition feeding devices that hold more than ten rounds. Even those lawfully possessed before passage of the bill could never be transferred, even to your heirs through a will.

With no registration, how can you prove you owned a your rifle before the ban was implemented? I know that new rifles will be stamped with date of manufacture, but preban guns have no date.

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Also - she will ban "characteristic that function as a grip".

Look at this:


A grip is the bit where your trigger hand holds the rifle. All rifles have a grip. This bill, as worded, would ban all detachable-mag semis.

I'm looking for the bullet-button wording now... Get around the detachable-mag thing and the rest of irrelevant.

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Waiting for the text too. The title is; "A bill to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited"

Infringed = Limited (dictionary definition)

= The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be limited.

= The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be unlimited.

<> to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited

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Sounds like I should sell 90% of what's in my safe or near my bed. This is a load of crap. The worst part is the fact that all four guns I am authorized to carry at work to assist me in protecting the Constitution will be banned for the citizens of this country. Total crap I can in no way support or enforce this.

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Waiting for the text too. The title is; "A bill to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited"

Infringed = Limited (dictionary definition)

= The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be limited.

= The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be unlimited.

<> to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited


"A bill to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited"


"A bill to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unINFRINGED"

"A bill to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is INFRINGED"

dictionary really doesn't list "limited" as a synonym (Google does), but does list:


Synonyms: bounded, circumscribed, defined, definite, determinate, finite, measured, narrow, restricted

infringe on or upon

Synonyms breach, break, contravene, fracture, infringe, offend, traduce, transgress

1 : to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another <infringe a patent>

2 obsolete : defeat, frustrate

intransitive verb : encroach —used with on or upon <infringe on our rights

Definition of ENCROACH

1 : to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another

2 : to advance beyond the usual or proper limits <the gradually encroaching sea>

so: shall not be infringed =

shall not encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another;

shall not enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another;

shall not advance beyond the usual or proper limits.

If the old definitions of infringe are used, which is proper:

shall not:



obsolete : destroy


a : nullify <defeat an estate>

b : frustrate 2a(1) <defeat a hope>

3: to win victory over : beat <defeat the opposing team>



a : to balk or defeat in an endeavor

b : to induce feelings of discouragement in


a (1) : to make ineffectual : bring to nothing (2) : impede, obstruct

b : to make invalid or of no effect

edit: lol, the public is being traduced; to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation

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dictionary really doesn't list "limited" as a synonym

Here's what I get when I google "infringe"




Actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.): "infringe a copyright".

Act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on: "infringe on his privacy".


violate - transgress - break - contravene - trespass

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Starting a new page, the first one reached length limit.

Added week of Jan20-26

S. 22: A bill to establish background check procedures for gun shows.


4% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

S. 147: A bill to establish minimum standards for States that allow the carrying of concealed firearms.


4% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

H.R. 427: To prevent the illegal sale of firearms, and for other purposes.


3% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

H.R. 431: To restore certain authorities of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to administer the firearms laws, and for other purposes.


3% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

H.R. 410: To provide that any executive action infringing on the Second Amendment has no force or effect, and to prohibit the use of funds for certain purposes. Rep. Steve Stockman [R-TX36]


6% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

H.R. 437: To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes. Text here

3% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

S. 33: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013 - Text here and here.


10% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

H.R. 449: To provide an amnesty period during which veterans and their family members can register certain firearms in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record, and for other purposes. Rep. Jeff Miller [R-FL1]


6% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

S. 54: Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2013


7% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

S. 35: Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2013


4% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

S. 174: Ammunition Background Check Act of 2013


9% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

H.R. 848: Armed Prohibited Persons Act of 2013


3% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

H.R. 793: Firearm Safety and Buyback Grant Act of 2013


3% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

H.R. 117: Handgun Licensing and Registration Act of 2013


3% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

update Jan26, 2013; added S22, S147, HR427, HR431 and HR410.

update Feb03, 2013; added HR437 (McCarthy AWB).

update Feb05, 2013; added S33, S35 and HR449. Updated percentages.

update Mar06, 2013; added S174, HR848, HR793, HR117.

Several are now zero chance.

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Here's what I get when I google "infringe"

I was using Merriam-Webster. I looked at some others, but wasn't finding that. Where was it.

nevermind, I see it. Google definition (sic)

edited first post to include that

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All text available now. Both Feinstein Senate and McCartney House.

Feinstein's AWB Senate bill:

S. 150: A bill to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes. Text here and here.


(Sent straight to committee, initially slightly less then average chances)

10% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

McCartney's AWB House bill:

H.R. 437: Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 - Text here and here.


3% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

And the magazine capacity bill in the Senate;

S. 33: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013 - Text here and here.


10% chance of getting past committee.

1% chance of being enacted.

To summarize: (updated mar6)

38 bills in house and senate.

4 are from Republicans, leaving 34 from Democrats.

25 are from House and 9 are from Senate.

8 in the house have zero chance of passing.

Leaving 17 house and 9 senate = 23 bills.

All 26 remaining currently have a 1% chance of passing.

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  • 1 month later...

update Mar06, 2013; added S174, HR848, HR793, HR117.

Not much has changed.

Everything still at 1% chance.

There are maybe 5 bills not listed to change law/penalties that also go nowhere.

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Must be nice to be an optimist about all this.

Optimist not. Skeptic yes.

No politician can be so blind and ignorant as to not realize that the almost yearly attempts to force this agenda, is causing massive ownership of firearms and ammunition.

Why? For what? It appears deliberate? What do they know that we don't?

There's my tin foil hat talking.

But then again they are politicians. They just might be blind and ignorant.

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