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Cleveland area job openings for someone with a teaching degree?


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My girlfriend needs a new job. Teacher jobs seem to be few and far between and I'm about tired of her working in East Cleveland and being shit on by this charter school. She'd be looking for something full time that is preferably a 9-5 M-F office type job. I have no idea what type of job types she may qualify for with a teaching degree but figured I'd reach out here and see if anyone had leads or ideas. I do know Sales is not something she is willing to do

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What type of teaching degree does she have? My fiancé works at Julie Bullard school. Small classrooms, and 2 teachers per room. She has 10 students in her kindergarten class. She graduated in may and started there in August and loves it.

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What type of teaching degree does she have? My fiancé works at Julie Bullard school. Small classrooms, and 2 teachers per room. She has 10 students in her kindergarten class. She graduated in may and started there in August and loves it.

I think its early or middle. Shes teaching 4th-6th graders now as a Title 1 teacher. She enjoys doing that and not having just 1 class but the problem lies in the administration being awful but mainly the students are just down right awful and disrespectful. Some of the things they do and say just boggles my mind. Then I realize where it is and the type of family situations they have and I'm not surprised

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Julie Bullard is a private school for kids with mild to moderate learning disabilities. 9 of my finances students have Autism and the other has Aspergers. The school is K-8 but high schools are constantly visiting there trying get the kids to their schools because they are so far ahead and well prepared educationally wise. I don't what your wife is making now but my fiancé started at 29k which is higher than the average starting salary for most teachers and well above those who have a degree for special education. I'm not sure what the differences in teaching degrees is but it may be something to consider.

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i am soooooooo helpful.


private school jobs are what she probably wants though, and for that, she'll just have to bang some rich dudes while you turn a blind eye. (let her) do it for the children.

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i am soooooooo helpful.


private school jobs are what she probably wants though, and for that, she'll just have to bang some rich dudes while you turn a blind eye. (let her) do it for the children.

thanks for the link but I have a feeling she may know this one. Simply because the first link I clicked on was an opening at her school for a teacher who just quit :lol:

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