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James Yeager of TacticalResponse threatens to "start killing people"


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In our fight to preserve our gun right we need all the help we can get. Except this hothead... Look for the embedded video near the bottom on the left. The last couple of sentences are key.

The original youtube video has been edited to remove this bit.

Freedom of speech? Well, up to the point where he threatens to start killing people - then he's on thin ice... But... This video is gonna do the rounds on Piers Morgan and all the other gungrabber news stories as he is portrayed at the face of gun owners everywhere, ready to start killing people when we don't get our way. This is a huge disservice to our cause.


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Made even more sickening by handing them all the ammo they need on a velvet pillow on a silver platter with a silk bow tied around it.

99.99% of gun owners didn't hand them anything. Alex Jones and Yeager have come out of relative cultural obscurity not because they suddenly have gravitas amongst anyone, but because the left looks for loony examples to feed their narrative.

As much as I disagree with his timing and rhetoric, the fact is there have always been blowhards across the entire political spectrum and this is 100% about the left demonizing us. If it weren't Yeager, they'd find someone else to hand them the soundbites they crave.

Nothing new, been going on for years.

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99.99% of gun owners didn't hand them anything. Alex Jones and Yeager have come out of relative cultural obscurity not because they suddenly have gravitas amongst anyone, but because the left looks for loony examples to feed their narrative.

Yeah, um, we on the "left" don't need to do that. I've got an entire facebook feed of people alluding to armed conflict or insurrection if a AWB is passed.

If you feel like you need to take up arms against the government, then you should do just that. If I may quote Carlin: "Come on, you moral crusaders, let's see a little smoke to match that fire in your belly."

The NRA has openly said it wants to have a "conversation", but so far the only thing that's being conversed is the same tired slippery slope fallacies that we've seen again and again. This time there's the added nugget of mental health, which would be nice if the solution from the NRA wasn't "just tag them all and put them in a database, like sex offenders". I seem to recall some legislation passed recently that would have actually given these people some legitimate medical help and therapy, if it wasn't gutted...

Also, Alex Jones has been posted on here fairly regularly, even more so when stuff like this comes up. Don't play the ignorant card now, disavowing knowledge of him one day and link to Infowars the next. I'm still a little annoyed with Piers in giving him the platform to spew his idiocy to a much broader audience, but perhaps that's the necessary medicine to shine a light on the true nature of this "conversation".

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piers morgan is riding this gun control thing like those meth addled whores riding a sybian for the first time. he's pathetic for allowing nut jobs like alex jones on. on his other "interviews" with semi-to-fairly legitimate gun advocates, he got his skull fucked like sasha grey, but didn't like it. he's a sad, intellectually defeated man, but winning financially. hey, it's cool, i would do terribly unspeakable things for money like that.

i don't know how i feel about the "take up arms" and "give them the guns bullets first lol" type comments, but i do know how i feel about confiscation, retroactive bans, or bans of any kind: it IS unconstitutional, and with the patriot act and the healthcare act, and a whole slew of other bullshit we've been subjected to during the clinton-bush-obama fuck-a-saurus years of raping and pillaging the american populace, I'm pretty fucking tired of it.

Before they waste any more time with non-nonsensical, ineffective bullshit, i want them to get their house and books in order. it's the LEAST of their jobs, and they can worry about the guns and what they think is a permissible way to defend ourselves once we're not on the verge of another international financial devaluation.

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Does this really belong in "Firearms and Hunting?" :nono:

Actually I object to all the threads listed below and then some. Just wish I could filter it out with the other politics stuff. I'm gonna go bury my head in the sand now for the next 6 months or so, and then pop back out to see if I can finish building rifles or not.

CA School shooting - one injured, suspect arrested

2013 Assault Weapons Ban Summary

Biden: "Obama can use executive orders for gun control

gahanna home invasion

shoulda read the ObamaCare bill Pelosi, you stupid b*tch

Bank of America freezes American Spirit Arms' bank account?

CHL holder Shoots Robbery Suspect, Protects 2-Month-Old Son

Manager of FPSRussia found murdered...

NY Paper Publishes Legal Gun Permit Holders Names

GA intruder stopped, almost

Do statistics mean anything in gun control debates?

An example of the "type" of judges we have in power.

Guns being evil again.

New House bills related to firearms 2013

Gun Free Zone = Soft Target - They will never learn

Meat market robbery in Canton ends in gun battle.

Illinois Senate Committee votes to ban ALL semi-auto guns

Sen. Dianne Goldman Feinstein Is A Loaded Gun Out to Destroy America

Rural Caucus chair: State should ban, confiscate semi-automatic guns

The Truth About Violent Crime Stats

Changes I would like to see in CHL laws...

Demand celebrities go fuck themselves

All of my resources for winning gun control arguments

200 Utah Teachers take free CCW class

2011 death statistics by the numbers

NRA sees boost in members

Let the knee jerking begin...

David Gregory Violates D.C. Gun Law on National TV

NRA's media event today: your thoughts?

Assault weapons banned in Connecticut.... Since 1993?

Its a win for gun owners in ohio

Email Just Received.

I want everyone to hate me, apparently.

Gun control, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Armed citizens shoot and kill more criminals than police officers do...

P.S. I think the fact that we can't even separate "Firearms and Hunting" as a hobby from all of the above is the whole reason we have this endless political B.S.

Edited by brn6604
Added list, then P.S.
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Yeah, um, we on the "left" don't need to do that. I've got an entire facebook feed of people alluding to armed conflict or insurrection if a AWB is passed.

Well, you on the left ARE doing that so it's academic. People are worked up on both sides, but I haven't read anyone other than Yeager suggesting he's going to shoot people. Hot air about conflict from the gun bunch is no different than the talk of social upheaval and violence that I heard from the Occutards. Point being that there are always people running their mouths, and very few people who will ever do anything about it. The problem is, and you can either be honest or lie to yourself, that the liberal media only sees one side as the problem.

If you feel like you need to take up arms against the government, then you should do just that. If I may quote Carlin: "Come on, you moral crusaders, let's see a little smoke to match that fire in your belly."

If you feel the need to take a royal shit on basic, inalienable civil liberties, then don't be surprised if people are angry no matter what their political stripe. You won't goad me into saying I want violence or a revolution. We have a very effective system of peaceful government (rightly because of the 1st and 2nd), so I want that to work. Besides, in that awful scenario - your side is fucked.

The NRA has openly said it wants to have a "conversation", but so far the only thing that's being conversed is the same tired slippery slope fallacies that we've seen again and again. This time there's the added nugget of mental health, which would be nice if the solution from the NRA wasn't "just tag them all and put them in a database, like sex offenders". I seem to recall some legislation passed recently that would have actually given these people some legitimate medical help and therapy, if it wasn't gutted...

The slippery slope is a matter of historical record. Gun control has been incrementally ratcheted up from nothing to our current levels of nearly 20,000 gun laws on the books and the areas with the strictest control have rampant gun violence. The NRA is smart, and doing their function, to hold the line. Guns aren't the catalyst for violence, Magz. So, I care not a whit about your opinion on that and what you think the NRA ought to be doing.

Also, Alex Jones has been posted on here fairly regularly, even more so when stuff like this comes up. Don't play the ignorant card now, disavowing knowledge of him one day and link to Infowars the next. I'm still a little annoyed with Piers in giving him the platform to spew his idiocy to a much broader audience, but perhaps that's the necessary medicine to shine a light on the true nature of this "conversation".

You're confusing me with someone else, sparky, I've never linked to Infowars in my life. I know of Alex Jones, but culturally he's not a household name. I think the man's a truther fuckwad and about as in line with my political beliefs as you are.

Piers wanted a nutjob, and got one, and even if I agree with AJ on guns he does not represent gun owners any more than Michael Moore represents all liberals....but the left will surely not see it that way. Hell, you're proof that....you think I'm part of that same nutty fringe, based on your own fantasies instead of anything I've ever written or said.

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Bullshit. There is one person on this forum that I can recall continuously citing Prison Planet and he's called out on it every time. I know' date=' because I'm the gun nut that does the calling.

Also, if you're not convinced that your fellow "lefties" aren't threatening the lives of those they disagree with.. then you ought to broaden your horizon. Both sides have nutjobs. Both sides have informed folks.

Piers is about as credible as Glenn Beck. He's a pot stirrer and a fact bender. If he wanted a serious contender regarding facts, statistics and the like.. he wouldn't even bother with Jones or Ventura.[/quote']

I know who you're talking about, and you're right. However, this isn't a new thing, and it's not like this guy hasn't been doing this for some time now.

You're also right about every side having it's wingnuts. However, name me someone that's truly having a reasonable, informed conversation without resorting to the same fallacious arguments about gun control/violence? It's certainly not LaPierre, so who is it?

In the interest of full disclosure, I've watched approximately 3 minutes of Piers Morgan, so I can't speak intelligently on whether or not he makes factual arguments. From what I've seen so far, I can't argue that he's not a pot-stirrer, since that's clearly what's happened here. I suppose I'll go back to watching Cowboy Bebop and continuing to not give a shit about what Piers Morgan says.

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You're confusing me with someone else, sparky, I've never linked to Infowars in my life. I know of Alex Jones, but culturally he's not a household name. I think the man's a truther fuckwad and about as in line with my political beliefs as you are.

Piers wanted a nutjob, and got one, and even if I agree with AJ on guns he does not represent gun owners any more than Michael Moore represents all liberals....but the left will surely not see it that way. Hell, you're proof that....you think I'm part of that same nutty fringe, based on your own fantasies instead of anything I've ever written or said.

I don't need, nor do I care to "goad" anyone into doing anything. I'm merely making an observation from what I've been seeing over the last year or so. Just because you haven't read it doesn't make it not so.

For what it's worth, I'm conflicted on this issue, for reasons that you mentioned and some that you haven't. On the one hand, manufacturers have had 8 years since the AWB expired to churn out all kinds of stuff that was previously illegal, and stuff that was happily and legally snapped up by consumers all over the US. That genie is out of the bottle, and unless the government plans to white-out the Fourth Amendment AND Article 9, Section 1, clawing them back just isn't going to happen. On the other hand, there are certainly steps that can be taken that still allow gun ownership (and thusly uphold the Second) but are more responsible and prudent given the situation we face, such as banning drum mags or other hi-capacity magazines. But again, we run into the issue of 8 years of production, and although you can't undo all that, you can at least try to make things better going forward.

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Banning magazines won't solve a damn thing. I refuse to accept any form of legislation that makes people feel good' date=' versus actually righting a wrong. List the percentage of crime committed with a high capacity magazine/drum magazine. I want to see those numbers from the FBI. I don't want to see Brady's numbers. I don't want to see the NRA's numbers. Show me the real numbers. Let's get this down to nuts and bolts.

When you're finished scratching your head because the perceived threat isn't really a threat.. have a beer, on me.[/quote']

At some point you have to stop attacking the source and start solving the problem.

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piers morgan is riding this gun control thing like those meth addled whores riding a sybian for the first time. he's pathetic for allowing nut jobs like alex jones on. on his other "interviews" with semi-to-fairly legitimate gun advocates, he got his skull fucked like sasha grey, but didn't like it. he's a sad, intellectually defeated man, but winning financially. hey, it's cool, i would do terribly unspeakable things for money like that.

i don't know how i feel about the "take up arms" and "give them the guns bullets first lol" type comments, but i do know how i feel about confiscation, retroactive bans, or bans of any kind: it IS unconstitutional, and with the patriot act and the healthcare act, and a whole slew of other bullshit we've been subjected to during the clinton-bush-obama fuck-a-saurus years of raping and pillaging the american populace, I'm pretty fucking tired of it.

Before they waste any more time with non-nonsensical, ineffective bullshit, i want them to get their house and books in order. it's the LEAST of their jobs, and they can worry about the guns and what they think is a permissible way to defend ourselves once we're not on the verge of another international financial devaluation.

I agree with most everything you say (even the idea that household pets are tasty. I do love the Chinese food.) but I could not agree with the above statement more. This bullshit has gone on too long with no end in sight. It has already been proven by the AWB of '94 and the current bans in chicago and other such places that bans don't work. I don't understand why half the country doesn't see this.

It's mind boggling.

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piers morgan is riding this gun control thing like those meth addled whores riding a sybian for the first time. he's pathetic for allowing nut jobs like alex jones on. on his other "interviews" with semi-to-fairly legitimate gun advocates, he got his skull fucked like sasha grey, but didn't like it. he's a sad, intellectually defeated man, but winning financially. hey, it's cool, i would do terribly unspeakable things for money like that.

i don't know how i feel about the "take up arms" and "give them the guns bullets first lol" type comments, but i do know how i feel about confiscation, retroactive bans, or bans of any kind: it IS unconstitutional, and with the patriot act and the healthcare act, and a whole slew of other bullshit we've been subjected to during the clinton-bush-obama fuck-a-saurus years of raping and pillaging the american populace, I'm pretty fucking tired of it.

Before they waste any more time with non-nonsensical, ineffective bullshit, i want them to get their house and books in order. it's the LEAST of their jobs, and they can worry about the guns and what they think is a permissible way to defend ourselves once we're not on the verge of another international financial devaluation.

Here Here

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I agree. How do we solve this problem?

Great question. I'm sure common sense gun regulation is foremost on Cheech's lips...starting with the guns used in the least amount of crimes.

How well is Mexico's strict gun control working to curb the rampant violence?

Oooh, looks like not at all. Japan's gun ban seems to work, except they're homogenous and don't have violence problems in general. Switzerland doesn't seem to have any gun violence at all, but 1 out of 2 people have guns. Britain has made gun violence very small in societal problems, but their violent crime rate and murder rate are soaring.

It almost seems like guns have nothing to do with a country's propensity towards societal violence....so let's focus on why people turn into murderous dickbags.

Bowl us over with it Cheech, I wanna learn how to keep people from murdering each other.

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....so let's focus on why people turn into murderous dickbags.

That's the single most intelligent thing you've said so far. In gathering data for this, let's set up a system so that these people can get the help they need before they snap and become murderous dickbags. You know, universally. This way, normal folk keep their guns, crazy folk get help and treatment (and if they're found to be truly batshit, lose access to guns), and we save a few lives.

Apparently you (speaking generally) don't like that idea either, so since you don't want to treat the surface symptom of gun control, which I'll freely admit short of stomping on major Constitutional provisions, will do very little to stem the tide of regulating what's already in private hands today, or treating the root cause, which is apparently going to self-destruct America in its socialist web or some shit, what else is left?

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Great question. I'm sure common sense gun regulation is foremost on Cheech's lips...starting with the guns used in the least amount of crimes.

How well is Mexico's strict gun control working to curb the rampant violence?

Oooh, looks like not at all. Japan's gun ban seems to work, except they're homogenous and don't have violence problems in general. Switzerland doesn't seem to have any gun violence at all, but 1 out of 2 people have guns. Britain has made gun violence very small in societal problems, but their violent crime rate and murder rate are soaring.

Who would I be if I didn't answer all your points? I love it when people bring up Switzerland. You know why the Swiss don't have a lot of gun violence? 2 reasons: First, there is no "gun culture" in Switzerland, or in pretty much any part of Europe for that matter. Guns aren't a big deal, they aren't glorified, they aren't used as status symbols. Furthermore, military service in Switzerland is compulsory for 2 years, so EVERYONE knows or was at least taught basic firearm safety and how to handle themselves around a firearm. So the Swiss example is pretty much bullshit.

Mexico? Also a bit of a bad example, although you're getting warmer. Just as they've been smuggling drugs over the border for decades, those smuggling routes work both ways to get legally bought US guns over the border. As much as we think that fed/state/local governments are corrupt, they don't hold a candle to Mexican cops and authority figures. There are places in Mexico where there is literally NO RULE OF LAW, just the rule of the cartels. Even if you did arm the populace, you're still dealing with a criminal element who's highly organized and has enough capital to level you and your entire village. I see where you're going with this, but it still misses the mark.

Britain does have a violence problem, whether that's due to general unrest (see the London riots, due to police shooting a unarmed man) or if there's something else to it I really don't know.

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Who would I be if I didn't answer all your points? I love it when people bring up Switzerland. You know why the Swiss don't have a lot of gun violence? 2 reasons: First, there is no "gun culture" in Switzerland, or in pretty much any part of Europe for that matter. Guns aren't a big deal, they aren't glorified, they aren't used as status symbols. Furthermore, military service in Switzerland is compulsory for 2 years, so EVERYONE knows or was at least taught basic firearm safety and how to handle themselves around a firearm. So the Swiss example is pretty much bullshit.

Mexico? Also a bit of a bad example, although you're getting warmer. Just as they've been smuggling drugs over the border for decades, those smuggling routes work both ways to get legally bought US guns over the border. As much as we think that fed/state/local governments are corrupt, they don't hold a candle to Mexican cops and authority figures. There are places in Mexico where there is literally NO RULE OF LAW, just the rule of the cartels. Even if you did arm the populace, you're still dealing with a criminal element who's highly organized and has enough capital to level you and your entire village. I see where you're going with this, but it still misses the mark.

Britain does have a violence problem, whether that's due to general unrest (see the London riots, due to police shooting a unarmed man) or if there's something else to it I really don't know.

I don't see how Mexico is a bad example, it proves that the bad guys will always have guns. If the people of Mexico had the guns to protect themselves before the cartels became soo powerful they would have had a chance keeping certain villages out of the cartels hands. How is a nation going to defend itself from a corrupt government if the government and bad guys are the only ones with guns?

The argument aboutthe UK shows that getting rid of the guns doesn't reduce the violence. It reduces violence where a gun is used but violent people will always be violent. Less guns just means a different tool will be used. Gun control and bans are only good for oppressing the power of the people, strengthening the power of an oppressive government and giving criminals an easier way to commiting crime against others.

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