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Slower Traffic Keep Right -- Enforcement???


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Welcome to Ohio...where you're buzzing along, down the freeway on your way to work. Traffic is flowing nicely until...

...up ahead, in the right lane, you have a soccer mom in a minivan

carefully watching her speed as she's taking her kids to school. No problem. We'll just go around her on the left, in the passing lane, except for...

In the left lane, just slightly ahead of her, but not far enough to squeeze around, is a pickup truck. It doesn't slow down. It doesn't speed up. It just hangs there at the speed limit.

Soccer mom's lane is six cars deep. You are the eighth car behind the truck. It's one of those large pickup trucks. The larger they are, the more likely it seems that they are to live in the left lane. No amount of flashing of headlights, high beams, or tailgating seems to phase it's driver. Traffic has bottle necked and this guy has been blocking the passing lane for the last five miles.

It's not driving 10 mph over the speed limit that creates a hazard on the freeway. It's situations like this, causing tailgating and impatient driving at times when people have to arrive at their destination in a timely fashion.

4511.25 Lanes of travel upon roadways of sufficient width.

(B)(1) Upon all roadways any vehicle or trackless trolley proceeding at less than the prevailing and lawful speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, and far enough to the right to allow passing by faster vehicles if such passing is safe and reasonable...

(2) Nothing in division (B)(1) of this section requires a driver of a slower vehicle to compromise the driver’s safety to allow overtaking by a faster vehicle.

Perhaps section 2 above allows a vehicle in the left lane to not be compelled to speed in order to clear the lane, but nothing prevents it from falling back into traffic on the right and clearing the lane for passing by faster traffic.

Isn't it way past time for the left lane to be cleared for faster traffic approaching from the rear? C'mon lawmen, get on board here. You know it drives you nuts, too.


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I drive about 40k a year. In multiple states. PA and OH are the worse. OH drivers act entitled to drive out there. They meander along without care and typically, are not paying attention until they spot your grill in their mirror. I don't flash anymore. I flash, I usually get brake checked. Brake checking because they are too freakin stupid to understand it takes maybe 10 seconds to get the hell out of the way and allow me to pass.

In PA, they are aggressive. They will be out in the passing lane and you'll come up on them. They don't get over of course, but you try and pass and they speed up. Almost everyone. It's crazy. You can be set at 72 MPH in a 65 zone and come up on them as they are traveling maybe at 67. Not a big difference, right? But then you either need to hit almost triple speeds to pass or sit behind and continue with inconsistency.

My issue is this. The left lane is a passing lane. Not a traveling lane. I also don't understand why people get so upset that I am traveling at a higher rate of speed than they are. You get up behind them at a regular distance and they never are aware. So, you get up on the bumper and they still don't. You roll out towards the medium in an effort to show yourself as they are on the phone or half asleep. Nothing. You flash them, the world comes crashing to a halt because they JUST become aware and feel you are being a bully. Brake checking, fingers flippin, screams going on, etc.

I'm the asshole because they are not paying attention or not being considerate that they are in a passing lane and not getting over and bottlenecking traffic...

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Hell, I watched a State Trooper sit behind someone and flash his lights (Headlights) and the car just sat there. He got an opening and went around on the right and got around quickly. Saw someone do the same thing and the State Trooper pulled them over as he couldn't get around for quite some time... That was freakin awesome!!

But, that just goes to show how stupid people are.

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It's not driving 10 mph over the speed limit that creates a hazard on the freeway. It's situations like this, causing tailgating and impatient driving at times when people have to arrive at their destination in a timely fashion.

If you can't get to where you are going on time by following the posted speed limits then you should have left earlier. Plain and simple. :nono:

I also don't understand why people get so upset that I am traveling at a higher rate of speed than they are.

Maybe they are concerned for your safety? No, pretty sure they just don't give a damn about the needs of someone that has no regard for the law.

Yeah that's probably it.

Edited by SWing'R
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This time of year in Arizona is horrible. The main highway across the southern part of the state is I-10 near me its pretty much 2 lanes in each direction and divided by a grass median. The speed limit is 75 until you get close to towns. There are a lot of mountains that 10 goes over. About a month or so ago the snowbirds started showing up with their massive tour bus style RV's. Apparently a lot of them don't have the ability to drive them. They will drive in the left lane under 55 mph then stay there as they try to struggle to get it up the mountain hills. It can be a bit of a pucker factor coming over a hill at 85ish to find one of them doing 40 just on the other side. They run side by side blocking the road for miles. On windy days they will use half of each lane to stay on the roadway. Then the semi trucks have a hard time dealing with them because they know they need to keep their speed up going up some of the hills but the blue hairs driving the RV's don't get out of their way until they are going up the hill. So you end up with a truck trying to pass an RV going up hill at 30 mph on the interstate. Then when they clear the hill the RV driver goes 90 down the other side because he can't control the weight of his rig and ends up infront of everyone before the next hill.

Then there are the people who come over from Mexico that have no clue about driving in the United States and probably don't have insurance. It's a blast to deal with.

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If you can't get to where you are going on time by following the posted speed limits then you should have left earlier. Plain and simple. :nono:

Works good in theory if everyone drove the speed limit and would give people room where they need it. But it doesn't work that way.

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Works good in theory if everyone drove the speed limit and would give people room where they need it. But it doesn't work that way.

Gotta start somewhere. It never works when assholes are out there running up everyones ass at 75.

You'd be surprised at how less stressful highway driving is when you set your cruise control at 67mph get in the middle lane and relax.

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Slower Traffic Keep Right -- Enforcement???

You're probably one of the first people to bitch about getting a speeding ticket too. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

It's kind of funny that you want Law Enforcement to HELP you speed? Kinda have a double standard there don't ya buddy?

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If you can't get to where you are going on time by following the posted speed limits then you should have left earlier. Plain and simple.

Spending excessive time on the roads driving behind you because you hog the passing lane going 56 mph and not passing anyone just adds to the problem. If you're not part of the solution' date=' you are a part of the problem.

Maybe they are concerned for your safety? No, pretty sure they just don't give a damn about the needs of someone that has no regard for the law.

Yeah that's probably it.

Maybe they need to be concerned with not impeding the flow of traffic and allowing traffic not to bottle neck behind them like too many other idiot drivers.


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If you can't get to where you are going on time by following the posted speed limits then you should have left earlier. Plain and simple. :nono:

Maybe they are concerned for your safety? No' date=' pretty sure they just don't give a damn about the needs of someone that has no regard for the law.

Yeah that's probably it.[/quote']

Ok, here we go. You travel at the EXACT speed limit everywhere you go never above whatsoever. And, everyone that does is in danger or causing danger to others. Because there can't be any drivers driving at 5-7 MPH over and be capable in a degree FAR greater than your own ability to handle that?

Second and I'll let you rant - the right lane is for travel, correct? Left lane is for passing. Your job as a driver under your utopian world would be that you should NEVER be in that lane as everyone should be at the set speed limit and can single file the whole trip.

Now, GOD forbid you actually may come across a slower than posted speed limit driver and have to pass. Checking your blind spot and all mirrors, you decide to venture out into the depths of danger into the passing lane. While out there, you know you cannot exceed the set speed limit so, it takes 3-4 business days for you to get your shit done. Well and good. But, do you NOT believe that the passing lane is a pass lane only? Do you think sitting out there at the same speed as the person next to you is totally fine or that you should be considerate to your fellow earthlings and get over into the slow lane to stop clogging traffic?

I don't know what stretch of barren waste land you travel, but we are talking highways/interstates. I know I have YET to find a place that everyone travels at the set speed.

You are not the Hwy Patrol and shouldn't be taking things into your own hands. But, I can guarantee that your policing the freeways occurs. I've probably been up behind you traveling at 55 mph on the nose passing someone going 54 mph and you flip me off, pump the brakes, etc trying to teach me a lesson. Lesson is that you are being as big a safety issue as me traveling faster than posted. You looking back, pumping brakes, speeding up and slowing down all the while not focused on the task in front of you and at your lower ability level is a recipe for danger.

In fact, I want around guys like you quickly as to not get collected in the carnage about to occur the minute shit hits the fan...

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Gotta start somewhere. It never works when assholes are out there running up everyones ass at 75.

You'd be surprised at how less stressful highway driving is when you set your cruise control at 67mph get in the middle lane and relax.

Wait, you don't speed, remember? So, you'd set it at 65 mph and probably have a speedo error of 2-3 mph so, in actuality, going 2-3 mph SLOWER than the rest of the flow.

God, I'd love to have you in Chicago traffic or similar. You'd be so wet behind the ears, you'd have to pull over to change your soiled panties...:rolleyes:

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If you need a law that requires you to get out of the left lane when another vehicle is approaching from behind' date=' you're either an idiot or you have an inferiority complex of some kind. My step-mother used to park her Yukon in the left lane and run 65-67mph. When other drivers would knock on her back door she wouldn't move, but would force the driver around her on the right. She wasn't a cop and neither are most of us. Get your cunty ass in the middle/right lane and jerk off to NPR all you want. Just get the fuck out of my way.[/quote']

Me likey!!! Swing probably has XM set to NPR and has a clean air vehicle to boot! Speed limit, public radio and green living. He's the man!! We are all the end of civilization for sure...

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I also don't understand why people get so upset that I am traveling at a higher rate of speed than they are. ...

:plus1: Those people are fucking nuts and need some psycho therapy. I see it all the time. It's like they have a complex and feel like they are some sort of leader and flip out when they get passed. Getting passed isn't an insult, it just means somebody wants to go a little quicker.

If this was the norm, every runner that got passed by another runner would be fighting. Hell, maybe they're the people that feel the need to walk 4 abreast in a store and you have to walk at a creepers pace behind them because you can't get around (That's another rant.). Car drivers that have this mentality are the stupidest people you will come across. It's funny just thinking of them. :lol:

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Second and I'll let you rant - the right lane is for travel, correct? Left lane is for passing. Your job as a driver under your utopian world would be that you should NEVER be in that lane as everyone should be at the set speed limit and can single file the whole trip.

Sure would be nice wouldn't it. But, seems some people like to drive faster than others which tends to upset the utopian flow of things.

Now, GOD forbid you actually may come across a slower than posted speed limit driver and have to pass. Checking your blind spot and all mirrors, you decide to venture out into the depths of danger into the passing lane. While out there, you know you cannot exceed the set speed limit so, it takes 3-4 business days for you to get your shit done. Well and good. But, do you NOT believe that the passing lane is a pass lane only? Do you think sitting out there at the same speed as the person next to you is totally fine or that you should be considerate to your fellow earthlings and get over into the slow lane to stop clogging traffic?

First of all, get your facts straight if you want to discuss this. It IS perfectly legal to exceed the posted speed limit in order to pass another vehicle.

I've even talked my way out of a ticket quoting that little tidbit of information.

Secondly. I don't advocate just hanging out in the left lane locked at the speed limit. It pisses me off too after awhile if I need to use the lane to pass. BUT, I will not go out of my way to excessively speed to get out of the left lane just to appease you. If I have ventured into the left lane to pass a slower vehicle and you happen to run up my ass while I'm doing it I will indeed get over, but I will get over at my own safe pace, you can wait until I've made my pass and am ready to get back over.

I drive for a living. It is probably 70% of my job description. I've probably logged more highway miles than anyone on this site, unless they are a commercial truck driver. My clean driving record is important to my career. My work vehicle speed is gps tracked and logged. My concern is not that fact that you want to exceed the speed limit. I will indeed do my best to be courteous to other drivers on the road, and I will get out of your way, when I can do so in a safe manner without violating the safe driving regulations set forth by my employer. My safety, and my job, are more important than your need for speed.

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Gotta start somewhere. It never works when assholes are out there running up everyones ass at 75.

You'd be surprised at how less stressful highway driving is when you set your cruise control at 67mph get in the middle lane and relax.

I consider this and all your other comments in this thread hypocritical.

You ride above your head on every group ride. Exceed the speed limit on every ride trying play catch up like a newb only to run off the road in the next corner and or plain out crash due completely to exsessive speed. Then to come on here and ash the group for going to fast when you were the only douche to crash. How many group rides have you had a fuck up on? Oh that's right all of them. And now you want to stand on a soap box about speed? Really? You're a Fucktard.

With all due respect and shit

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