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Slower Traffic Keep Right -- Enforcement???


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Again with the making shit up. Heres a better idea' date=' since you and MT need to make shit up to get your stupid points across you two can STFU.

I never fucking said anybody was fucking dangerous for speeding, speed all you fucking want I don't care. What I did say was if you can't get to

where you are going by doing the speed limit then you should have fucking left earlier.

And how do you figure I consider myself a badass? Dude I'm a 5'5' 195lbs 45yr old married man who's been riding about 5 years,

I'll be the first to admit I'm far from a badass. But at least I'm still taller than MT. ;)

So as for keeping this thread alive til tomorrow like the person above was hoping for, nope sorry. Done.

When every other person commenting is just making shit up as the go alone, I'm done entertaining.

:bigfinger: Done.[/quote']

:lol: you just keep making shit up and saying its us. I'm 5'7 dipshit, even by Coshocton math that's taller than 5'5

And no you're not done, stop lying you couldn't stay out of this hole you dug even if Melissa gave you your balls back. Now sit down little man before you give yourself an aneurism

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Hmmm, looking at residency in Texas and have been wondering about how this goes on there.

Near the border is horrible everywhere in Texas. The big cities suck. The highway in BFE put there is awesome, I think some spots the day time speed limit is 80 or 85. But stay outside of the cities and you'll be fine. My mom lives in san Antonio and the worst part of the drive is el paso hands down. It's a border town and the roads are always busy. We've gotten stuck in a traffic jam there at 10pm.

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Its snowing and it's dark ... please drive 19 mph in the left lane with your flashers and high beams on.

Oh wait, you are already doing that? Great ... you are limiting your visibility and blinding oncoming traffic. Why put yourself in more danger?

Great job Genius, you are pissing off each and every one of us that can actually drive 40 mph in adverse conditions.

Learn how to drive, get a better car, buy some tires, and get off of the one part of the road that you don't understand.

"Please dear God, don't let them get any brainy ideas about driving in the rain with their flashers on" I will just loose it.

You know what! forget that! ... "Dear Jesus, please instill, with some miracle, the thought that everyone should drive around at all times with their flashers on. Because driving is dangerous in any condition and at any speed.

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If you need a law that requires you to get out of the left lane when another vehicle is approaching from behind' date=' you're either an idiot or you have an inferiority complex of some kind. My step-mother used to park her Yukon in the left lane and run 65-67mph. When other drivers would knock on her back door she wouldn't move, but would force the driver around her on the right. She wasn't a cop and neither are most of us. Get your cunty ass in the middle/right lane and jerk off to NPR all you want. Just get the fuck out of my way.[/quote']


I go ~70mph on the freeway so I float in and out of the left lane, but I move the hell out of the way for faster traffic. Shit pisses me off about as much as people driving with their brights on.

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Laws and signs don't mean shit. IL has had these for years and they are never enforced or at least not enforced when I have had a chance to witness.

It is my firm belief is that much of this behaviour stems from a large percentage of the population that never operated their vehicle on a 2-lane road and hence, never learned how to pass.

Far too many people are like my wife who grew up in an urban setting and never needed to acquire the "passing" skill. However, they did learn the "queue" skill. My wife cannot pass and comes unglued every time I do it. Quite funny actually.

So, we have created a large numbers of "queuers" that are quite comfortable being in a line,enjoy being at the front of the line and don't know anything different.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did we actually get a comment on here from a LEO?


I'll comment.

I'm not on here a lot and I've only ever met maybe 4 guys here, so I'm not really privvy to the group dynamics, but respect to Midget Todd, cause that shit is hilarious.

In my car, provided road conditions are acceptable, I always set the cruise at 9 over. 64 in a 55, 74 in a 65, etc. On the interstate, unless there is a really torn up section of road or some other good reason not to, I always stay in the right lane, and merge left to pass. If someone comes up behind me, which is rare, I get over immediately.

On the bike, I really have little regard for speed limits. I try and keep my speeds at around 10 over, but invariably I look down and I'm doing 85+ mph. I took my lumps for that years ago with a 4 point, 119 in a 55 citation; and I'm quite certain I'll get another one at some point. It happens - ya gotta pay if you want to play. On the bike I am also always in the right lane, except to pass or under the conditions described above.

I'm personally ok with speeding if the combination of equipment, skill, road surface, weather, and traffic density is all proportionate; and I write very, very, very few speeding tickets because of that and because of my own propensity to speed. I make a lot of speed stops, but that's to sniff out what else might be going on. To actually get a speeding ticket from me, you have to first catch me when I'm not getting bombarded with other calls, then you also have to have a shitty driving record, and you have to sprinkle in a dollop of asshole with a smattering of uninsured.

I also hate, with a fucking passion, those fucktards who clog the left lane, or who insist on going under the speed limit on a 2 lane road. I understand that not everyone shares my habit of speeding, and that's okay; but at least go the speed limit, and get over if someone wants to pass. I chuckled at some people's comments on here, because I do the same thing. Climb up someone's ass, yep. Flash the brights, yep. Make insane arm gestures, yep. A few years ago I took a pursuit class and we did live PITs on other vehicles on a track; and for months after that, as I was trapped behind a horde of Voyagers and Siennas I would daydream about just smashing the slowpokes off the road and laughinging maniacally as they spun into the median, unaware of what had just happened to them.

I have a divided highway (8 lane, actually) in my jurisdiction but it's not really a "freeway" in the sense that it has traffic lights and cross streets, so there are always cars in the left lanes that are moving slowly in preparation for merging, turning, etc. Thus, I can't really engage in much enforcement for left lane violators. I do make some general "impeding traffic" stops on cars that are clearly trundling along below the speed limit and have several cars backed up behind them. I'd like to see the OSP do more in the way of educating drivers to stay right on multi lane roads, and I'd like to see more enforcement on the freeway. Sadly, the OSP is so wrapped up in writing speeding tickets that they fail to enforce a lot of traffic laws that would truly promote safety and improve traffic flow.

Oh, and as far as it being legal to pass at 10 over, umm, no. As someone else said, the speed limit is the limit. Well, I mean, technically it's the limit.... ;)

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I'll comment.

I'm not on here a lot and I've only ever met maybe 4 guys here, so I'm not really privvy to the group dynamics, but respect to Midget Todd, cause that shit is hilarious.

In my car, provided road conditions are acceptable, I always set the cruise at 9 over. 64 in a 55, 74 in a 65, etc. On the interstate, unless there is a really torn up section of road or some other good reason not to, I always stay in the right lane, and merge left to pass. If someone comes up behind me, which is rare, I get over immediately.

On the bike, I really have little regard for speed limits. I try and keep my speeds at around 10 over, but invariably I look down and I'm doing 85+ mph. I took my lumps for that years ago with a 4 point, 119 in a 55 citation; and I'm quite certain I'll get another one at some point. It happens - ya gotta pay if you want to play. On the bike I am also always in the right lane, except to pass or under the conditions described above.

I'm personally ok with speeding if the combination of equipment, skill, road surface, weather, and traffic density is all proportionate; and I write very, very, very few speeding tickets because of that and because of my own propensity to speed. I make a lot of speed stops, but that's to sniff out what else might be going on. To actually get a speeding ticket from me, you have to first catch me when I'm not getting bombarded with other calls, then you also have to have a shitty driving record, and you have to sprinkle in a dollop of asshole with a smattering of uninsured.

I also hate, with a fucking passion, those fucktards who clog the left lane, or who insist on going under the speed limit on a 2 lane road. I understand that not everyone shares my habit of speeding, and that's okay; but at least go the speed limit, and get over if someone wants to pass. I chuckled at some people's comments on here, because I do the same thing. Climb up someone's ass, yep. Flash the brights, yep. Make insane arm gestures, yep. A few years ago I took a pursuit class and we did live PITs on other vehicles on a track; and for months after that, as I was trapped behind a horde of Voyagers and Siennas I would daydream about just smashing the slowpokes off the road and laughinging maniacally as they spun into the median, unaware of what had just happened to them.

I have a divided highway (8 lane, actually) in my jurisdiction but it's not really a "freeway" in the sense that it has traffic lights and cross streets, so there are always cars in the left lanes that are moving slowly in preparation for merging, turning, etc. Thus, I can't really engage in much enforcement for left lane violators. I do make some general "impeding traffic" stops on cars that are clearly trundling along below the speed limit and have several cars backed up behind them. I'd like to see the OSP do more in the way of educating drivers to stay right on multi lane roads, and I'd like to see more enforcement on the freeway. Sadly, the OSP is so wrapped up in writing speeding tickets that they fail to enforce a lot of traffic laws that would truly promote safety and improve traffic flow.

Oh, and as far as it being legal to pass at 10 over, umm, no. As someone else said, the speed limit is the limit. Well, I mean, technically it's the limit.... ;)

Cheers. :cheers:

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...provided road conditions are acceptable, I always set the cruise at 9 over. 64 in a 55, 74 in a 65, etc.

On the bike...I try and keep my speeds at around 10 over...

I think most roads can be driven on safely at 10 mph over the posted limit. I figure that, though it may be safe to drive them at ten over, if a 35 was posted at 45, and it was a safe speed for that road, some idiot would drive it at 55 where it is not safe, and that a slower posting than what is safe allows for a buffer zone for safety, for those who limit their speed to 10 or so over, like I usually do.

I'm personally ok with speeding if the combination of equipment, skill, road surface, weather, and traffic density is all proportionate; and I write very, very, very few speeding tickets because of that and because of my own propensity to speed. I make a lot of speed stops, but that's to sniff out what else might be going on.

So, though I may not get a speeding ticket, I can still expect speeding to be a "reason" to be pulled over so that a witch hunt can ensue in hopes that I can be found guilty of something stronger.

Sadly, the OSP is so wrapped up in writing speeding tickets that they fail to enforce a lot of traffic laws that would truly promote safety and improve traffic flow.

Right. We don't believe for a minute that it's about safety. We do believe it's about revenue, another tax.

Maybe that's why some speed limits seem to be arbitrarily under posted. The temptation and human nature to drive at a more reasonable speed overwhelms our patience and we press our luck through those areas until we become a victim of an engineered revenue collection zone. (i.e. Granville St. in Gahanna, a 25 mph four lane at 3 a.m. with no other traffic)

...the speed limit is the limit. Well, I mean, technically it's the limit.... ;)

Still, I don't want to be pulled over by you. And though you may be an alright guy, the second cop, the one riding shotgun, or the one in the car behind you who just pulled up because they were close by, he or she may be having a bad night and an attitude to match and not be so cool.


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So, though I may not get a speeding ticket, I can still expect speeding to be a "reason" to be pulled over so that a witch hunt can ensue in hopes that I can be found guilty of something stronger.

Still, I don't want to be pulled over by you. And though you may be an alright guy, the second cop, the one riding shotgun, or the one in the car behind you who just pulled up because they were close by, he or she may be having a bad night and an attitude to match and not be so cool.


You'd only have something to worry about if your a shit bag or a dick. The second part the backup cop will not step on the others toes unless your being a complete dick. So if your a shitbag with something to hide or a dick and don't want a ticket its easy don't give them a reason to pull you over. Anything a leo cites you for is your fault not theirs so to try to blame your ticket on them having a bad day is juvenile. Don't hate on them for enforcing the laws if you have a problem with the laws hate on the people that demand the laws be put in place or the people who have screwed it up by making those people feel the law is needed. A utopian anarchist society would be nice but never work because of human nature. People are inherently evil and greedy which is why we need laws and those people enforcing them.

Edited by cOoTeR
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Still, I don't want to be pulled over by you. And though you may be an alright guy, the second cop, the one riding shotgun, or the one in the car behind you who just pulled up because they were close by, he or she may be having a bad night and an attitude to match and not be so cool.

I've had the polar opposite happen. Never been happier to see a second cruiser with Mr. Smiley behind the wheel. Got me out of some serious shit.

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.......... we need laws and those people enforcing them.

While I read and understand what MeefZah was saying, the obvious bypassing of enforcing basic traffic laws probably has more bearing on shit that happens on the road than speeding does. Whether people including Leo's, think its chickenshit, enforcement of all the laws is a necessity.

Also, hearing about people, especially Leo's, caught speeding at 30-80+ mph over the posted limit with some failing breathalizer tests by double or more the legal limit, then getting off with mere slaps on the wrists is the total horsechit.

Enforce the freaking law, all the laws, equally without prejudice or favoritism. If the fines need to be raised to cover costs, then do it.

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