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Rock on the Range 2013 LineUp


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We just procurred our camp package again for this year. We typically buy as soon as they go on sale, but we weren't sure we were going until they released the lineup today. Anyone else going?


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its a pretty decent lineup. Do they still not release the actual time and stage schedule before hand? I stopped going because it always pissed me off how expensive tickets were getting and that it always seemed the handful of bands I wanted to see always played at the same time

Normally Three Days Grace would be my draw and I'd go no matter what but since Adam has left the band, its just meh

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You may want to see who is scheduled to play each day. Considering ticket, lodging, gas, and food costs (no reentry) its way over priced to see a band play a short set. Ill browse craigslist as usual to look for people selling their tickets though. I would like to see quite a few bands as usual.

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I think they schedule some of the more popluar bands early in the day to try to get you in there. As stated above, once you're in, you can't leave which is a crock of shit! So you may have to miss Lamb of God early, or try to last the whole day in there if you want to see the headliners. Sucks

I'm hoping since it is supposed to be 3 full days this year, that they start a little later than noon each day.

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