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Obama wants to take away your football!


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Ok i know its all bullshit.. and he doesn't want to actually take it away but he thinks it should change... its to violent... apparently a football player is too dangerous!

all bull anyways i mean its a yahoo news artical lol


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Currently, the NFL is considering getting rid of the kickoffs, since they're the most dangerous plays in the game.

If the NFL gets rid of kick offs I don't know if I will watch any more. They already have made the defensive players afraid to hit.

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If the NFL gets rid of kick offs I don't know if I will watch any more. They already have made the defensive players afraid to hit.

They'll get rid of all the plays and just have dance fever in the end zones.

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In all honesty, they should consider taking away the pads and helmets. The amount of pads they wear today are akin to armor and I am convinced enables much more aggressive hits.

Game would tone down a bit if it was more of a mix of rugby and lacrosse. Shared pain. Most of us have played football without pads with friends and it is still a lot of fun. Heck, Lingerie football is great and shows that uniforms are not necessary for good play.

CE type armor with lighter weight helmets more like Lacrosse of Hockey.

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If the NFL gets rid of kick offs I don't know if I will watch any more. They already have made the defensive players afraid to hit.

If kickoffs are changed, football will survive, we'll get used to it, and we'll tell our grandchildren how it used to be.

At one time, forward passing was illegal. In that case, it was Teddy Roosevelt who intervened to change that rule. Later, the tackle, guard and center were eliminated as eligible receivers.

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