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Squid time!


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Stupid: When I was 15 I had a TS125. I was adjusting the fuel/oil mixture and wasn't happy doing it at idle. So, I left the cover (also front sprocket cover) off and road it while reaching down and turning the adjustment. I was half watching where I was going and half watching where I was putting my hand. That's when I stuck my left index finger into the front sprocket. I lost the end of my finger in .5 seconds. Ouch!!

Squid: I was meeting some girls that I had the host for at a restaurant. I got there a little early, so I sat in the parking lot on my 83 GPz550 looking cool with my helmet perched on a mirror. I saw the girls go by, but they turned on the wrong road. I decided to blast down the road and catch them. I took of with my helmet still on the mirror, but I had the strap in my hand, so it was okay right? No, I wnet flying down the road fast enough for the helmet to catch the wind and take off like a hot air balloon. It flew up in the air, came down behind me bounced a couple times and then rolled across the road. As I stopped, I saw that the girls were just turning around and saw the whole thing. I don't think they thought I was cool.

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I think the most embarrassing moment for me was right after I bought my 636(first bike). It had only been about 3 days and I was in the garage getting used to starting in first gear. So Id put it in first ride forward a couple feet, put it in neutral, back up and repeat. Well I had the garage door propped open(less than halfway up) wasn't paying attention and just popped the clutch. Jumped forward flew off the bike into the garage door :facepalm:

there was another time I was going to sports authority to meet up with a buddy of mine and I pulled up, put A foot down lost my footing and fell over and off the bike.

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Back when I had my Bandit I would back out of my parking space at work and let the bike just roll by itself since the lot was on an incline. I got pretty good at putting my feet up and just letting the bike go, then I'd turn to go down the lane just like a car. Well, one day I got going a little quicker than normal, and the gas in the tank sloshed to the right taking the bike and me with it. Only bent the brake lever. I've never backed out without feet since!

3 years ago I dropped my SV in the garage not knowing the kickstand wasn't down. It has hard saddlebags and I parked the bike perpendicular in the garage and behind my Mustang. It was a tight fit anyway so I didn't realize the saddlebag was resting against the back of the car when I went to move it, and once I pulled the bike to the side, over it went since there was no kickstand to catch it. Just broke the clutch lever and felt quite stupid. I always check for kickstands these days!

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I used to be really good at pulling to a parking spot and right as I would come to a stop without putting my feet down I would flick the kickstand down, lean to the left and hop off the bike as it rested on the kickstand. All of this would take place within a second with the balancing act. Except for one day I forgot something at my house right as I left, so in a hurry I turned around to grab my "phone" (I can't remember what it was I forgot) and I thought I had pulled this trick again. Only this time my foot didn't catch the kickstand. So with me throwing the bike to the left for the kickstand to catch with no kickstand, I got pinned between a bush next to my driveway and my bike. Luckly neither I or the bike had a scratch.

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I bought my first CBR when I was 17, it lasted 2 weeks. One day when I was out riding I saw a car full of girls I knew sitting at the intersection of tippicanoe and 224, so I decided that I was going to be joe cool. When I pulled up next to them I looked over at them to give them the hey look at me I'm cool nod I got shot off the bike and ended up laying in the middle of the road. As it turns out they were in the left turn lane waiting for traffic to clear and the light was green. Seeing their car stopped I never even looked to see if the light was red I just assumed resulting in me getting rear ended by a lady in a caddy. Needless to say I was lucky to walk away that day but the bike wasn't.

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it was warm in cincy a couple weeks ago, I got overly excited to ride my new bmw to bike night. took it out of winter storage mode and headed off. forgot to lock the passenger seat down. I made it pretty good ways down the highway before I felt the seat tap me on the back. I did a swift, panic like manuver to try and secure the seat, but too late. I watched it pinball off a few cars. that was an expensive mistake. apparently, bmw is very proud of their products.

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First ride ever was on my VFR. Came home after riding around for about half hour with no issues and on cloud 9. When I stopped in the driveway I has my front wheel turned to the left and somehow the bike ended up on its left side in the driveway :(

Two weeks later I was practicing slow manuvers for my license test in an empty parking lot. Went to make a right out of the parking lot and stalled it while leaned over, fell on its right side.

So now both sides were messed up within 2 weeks of me owning it but havent had any issues since. Thinking of buying new plastics but I know as soon as I do something else dumb is going to happen.

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I almost forgot one of my greatest squid moment until a friend reminded me.

I once decided that laying a coat of armor-all on the passenger seat would make it look really nice and shiny. The passenger that slide all over the seat on the following ride was not so impressed. :lol:

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Put a bike up on the front stand without it being on the rear stand first. I barely touched the thing, and off she feel. Thankfully there was a drywalled wall right there that cushioned /slowed the fall. Idiot move.

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While riding home on the highway one night, I was leaning on my tank and hit my kill switch. I had hit a bump at the same time so I thought maybe something was just loose so I grabbed the clutch and tried to start it and got no response, tried to bump start it while I still had momentum. Coasted to the side of the highway, tried again and still nothing. Sat there for about 10 minutes until I decided to call a friend to come pick me up and dump the bike. While taking my phone out to make the call it hit me. Flipped the switch, started up, drove home.

I left out the normal, no kick stand, kick stand not all the way down, and the rear seat tapping me on the back just to remind me to watch it skyrocket 40 ft into the air.

Edited by demitrix
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stopped at burger king for lunch, out the kick stand down, but not all the way. went to set the bike down it kicked over and scraed my right leg the whole way down. broke my coolant overflow, but not enough to lose it all. picked it up and took off.. to ashamed to even remove my helmet and go get my food.

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Rode to work early one day, aaaand hadn't noticed that shoelace had wrapped around gearshift. Rolled into parking spot, went to put left foot down, and down we both went. Since it was wrapped around shifter peg, and bike was laying on top of me, couldn't reach down to undo it. So I just layed there in my parking place, bike on top of me for about 10 minutes, heard a car oll up behind me and a voice, "Need some help?" Yep, Columbus police cruiser. He got out, lifted the bike up so I could unleash myself from shifter. Yeah, quadruple knotted shoes from that day forward, no lace loops to catch on shifter.

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  • 3 months later...

Here is another one of my famous brain farts. I pulled in the garage and sat there thinking of what all I had left on my to do list and wondering when I was ever going to clean the garage out.

I then started to step off the bike without ever putting the kickstand down, only damage was scratches on the case guard on the left side and busted the windshield off on the Kawasaki's tire. I replaced the windshield with the factory one from my '98 Bandit that was hanging on the wall.




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Night I bought my vfr, after being on a 75 550 four for 4 months, I was leaving a restraunt with my parents, I go to take off and my dad flies by me, I think, screw this so I drop it down to 2nd at 50 mph or so, let clutch out and boom.....front end goes up and up and up right infront of a cop going the other way :(

Leaving downtown Indy after hanging out Saturday night of 2010 motogp race, I'm on my cb550 and I lose my lights, so I'm riding between my dad and his friend. We stop at Walmart to get a fuse. Well stupid me I can't find the right fuse so I use a larger rating, not thinking of it and start it back up and I smell burning electronics. Melted half the wiring harness.

Ninja 650 - 2 beers, last summer during one of those 90+ degree days and worked from 7-6... I didn't even make it 4 miles before I felt the need to hurl. Well amazingly I had my open face on and turned my head to the side and up chucked at 45mph all over the car behind me....

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