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Squid time!


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Had a TT-500 that I ran all the country roads on and one day I couldn't get it started, so I decide to bump start it. Put it in 2nd gear and take off running down the driveway, I got a pretty good run at it and jump on the seat sidesaddle and dump the clutch. When I jumped on the bike and put my one foot on the peg I kicked the shifter into first, might as well have just stomped on the brake because the bike lurched to a stop tossing me off balance. There I am sidesaddle with my feet on the left of the bike and its falling over on the right side, we hit the ground and my friend said I did about the ugliest fat boy in gym class backflip you ever did see, lol.

I could probably write a book on me, motor vehichles and why I'm lucky to be here.

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My dumb ass decided it was a good idea to take my motorcycle downtown to go to a bar since parking is a bitch down there. Since I was in a "I want peni" mood I wore heels and a dress. My oh shit moment came when I left the bar and was trying to take 4th north but it was under construction so it put me on 670 to 71. My very cold very exposed ass was very puckered.

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So many:

Push starting the 1199 at the gas stop on to of Cherry Cola from last years OR trip to the GAP. Running in full leathers/gear. My out of shape ass got it started, hoped on and stalled it trying to pull away. I almost cried.

The afternoon before the GAP trip last year, getting arrested in KY and not getting home until 3 AM. Got up at 7 to get ready to head to the GAP.

Age 15, waving to cute cheerleader I knew in her car (Red Dodge Daytona 1987ish) to my left on side street waiting to pull out, looked back forward and cars had come to a complete stop. Ran into the back of a car.

Age 30 or so: Doing stoppie in middle of 3 lanes of traffic, absolutely no gear, no helmet, heading to lunch. Khakis and polo shirt. Locked the front tire doing 45 or so. Hit my nuts pretty hard on the tank. Stopped at destination of Bob Evans (Pfeiffer Road, Cincinnati). Went to bathroom to get grease off my pants. Turns out grease wasn't grease, it was blood leaking out of the hole in the back of my left leg, just under my knee. Rode to ER to get it cleaned and stitched up. Bike never hit the ground, but came close.

Hole in the back of my leg from the little round ball on the kick stand detent on my VTR.

My buddy, who now owns that VTR was riding behind me on his GS500 and saw the whole thing. It helps to have a witness, especially pre video days.

I'm sure I have many others, like dropping my brothers 1985 Shadow 1100 when I was 16 and weighed maybe 120lbs. So hard to get that beast back up.


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Thinking that my noob self on a 600 Katana could keep up with 8-9 other guys on bikes ranging from Honda 959s to a Duc 1098, 80% of them in full leathers, running the normal route to Coshocton that I've never been on before.

Ask one of the Columbus regulars about Cheech's Corner on 79N in Newark. Don't be that guy.

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You name it, I've probably done it.

First bike I ever go on was a 85 Maxim 650 my buddy just finished fixing up. Made it 100 yds before I realized I didn't remember how to ride a bike and it wasn't turning when I turned the bars.

Dropped a bike turning from Klondike onto 36 when I misjudged the steep angle of the turn. Caught the bike with my leg, but couldn't lift it from that position. Had to set it down to get off and pick it up. Only damage was my pride.

Dropped a bike on Emerald Parkway when I learned that aggressive lean angles in roundabouts and applying power on painted white arrows don't match.

Packed and loaded all my stuff up while PCS'ing from Ft. Gordon and realized I still had to go ride the Hardley to the ramp so we could load it. Ended up riding the two miles to the ramp (At the Harley dealership...) in a neon pink cut-off T-Shirt with Girl Power on it and a pair of mesh shorts. Luckily, no pictures were taken.

Dropped a bike at the dragon when I switched from the GSXR1000 I was riding with good tires to a 1000RR with bad OE tires. No feel + trying to run that same lines and speeds as the GSXR = Me thrown off a hill. Right in front of a camera stand. I was a featured photo. It was awesome. :lol:

Dropped a bike at M-O where I was educated that following the instructor at whatever speed he is going regardless of my comfort level will only result in him continuing to go faster and me crashing trying to keep up.

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Just hours after I purchased the bike from a private owner and had it delivered to my garage, I was cleaning her up and tried moving the bike without mounting it and almost dropped it right on the garage floor. Hadn't even ridden it yet but I caught it just in time!!!

Riding this past fall, I tried doing a u-turn in the road and the front wheel caught some gravel on the edge of the road and slid right out from under me and I didn't get my foot down fast enough to catch the bike...scuffed the left side engine cover, fairing and turn signal and the pride of course. Ugh!!! Won't do that again. Sport bikes don't have a great turning radius like you think. I took my MSC training on a dual sport bike.

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I abused my R6.. The wreck was in a parking lot. At a skills refresher at Solid Rock this spring. The tps was fudging up and trying to stall the bike the whole way through. I got to the quick stop, and my frustration led me to accelerate much quicker than the Rebel 250 that I last tried on did. My quick stop turned into a long slide... The bike went at least 100 feet and into the grass on the far side of the lot. Luckiily the fairings were already off.

I admit to most of my retard moments being inexperience.

For squidliness, I need to work on road rage. I've made some decisions I knew weren't good ideas. Punched a guy's mirror who was trying to run me off the road once.

I also tried to get on the bike while walking it. Pulled my bad shoulder out keeping it up, but I did!

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Thinking that my noob self on a 600 Katana could keep up with 8-9 other guys on bikes ranging from Honda 959s to a Duc 1098, 80% of them in full leathers, running the normal route to Coshocton that I've never been on before.

Ask one of the Columbus regulars about Cheech's Corner on 79N in Newark. Don't be that guy.

Totally forgot about that!!!!

I think that was my first Coshocton trip. Or second? Shit, I don't remember. I just remember my throttle sticking right after leaving the Pony and having to force it closed the rest of the day.

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I had a 2000 suzuki intruder 1400 that I ran the crap out of when I was a newb. I was riding with a friend that had a sportster 1200. We always talked trash to each other ever since we met about everything. So bikes were no different. I could power wheelie my intruder in first I'd rev it up let off the crack the throttle and most of the time it would lift the front up about a foot and a half then set it down nice and smooth. I had been telling my friend he was on a pussy bike because he couldn't even get it to do a wheelie. I had been doing them all day just to piss him off. We had stopped at the Harley dealer at 36/37 and 71 in Delaware. When we were leaving I decided to do another wheelie as we pulled off. I did it the same as I always had but this time the front tire shot up in the air way faster then I had ever experienced. My left foot came off the peg but some how I kept my right foot on and was able to tap the rear brake. The front of the bike slammed down hard and I about dumped it trying to get my balance and climb back onto the bike. When we got up to the light my friend said he was hoping I was going to drop my jap bike infront of a Harley dealer.

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I tried to chase a couple CORE riders with way more sport bike experience and way better machines on my Katana in Hocking. This resulted in me playing catch up all day until my wore out ass parked it under a guardrail on 595.

Back in '90 on my first bike (77 CB360) I touched the front brake in a gravel parking lot. Lesson learned

When I first got the Katana it had been dropped so I got it painted. About 2 weeks later while pulling up to a party on my shiny new steed I rode thru the grass to park on the sidewalk and touched the front brake causing it to flop on its side in front of about 30 people and destroying the new paint job.

Lesson learned again.


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1994 or 95 went to dealer looking at a zx9 had .2 miles on it jump on it for test ride pull out of the lot and break the rear loose wring out 1st grab 2nd front comes up wring 2nd out grab 3rd front comes up again set it down turned around and went back to dealership told salesman it was nice but I wasn't mature enough to own that bike. My girl said the salesman was shitting bricks watching me go down the road telling her that if I wrecked it he was going to lose his job and he had kids to feed and his wife would kill him. Was a fun test drive

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Dropped a bike turning from Klondike onto 36 when I misjudged the steep angle of the turn. Caught the bike with my leg, but couldn't lift it from that position. Had to set it down to get off and pick it up. Only damage was my pride.

I hate to admit it, I almost did that two weekends ago at the same spot. Managed to save it, but yea, that little intersection is deceptively steep.


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One of my favorites, in 79 a Dayton bronze pulls myself and my lady friend over on my Water Buffalo with a twelve pack between us while sharing a beer. Officer nice guy say's, you two need to go sit somewhere and drink those. you could get arrested for that you know.

A few years ago got pulled over by a Franklin bronze at about a buck thirty in a 35 zone, a young welder from work was playing catch up on his R6 when they lit us up. Lucked out, it was one of my dads poker buddies. Thought my buddy was gonna shake out of his boots while they ran our licenses. No ticket, the good ole boy club, membership has it's privilege's.

I've been riding since I was 10 I could write a book on dumb shit.

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Like a baus! :bow::cool:

Oh. Like an intern. :nono:


No kidding. It hurt like hell the next day. One big bruise down one side. I got thrown about 60 feet and it knocked me out for a few. Left me with a kink in my neck/spine for a lot of years.

edit: btw, I was bushwacked on that one. New purchase by some one else, that I was working on the engine for them. Previous owner had heavy oil and too much of it, in the front forks. The forks did not compress when I hit some construction on a road. It flipped end over end instead. Honda CL305. Wonderful little bike for off road. Didn't actually hurt the bike, flipping it like that.

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Haven't been riding nearly as long as some of y'all, but I've done my share of stupid/squidly.

First bike, 2002 YZF600R. Never rode anything with two wheels and a motor. Bought it brand new, read the owners' manual, and then rode it off the showroom floor. Did a couple circles and figure 8s in the back lot of the dealer, then right onto I-70 and back to work. Terrified the whole way, going 50 mph between angry semi drivers. Should've died.

Totaled that same bike 6 weeks later. On-ramp from downtown Dayton to US 35, ran wide, target fixated on a curb, highsided myself right into the middle of 35, downtown, on a Friday night. Didn't get run over, but did tear my right rotator cuff and all the skin off my right knee. Should've died.

Got my brand new shiny R6 in September of 04. Did the dump-it-in-the-garage-because-you-didn't-put-the-kickstand-down-all-the-way thing once. Horrified enough at the scratches on my shiny new bike that I could've died.

Went, in full, Yamaha-branded leathers, down to the UD parking lot with my squiddy friends so we could try to drag knee. In 2nd gear. At 30 mph. Mostly trying to impress the token girl among our little group. I was the only one even wearing leathers. Lost the front on a random piece of duct tape and lowsided. Embarrassed enough to have died on the spot.

Out in the middle of nowhere one night, 4 lane highway, racing my buddy on his 05 R6. Winding through the top of 6th, side by side with my buddy. A Cobra in front of us had just finished a race and cut a tire, and was pulling off to the side. The closing speed was so fast it didn't register. Just missed his side mirror at the last possible second. Never let off the throttle. Should've died a horrible, fiery death.

Wasn't long after that I stopped riding on the street...

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