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Always Carry Cash


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The wife and I decided to take a nice afternoon ride, so I filled up the bike and we went. We stopped at Applebees for dinner, when it came time to pay the bill my card got declined. The waiter ran the card twice and said it would not work. Luckly, I had cash on me to pay the bill. I always keep a emergency stash in my wallet for situations like these. It turns out that someone somehow got my card number and decided to run up all kinds of excessive charges in Texas. The bank caught it and froze my account. I have no idea how this d-bag got my card number.:mad: I am very careful not to use it online. Now I am waiting on all the charges to go through so I can make a fraud claim. :nono: Sorry for the rant, but I'm pissed and need to vent.

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We have 2 checking accounts at different banks. Sometimes it is a pain...then I think about stolen CC numbers. They wouldn't be able to wipe us out as easily. My logic anyway. Glad your bank caught it.

**Also good to always have cash when you're on the bike.**

We do have 2 accounts mine just so happened to be the one with money in it. Hers had money in it, but it was spoken for...bills.

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Credit/debt card.

Thats the problem. Get a credit card and use that. Debit cards get you in trouble because the money is already gone so you have to wait to file a fraud claim. Credit cards watch more closely because they dont want to be stuck with the losses.

Prime point you dont want to use a debit card is because it allows access when compromised to clean out your entire account..

Sorry to hear about your situation but take it as a lesson learned. Quit using debit cards ASAP. Hopefully you get all your money back in a timely fashion and it doesnt impact you or your financial responsibilities.

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Thats the problem. Get a credit card and use that. Debit cards get you in trouble because the money is already gone so you have to wait to file a fraud claim. Credit cards watch more closely because they dont want to be stuck with the losses.

Prime point you dont want to use a debit card is because it allows access when compromised to clean out your entire account..

Sorry to hear about your situation but take it as a lesson learned. Quit using debit cards ASAP. Hopefully you get all your money back in a timely fashion and it doesnt impact you or your financial responsibilities.

Thanks for the advice.:cool: It's unfortunate that I learned this lesson the hard way. The bank says that I will get my money back within 24hrs of the fraud claim.

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Same here. A trip to Florida put me in a notorious zone of deceit along the freeway. My card would not work in gas stations at that exit. I also had enough cash on me to buy several tanks of gas and get home. I've always used a cash back up.

I do not use cards in restaurants. They are notorious places of card theft. Cash only.

I've also taken advantage of new style instant notifications, when my card is used. The credit union or proxy of the credit union, sends an email notification to my phone, for each transaction. And also notifies when the account is accessed on line either successfully or not.

Also realized that cards are putting up rather intense defenses lately (denying transactions), and decided to get a second card. I was only using one. I went for one of the major cash cards. I didn't think much of all the fees, penalties, rules, regulations of Visa and MasterCard, and picked up an American Express cash card instead.

I somehow got hit with two bogus monthly accounts on freecreditreport.com, on the Visa card. One call to them got all the money back. It must be very common. After that I set up all the defenses listed above. edit: And shut that card off and got a new one.

My credit union recommended that I call them if I'm going out of town. That's not the way it used to work. And I don't blame the credit union, I believe the actions are from that name on the card. Visa, which is Bank of America.

I now carry the relevant phone numbers for all cards, on my phone. So I can call and fix it when it happens. Be aware that it will drain your phone battery, and that you'll need a power connection when you make the calls. It will take quite a while, and disconnects and call backs are expected.

I've seen some banks start up a "one shot" credit card service, for on-line purchases. I wish all of them did that. You get on-line with the bank, set the once only amount from your account, and it generates a one time card number. No one can steal that, it no longer exists after the one time usage.

Not too sure either debit or credit cards are safe anymore. The bank defenses are getting tighter on both, and attacks on both exist. Some attackers avoid the debit card, and would rather go after the credit card. I think the real issue is 30 days to file for false transactions on a credit card, and only two days on a debit card. Or something similar.

It's a measure of our times, that electronic attacks directly on banks and credit unions are becoming more common also.

Edited by ReconRat
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I always keep an emergency $100, $20 and $5 bills in my wallet. I also keep a $20 stashed in my car and $20 stashed at my desk at work. That way if I forget my wallet when I go to work, I'm covered and if I forget it when I run out to lunch (have left it in my desk/bag before) I'm also covered.

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