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Pig Cop


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Un. Be. Lievable! Not to thread-jack this thing, but this is why whatever assualt weapons they ban from the general public they need to take away from the cops.

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that sucks. dude was shitty. I wouldn't have been that nice if he was acting like that to me.

I've been rearended by a cop in my car, and the guy was super nice. Walked up asked if everyone was OK, apologized, admitted fault, asked if i wanted to file a report. He scuffed up my paint a little bit, but it was an old crappy car anyway, so I said don't worry about it, we're good. However, to be honest, if the dude approached me like that I would have demanded a report and given him a good lesson about being nice to people after you hit them with your car.

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He is putting his life on the line everyday for you ungrateful people! He is a hero

If he were anything close to a hero first question out of his mouth would have been " Are you okay?" not the attitude he had. Cops one power trips like this guy ruin it for the nice ones.

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The motorcycle rider was not at fault. He broke no laws. No tickets are warranted' date=' except for failure to maintain clear distance.[/quote']

Hit and run? The cop bullied his way out of the situation and left no information behind.

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Not really a hit and run. Both parties agreed to leave it alone' date=' although the officer did have more persuasion than the dickless motorcycle rider. It varies by state, but you don't always have to exchange information or involve the police.

The motorcycle rider had no idea of what his rights were. That's his fault, and his problem. Education is paramount when dealing with a governing body.[/quote']

Dickless? I say smart. He was facing a pissed off, armed and potentially unstable counterpart. Best to let it go and use the video later. "Agreeing" doesn't hold when there's duress involved.

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Dickless? I say smart. He was facing a pissed off, armed and potentially unstable counterpart. Best to let it go and use the video later. "Agreeing" doesn't hold when there's duress involved.

I'm with you. I'm smart enough to not "argue" with cops.

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The guy was hugging the right white line, not sure why he was doing that.

That usually invites unwanted cars in your lane when they either don't see

you or think they can squeeze in.

But I agree, not arguing with a (already upset) cop is probably the best bet.

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He could have been having mechanical troubles with the bike and he was in the right place being in the far right hand side lane near the white line. Cop or not, he did not have safe, clear distance and still hit him. He could have fought this and won if there was any damage and being on video X2 would have helped if he could prove that he was not goofing around.

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