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Pig Cop


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The cop bullied his way out of the situation...

And if another cop pulled up, it could have gotten ugly quickly. One is enough to deal with and I try hard to avoid that because they are usually going to claim to be right even when they are not.

This one had an attitude that we don't need.


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I'm glad my opinion is in the majority. I don't normally use emotional subject lines. This one couldn't resist. I can't even fathom being an A-hole to someone, if I rear-ended them...and a bike no less.

The pucker factor must have been sky high for both of them.

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No argument. I would of asked for his insurance information just in case there were later damamges discovered to the bike and said nothing more to him. Lots of witnesses around.

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No argument. I would of asked for his insurance information just in case there were later damamges discovered to the bike and said nothing more to him. Lots of witnesses around.

You see anybody stopping in that clip? No witnesses needed. Ya got video, remember? If you argue and get "cuffed and stuffed" what do you think happens to the camera? Hold on to the video, find a media mouth, game over.

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But I agree' date=' not arguing with a (already upset) cop is probably the best bet.[/quote']

He wasn't upset, he was scared because he KNEW he was in the wrong. You could hear it in his voice and read it in his body language. He was probably checking his phone or his laptop (or whatever computer they carry in the car) and hit the guy.

I wouldn't have argued either but I the next day I would have emailed that video to the local news teams.

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You see anybody stopping in that clip? No witnesses needed. Ya got video, remember? If you argue and get "cuffed and stuffed" what do you think happens to the camera? Hold on to the video, find a media mouth, game over.

You write down license plates. Good point though if they take your camera.

Below is from a youtube comment.

It appears that this Cops name is Captain Thomas Roberts, I contacted his Superior and was informed that there is an internal investigation in the matter.The phone number to the Area command theat Roberts runs is 702-828-8272 This Cop violated many policy's Including not reporting, or staring an "event" To coercion under color of law, I have an attorney referral if it is needed

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You write down license plates. Good point though if they take your camera.

Below is from a youtube comment.

It appears that this Cops name is Captain Thomas Roberts, I contacted his Superior and was informed that there is an internal investigation in the matter.The phone number to the Area command theat Roberts runs is 702-828-8272 This Cop violated many policy's Including not reporting, or staring an "event" To coercion under color of law, I have an attorney referral if it is needed

That is fucking awesome.

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Oh Vegas officer was a Captain? That explains the asshole he's being..... Seriously, this guy needs punished severely for what he did. He's clearly at fault. I bet id it was one of HIS subordinate patrol guys he would nail then to the wall just to show them that he's the big boss dickhead. I know mine would if I was ever so stupid. If I ever get in any type of traffic accident on duty in a Sheriff's cruiser we have a policy to follow. It requires us to immediately put it "over the air" to radio dispatch and they sent us State Highway who does the report. It's happened to several guys I work with. If the Deputy was at fault and he did break a traffic law he got a ticket. Period. I can't tell you how wrong this fuckstick was. Pisses me off that he would act that way to someone HE RAN INTO!!! .... OK, It's the first day of my weekend.... I need a drink after that.

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Wrong. You wait until he tries to cuff and stuff' date=' then you use your ninja tactics and open his jugular on the side of the road. After that, you remove his badge and stab him in the face with it while he's bleeding out in front of you. Just before he passes out from blood loss, you laugh in his face and call him a pussy. Don't forget to inform him that you just made him piss his pants on video and that's all the world will ever remember about his minuscule, shrimp-dicked existence.

Then, you tell his superiors.[/quote']

Oh, yes, yes, yes. I forgot the ninja jugular with badge stab ploy. Well played. I apologize unreservedly.

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Oh Vegas officer was a Captain? That explains the asshole he's being..... Seriously, this guy needs punished severely for what he did. He's clearly at fault.... I can't tell you how wrong this fuckstick was. Pisses me off that he would act that way to someone HE RAN INTO!!!

You're a patrol cop and you are making that kind of judgement about another cop based on a 2 minute video?

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What could we possibly learn, outside the video, that would make this any different?

Maybe nothing. Maybe everything.

I don't have a dog in the fight as far as Joe Average being pissed at the captain, it's kind of what Joe Average does. But for another cop; who knows how video, media, and public perception can play out, to criticize their brother without knowing the whole story - that's inexcusable.

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right. when you see your cop buddies in the wrong, you dont call them out on it... you just cover for them. :rolleyes:

Yeah, because that's what my post clearly indicates, cover up the wrong actions of other cops. It has nothing to do with getting the full story before you make a judgement, or before you start a thread with an incindiary title.

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so what's could be the "full story"? again, as another poster asked, what could we know outside the video that would change things?

oh, right,

"Maybe nothing. Maybe everything..."

how compelling... why didnt anyone else think of that? what would "maybe everything" entail?

i mean honestly, the video seems pretty clear. the cop rear ended the biker, then starts in immediately on the rider like it's his fault the cop was following too closely and not maintaining an assured clear distance ahead.

i mean, really how is this OK? is this how an officer (and a captain no less) should handle himself after causing a traffic accident?

i am curious as to what kind of extenuating circumstances could there be that would make this not as bad as it looks...

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I didn't sleep last night because I got locked into to watching videos of cops abusing their power. I think this video started it off. I'm tired now. Need sleep. Kind of sad that 1) I spent that much time doing that and 2) there are that many misinformed power hungry cops out there.

I was in a zone.

One moment it was 9 pm the next it was 530 am.

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so what's could be the "full story"? again, as another poster asked, what could we know outside the video that would change things?

oh, right,

"Maybe nothing. Maybe everything..."

how compelling... why didnt anyone else think of that? what would "maybe everything" entail?

i mean honestly, the video seems pretty clear. the cop rear ended the biker, then starts in immediately on the rider like it's his fault the cop was following too closely and not maintaining an assured clear distance ahead.

i mean, really how is this OK? is this how an officer (and a captain no less) should handle himself after causing a traffic accident?

i am curious as to what kind of extenuating circumstances could there be that would make this not as bad as it looks...

Well, to start with, I'd like to see the captain's dash cam footage. That might give a better reference to how far apart they were, what the captain was doing at the time the rider stopped abruptly, his speed, and so forth.

I'd also be interested in seeing what the rider was doing in the minutes prior to the incident. If he was riding like a jackwagon, and elicited the attention of police, or got complaints called in, it's understandable that the captain might be drafting him while pulling the bike's plate in preparation for a stop.

I actually agree with the captain's comment about not stopping abruptly out of fear that someone might be merging in front of you; that's a poor move on a heavily trafficked multi-lane roadway. The right move, in my opinion, would have been to squirt fast around the car on the right side and be done with it.

If the rider was situationally aware, he should have known that there was a car right behind him and that stopping abruptly might well result in being rear ended by that car. Or, it may be possible that the rider did know this, and also knew the other car was a crusier, and was stopping abruptly just to fuck with the officer?

Again, I'm not some kind of zealous cop defending toolbag; rather I think it's only fair to look at an incident from as unbiased a point of view as possible. I do think it's uncool for another cop - or someone identifying themselves as a cop - to come along and render this decision that the captain is a piece of shit, etc., because like everything in else in life, there's two sides to a story and he wasn't there to get either one.

I'd also add that my usual approach to this sort of thing is to look at it from the reverse perspective. If the captain had been driving the cruiser the way the motoryclist was riding - slowing up and speeding down, weaving in the lane, then stopping abruptly, and a bike following the captain had then rear ended the cruiser; I'm fairly certain the same people currently clamoring for the captain's head on a pike would still be clamoring for it - claiming he should not have stopped so fast, should have been aware of the flow of traffic, should have known there was a biker right behind him, etc. If the motorcyclist who rear ended the crusier had gotten up and given the cop a dress down, again, I suspect most of you would be like: "Hell yeah, fuck that cop, he had that coming!"

A final note, those of you who are aghast at the captain's attitude and comments, while I concur that he's a pretty salty dude; it's not like he kicked this guy's ass up and down the street. He yelled at him, and in the end they two shook hands and the rider opted to not press the issue any further - you can argue duress, I guess, but if this was such a life altering moment for the rider, maybe he should have grown a set of cojones and respectfully told the captain: "I want to report that you just hit me with your car; I'd like an uninvolved agency to come take the report".

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...it's understandable that the captain might be drafting him while pulling the bike's plate in preparation for a stop.

This removed the integrity of your post for me. The cop would intentionally follow closer than usual...and still not be at fault for a rear-end collision?:rolleyes:

Nothing in your post would provide an excuse for the cop to hit a motorcycle.

Nothing in your post would allow him to be a jerk.

Nothing excuses him from filing a report. "handshake deal" my ass. That is not a standard procedure for any law enforcement involved in a wreck.

Normally I give people the benefit of doubt before I know more details. This is not applicable here.

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