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Pig Cop


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I didn't sleep last night because I got locked into to watching videos of cops abusing their power. I think this video started it off. I'm tired now. Need sleep. Kind of sad that 1) I spent that much time doing that and 2) there are that many misinformed power hungry cops out there.

I was in a zone.

One moment it was 9 pm the next it was 530 am.

I skipped over this post. But yeah, did you see the one where he kicks a drunk lady in the face? Funny, but definitely unnecessary. And now he wants his job back.

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I skipped over this post. But yeah, did you see the one where he kicks a drunk lady in the face? Funny, but definitely unnecessary. And now he wants his job back.

Hardly anyone posts videos of cops being nice.

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Hardly anyone posts videos of cops being nice.

It seems there is a negative stereotype that some cops put effort into living up to; like it is ingrained in them during training and expected of them by their peers. One of them is enough to deal with. Two of them is bordering on problems. Enter a black female cop and any white man is a shitbird that's always wrong even when he's home sleeping.

More noticeable positive behavior, and less authoritative heavy handedness would go a long way towards creating a better public image.

You are the tool the government uses to have it's way with the people. The government is out of hand and the people are fed up. It's not a free country anymore and law enforcement seems to have become predatory in it's enforcement practices.

Speed traps; a way of taxing faster drivers for a victimless infraction.

Do more positive things and more videos will be made of it. There are many awesome videos of motorcycle cop competitions. That's positive in my mind, to a degree.


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It seems there is a negative stereotype that some cops put effort into living up to; like it is ingrained in them during training and expected of them by their peers. One of them is enough to deal with. Two of them is bordering on problems. Enter a black female cop and any white man is a shitbird that's always wrong even when he's home sleeping.

More noticeable positive behavior, and less authoritative heavy handedness would go a long way towards creating a better public image.

You are the tool the government uses to have it's way with the people. The government is out of hand and the people are fed up. It's not a free country anymore and law enforcement seems to have become predatory in it's enforcement practices.

Speed traps; a way of taxing faster drivers for a victimless infraction.

Do more positive things and more videos will be made of it. There are many awesome videos of motorcycle cop competitions. That's positive in my mind, to a degree.


Are you drunk:rolleyes:

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I used to have a positive attitude towards the police until I was victimized by two lying Columbus idiots that fabricated a story right in front of me that was very far removed from the truth. That did it for me. Now, I just prefer to avoid them. They make the truth to be what they say it is and if you have no one to back you, you become a victim.


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I used to have a positive attitude towards the police until I was victimized by two lying Columbus idiots that fabricated a story right in front of me that was very far removed from the truth. That did it for me. Now, I just prefer to avoid them. They make the truth to be what they say it is and if you have no one to back you, you become a victim.


So you have no need for police?

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Speed traps; a way of taxing faster drivers for a victimless infraction.

Speeding typically does not cause accidents until you reach speeds that other drivers aren't anticipating - but it does make accidents worse.

Ask anyone that has to clean them up - it can get pretty gruesome, and *someone* has to tell the families of those killed.

Why do people call it a "tax"? Like speeding fines are a tax but DUI fines are not?

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Are you talking about forums & YouTube?

I see videos with cops, every day, in the news, acting in a professional manner.

See all the youtube crash video out there? Very few people post videos of cars driving normally and NOT crashing. They give a false impression that the majority of car journeys end in crashes.

Same thing with police interactions - 98% of cops out there are honest people doing good work, and 2% are power-hungry bullies who should be off the force. So does that mean 98% of youtube video showing police interactions show normal interactions where the cop is being professional? Not even close. People like drama, so they prefer to watch videos of bad cops, ergo disproportionately more bad cop videos are posted and create a false impression that the majority of cops are bad.

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I used to have a positive attitude towards the police until I was victimized by two lying Columbus idiots that fabricated a story right in front of me that was very far removed from the truth. That did it for me. Now, I just prefer to avoid them. They make the truth to be what they say it is and if you have no one to back you, you become a victim.


I got ripped off by a shop that pretended my wife's Jeep's brakes were 98% worn and wanted me to authorize $1k in work to repair them. I declined the work and bought new brakes on autozone on the way home. Went to install them - the brakes were less than 50% worn, still had years left on them. I went back and complained, did me no good.

So should I refuse to trust ANY shop from now on?

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I bet id it was one of HIS subordinate patrol guys he would nail then to the wall just to show them that he's the big boss dickhead. I know mine would if I was ever so stupid. If I ever get in any type of traffic accident on duty in a Sheriff's cruiser we have a policy to follow.

Clearly, you work for a department like ours. Our IA will hang an officer out to dry in a heartbeat!

Maybe nothing. Maybe everything.

But for another cop; who knows how video, media, and public perception can play out, to criticize their brother without knowing the whole story - that's inexcusable.

There is nothing else to know. I am not one to jump to conclusions where video is involved because you don't get the whole story. That being said, you have the obligation to maintain assured clear distance ahead, PERIOD. If you run into someone from behind, you are at fault. There are no outside environmental circumstances that relieve you of that responsibility. If it is wet, you are required to give more room/slow down. If it is icy, back off. Foggy, back off. I've had my fair share of ACDA accidents...it happens (not on duty). That is why they are called accidents. If they were on purposes, everyone would go to jail. He should have just taken his lumps, he wouldn't be fired or relieved of duty. The worst that would have happened (probably) was a ticket and maybe a piece of paper in his IA file. Now however, he is looking at serious discipline.

right. when you see your cop buddies in the wrong, you dont call them out on it... you just cover for them. :rolleyes:

Common misconception! I do my best not to break traffic laws (except speed...department already know, I had a boat-load of tickets to explain on my background investigation) because I don't want tickets. One of the Central Ohio posts of the Highway Patrol actually has a competition to see who can write the most tickets to LEOs and family members.

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He did not stop until hit, and anyone short stopping a car must have a death wish.

If they were going 45mph then the safe following distance is over 5 car lengths.

And speed just killed six kids in an SUV.

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And speed just killed six kids in an SUV.

what about the fact none of them were wearing seatbelts? what about the driver not having a license? what about driver inexperience? was alcohol involved (still waiting to see)? now they're reporting the car was stolen too...

to say that SPEED killed them is extremely short-sighted and is quite disingenuous.

the fact is, speed is rarely a PRIMARY cause of crashes. it can contribute sure, but its not a PRIMARY cause. its usually secondary or even tertiary.

the NHTSB did a crash causation survey of crashes that took place betwen 2005 and 2007, and found that "travelling too fast for conditions" was only about 5% of critical pre crash events. more significant factors were driving off the road (22%) or crossing the center line (11%).

when they determined driver error was the primary cause of the crash, they looked into what was the critical reason behind the driver error.

distraction/not paying attention was 41% of the errors. 10% was crappy driving skills, either freezing up or overcompenstaing. 8% were asleep, or having a heart attack. 8% were for driving too fast for conditions, 5% driving too fast on a curve.

a 2003 virginia study found similar results, that DISTRACTIONS are a primary cause of crashes MUCH more than speed alone. not to say that speed can't contribute. it definitely can. but again, its not the primary cause. it's secondary or tertiary. but somehow they love to tell us SPEED KILLS. the truth is, not paying attention kills more than speed does.

you can read the NHTSA study and results here: http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/811059.PDF

Edited by John
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I've had my fair share of ACDA accidents...it happens (not on duty). That is why they are called accidents. .

they aren't called accidents, they are called collisions. ;)

an accident is something that cannot be reasonably foreseen or predicted and cannot be avoided. accident implies that it just happened out of the blue and there was nothing you could do to avoid it. when you rear end someone, that is not the case.

a collision is a result of choices made and risks disregarded.

word choice matters.

Common misconception!

i would love to belive the blue code of silence does not exist, but things like abner louima, max siefert, anthony acosta, otto zehm (and about a thousand more) can really make a person wonder ya know?

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One of the Central Ohio posts of the Highway Patrol actually has a competition to see who can write the most tickets to LEOs and family members.

Doesn't that just suck. They persecute their own and their families. If that's their way with other LEOs, imagine their attitudes towards the citizens. It's the, "I have the power to victimize anyone I please if I feel like it and there is little that can be done about it" attitude that gives us a powerless feeling that we don't particularly care for.

Speeding typically does not cause accidents until you reach speeds that other drivers aren't anticipating - but it does make accidents worse.

True. I did see a video posted on here of a vehicle turning in front of a bike, coming from around a curve, at what appeared to me to be a brisk rate of speed, with comments placing blame on that driver as opposed to admitting their speed severely diminished the driver's ability to react to a motorcycle coming quickly out of nowhere.

Why do people call it a "tax"? Like speeding fines are a tax but DUI fines are not?

Officially, beginning today, (mark your calendar in red) I hereby declare DUI fines to be a tax. Okay, I feel better now.

I got ripped off by a shop that pretended my wife's Jeep's brakes were 98% worn and wanted me to authorize $1k in work to repair them. I declined the work and bought new brakes on autozone on the way home. Went to install them - the brakes were less than 50% worn, still had years left on them. I went back and complained, did me no good.

So should I refuse to trust ANY shop from now on?

Your trust level is your concern but it has been said that you should get a 2nd opinion. It would certainly reinforce a stereotype about auto-repair shops taking advantage of women if she was the one who dropped in to have the brakes looked at. Those business practices would encourage me to be skeptical of repair shops in the future. Some things I learn quickly.

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they aren't called accidents, they are called collisions. ;)

an accident is something that cannot be reasonably foreseen or predicted and cannot be avoided. accident implies that it just happened out of the blue and there was nothing you could do to avoid it. when you rear end someone, that is not the case.

a collision is a result of choices made and risks disregarded.

word choice matters.

i would love to belive the blue code of silence does not exist, but things like abner louima, max siefert, anthony acosta, otto zehm (and about a thousand more) can really make a person wonder ya know?

Get the fuck out of here with your logic and reason. Maybe I could smash you on the head with a brick and dummy you up enough to be a cop

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One of the Central Ohio posts of the Highway Patrol actually has a competition to see who can write the most tickets to LEOs and family members.

I have one brother who is a police sergeant and another who is a paramedic. They both got dinged for speeding off-duty - no mercy given at all. Both are trained for high speed pursuit/rescue driving, and both can handle the speed, but both got the full penalty just like everyone else.

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Get the fuck out of here with your logic and reason. Maybe I could smash you on the head with a brick and dummy you up enough to be a cop

You're gonna need an awfully big brick.

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they aren't called accidents, they are called collisions. ;)

an accident is something that cannot be reasonably foreseen or predicted and cannot be avoided. accident implies that it just happened out of the blue and there was nothing you could do to avoid it. when you rear end someone, that is not the case.

a collision is a result of choices made and risks disregarded.

word choice matters.

Here is the Wikipedia deffinition of an accident:

An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention or necessity. It usually implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence.

Sums up an ACDA perfectly I think. However, you are correct that we don't take accident reports, we take crash reports.:rolleyes:

i would love to belive the blue code of silence does not exist, but things like abner louima, max siefert, anthony acosta, otto zehm (and about a thousand more) can really make a person wonder ya know?

I'm not saying it doesn't exist to some extent, but it certainly isn't the Blue Line Code Of Silence everyone thinks it is. I'm not saying I wouldn't give an officer a break, but I will give just about everyone a break. I hate writing tickets because times are hard enough as it is. Think about someone who is barely scraping by day to day then throw in a $140 ticket on top of it. Officers aren't doing anything other than making life that much more difficult for them. I write tickets when my hands are tied but not if I don't have to.

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...Think about someone who is barely scraping by day to day then throw in a $140 ticket on top of it. Officers aren't doing anything other than making life that much more difficult for them. I write tickets when my hands are tied but not if I don't have to.

And for you in blue who may not believe you get enough positive feedback, we appreciate being giving a break when there is no victim as a result of our actions.



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