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State Farm Insurance


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So my wife and I have been thinking about switching from Progressive to SF when we move to the house to in July and putting everything in a bundle. Does anyone have or had SF and what was/is your experience with them.

Edited by Kmanlyst
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So my wife and I have been thinking about switching from Progressive to SF when we move to the house to the house in July and putting everything in a bundle. Does and one have or had SF and what was/is your experience with them?


They are cheap


Everything else

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I've had state farm for about 6 years now. I've had 1 bike, 1 truck and 1 Homeowners claim in that time and have ZERO complaints. The premiums went up as expected, but not beyond reason. I even got a full roof replacement (Base Wood/Facia/tar paper/etc) and upgraded to 3d shingles.

I've had Farmers, Nationwide & Progressive before and think State Farm is the best thus far.

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I've had State Farm for 17 years, on two houses in two states, and more cars and bikes than I care to admit. Have filed a couple claims (one on each house) and have mine and the wife's life insurance through them. Haven't had an issue to speak of. I shop around usually once a year or so, just to see where things are in the market. Having the combo I need plus having a good agent has helped them keep my business.

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When I was buying my current house eight years ago, I attempted to roll all my insurance to SF as I had always had my cars and bikes with them. I had a homeowners claim three years prior, and my SF guy failed to tell me that was going to disqualify me from getting SF insurance on my new home for five more years even though I had been talking to him about it for months. I didn't find that out until a few days before closing when I needed to get my insurance paperwork finalized. Yes, I was pissed. I jumped through two days of hoops to get insurance and ended up getting it from some guy my father in law knew for a shit ton more than I should have had to pay just so I could close my purchase. I bundled all my stuff together and shopped it and ended up with allstate. A few years later, I got a cold call from a new SF guy here closer to my current house and I told him my story. He asked me to give him a chance to earn my business, and I went in and talked to him. Ended up rolling everything over to SF and have been happy with him ever since. He's talked me out of upping coverage when the costs outweigh the benefit, called me when my cars crossed the point of not being worth keeping full coverage on and to drop my coverage to save money, and is great about giving me quotes via email and changing policies for the revolving motorcycles and cars of late without any issues.

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I can only speak for the bike insurance... kind of. I went in there quote shopping and they wouldn't even let me start a policy with 2 bikes or give me a quote. They told me I either needed a car or a house on the policy as well because reasons.

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I can only speak for the bike insurance... kind of. I went in there quote shopping and they wouldn't even let me start a policy with 2 bikes or give me a quote. They told me I either needed a car or a house on the policy as well because reasons.

When I bought my first bike, they gave me insurance on it then two weeks later sent me a cancellation notice saying there was no one at my address with a motorcycle endorsement. It gave me 30 days to provide the endorsement. As this was shortly after my birthday and right around this time of year, I had to get to the dmv and pass my test the first weekend they offered it that year or I would have been screwed. Cold, crappy, rainy day and there were three of us there for the test. A girl who had failed it eight times the year before, and another young kid who had been riding dirt bikes his whole life on a 200 dual sport. The girl went first, didn't make it three turns and dropped her bike. Maybe the tenth times the charm. :wtf:

Dirt bike guy made it look so simple on that little DR/XR/whatever. I did it and passed, but sure as hell made sure to tell all my friends to borrow a little dual sport to take the test on. :D

Wait, what's the topic again? :p

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They were a lot higher than anyone else when I was shopping around as well as they do not cover gear. Riders insurance is where I am going since its around $1000 a year for full coverage everywhere for the 675 but only $450 with riders. Granted, the don't cover medical, but that's what health insurance is for right?

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They were a lot higher than anyone else when I was shopping around as well as they do not cover gear. Riders insurance is where I am going since its around $1000 a year for full coverage everywhere for the 675 but only $450 with riders. Granted, the don't cover medical, but that's what health insurance is for right?

Same thoughts I had with going for Rider Insurance, so after sitting with the wife and going over all the info the agent gave us it looks like we are going to go ahead and switch to SF when we move the package price and coverage is what we are looking for and after reading reviews on line and your input here. Thanks for helping make a nerve racking choice a lot easier.

Edited by Kmanlyst
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I'll jump on the state farm bandwagon...I've had it and its almost the least expensive I can find and carries a solid reputation as well. However, they are still rediculously high in my motorcycle...

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2

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I pay Sandy Williams State Farm $92 every month for full coverage on my 900 Ninja, my '98 Z28 and pay extra to cover my Harley for $30k - had show receipts for the custom work/custom parts - the total is $92/month... No claims, no traffic offenses.

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I can only speak for the bike insurance... kind of. I went in there quote shopping and they wouldn't even let me start a policy with 2 bikes or give me a quote. They told me I either needed a car or a house on the policy as well because reasons.

I had a policy with 2 bikes with them for a year then the next year my rates jumped to an extremely unreasonable higher rate. I called and insisted that since I hadn't made any claims/tickets/accidents that a hike rate like that was crazy. They insisted that I either put a car on the policy (which would not have saved me any money because the car is on a much cheaper policy somewhere else), or lower my coverage substantially to make up for the difference. I found another policy with someone else.

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I will never give them a dime because I went through all the motions and paperwork and hassle of switching just to find after 2 months of coverage they were dropping me without notice due to only having a bike policy and nothing else. At the time, I didn't own a home and nor do I have personal car insurance as I'm covered through our company. Since they couldn't do their due dilligence, they don't deserve $ from me

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