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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2011 in Posts

  1. Thanks guys. Can someone keep me posted on the CR Drag Day scheduled for the rain date this Friday? I still don't have access to the forums. I took the day off work to go but if it looks like we're going to get rained out again I'm going to cancel my vacation day.
    4 points
  2. Woah woah woah... I've had sex with Fusion and I can tell you he is 99% straight
    2 points
  3. damnit how did I miss this party? bingo! People worship it because they can't get it and when they do it tastes amazing to those who do like it. I happen to love it but I know if I were to drink it every weekend it would just be the same as drinking Miller Lite or Coors Light or whatever. 24 Bottles is indeed pretty much the same as coors miller or bud. Maybe a $1 give or take in my experience other than saying you're a moron for thinking its an "immature" drinkers drink I don't really need to say the same things max and cleve already said. I don't care how long you've been drinking, doesn't mean that you are a "good" drinker or even know piss in a bottle from Brew Dog's The End of History. Go ahead and look that one up because I know there is a 99% chance you have no idea what that is. I thought I knew a decent amount about beer when I graduated college 3 years ago but I couldn't tell you how much more I know and how many I've tried because of elders that took me under their wing to teach me. I've tried everything from Keystone Light all the up to the Sam Adams Utopia that like $100 a bottle. Obviously not everyone has the same tastes, I hate Heineken and I know people that love it. Just be fucking easy already, shit kid I bet you're pretty alright but you come off as an ignorant annoying teenager and that is why you're catching all this flack.
    2 points
  4. Hey Everyone, I originally started to register because I'm registered to attend the NTR Drag Day. With the awesome spring weather we had, I needed to find out if it was still on. One of your members here posted on our forums over at Buckeyegoats. I also met some of you at the Dyno Tune Motorsports Dyno Day this past Saturday in Galloway. Anyhow, on with it... I have a 2005 Phantom Black w/ Red interior GTO. It's not a show car, I do drive the crap out of it in the summer. Quick list of mods: Stock LS2 except blower cam, pushrods, springs, and seats/retainers, etc Procharger D1SC w/ 4.0" pulley @ 11psi Hardcore intake, custom cabbed larger charge & intake pipes twin in-tank fuel pump system through 1/2" line, return style Drag springs, BMR safety loop, 900hp stubs & halfshafts MGW-P Shifter, Spec 3+ clutch Proxses Tuned I'm forgetting quite a bit, but that's the gist of it. Around 600-620rwhp About 530-550 rwtq I haven't really had time to track it whole lot, thats why I was looking forward to the track rental. I'm in for the rain date though. I definitely need the seat time. Mods are pretty much done for now as I'm pushing the ragged edge for a relatively stock motor. GTOs can only fit 275s in the back without mini tubbing , so hopefully the motor stays together. If not, forged, F1, mini-tub.
    1 point
  5. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f273/Cristian619/Misc%206/K1CQB.jpg
    1 point
  6. you both better watch it, i might ride up and pull a gen3! might in this case means, my calendar is empty and as long as nothing closer and more exciting comes up and the weather is nice and nothing mechanically or financially fails for me, i will be there....
    1 point
  7. I've served and don't care. Now STFU and get back in your closet.
    1 point
  8. I thought I just said that.
    1 point
  9. so you don't mind having straight guys look at your wiener?
    1 point
  10. Threads like this make me want to vote Republican.
    1 point
  11. Or man up to your responsibilities, do you want us to send you money directly?
    1 point
  12. you never joined the navy (past) because of a news story that was just released yesterday?
    1 point
  13. i want to be in the shower with women other than my mommy.
    1 point
  14. Who cares? EDIT: Damnit, someone beat me to the who cares.
    1 point
  15. Dumbest shit I've ever heard.
    1 point
  16. Hell that's a girls bike, so we all know it's not fast!! Pink seat and graphics gave that away Seriously?!?! He DRILLED the reeds to improve air/fuel delivery from the INJECTOR UPGRADE??? WHATEVER......Yammie didn't inject 90's 2-strokes and he's upgraded his from a KX500? Like THAT'S an easy swap and go...... And his buddy custom made an exhaust because NOBODY offers a bigbore pipe kit for a 250 2-stroke? I mean damn, aftermarket 2 stroke exhaust systems only fit up to twice the bike he's got so he went custom?? And he runs 90:1 mix because of microblue coated internals? POSSIBLY.....But, I see a top end replacement coming SOON considering the rest of his story........This poor fella has absolutely no clue does he? Anybody got extra cash to BUY this guy a clue?
    1 point
  17. hey if the gays wanna join the millions of miserable people who are married i say let them so they can regret ever pushing their marriage agenda
    1 point
  18. lol there was a dude on the news who lost like 40 grand to one of these. i used to wonder how it was possible, but then one day i read the comments on a dispatch article online and it became totally clear. people are dumb.
    1 point
  19. I'm no longer in the military and I have nothing against gays but I do have a problem with gays in the military based on what would be the current rules and regulations. What I mean by that is, that male and females are segregated in separate living conditions for obvious reasons. For those who have never been in the military may not know that a lot of living quarters consist of community latrines and showers. If I am not allowed to shower with the opposite sex that I am attracted to, then why should a gay man who is attracted to the same sex be allowed to shower with men. If someone is gay and wants to be in the military, fine, but they should be segregated just as men and women are.
    1 point
  20. OP rides a Harley and expects standard passenger etiquette to involve chain smoking while chugging a beer, no consideration has been given for riding apparel that isn't branded by HD or that doesn't have tassels.
    1 point
  21. Will try that. I gave you rep with a reason.
    1 point
  22. I always just crack my lid to let a little air in, and this is the awesome part, I use my mouth to breath straight down over my chin (and out of my helmet) like I'm breathing through a straw. Hardly ever have fog problems! ... and nobody sees me looking silly because i have a helmet over my face.
    1 point
  23. Doncha hate beer snobs? Buddy of mine won't drink anything that doesn't pour from the bottle like cold syrup. If you like it, drink it, but stop giving me crap because I don't want an aftertaste like morning breath. Dark beers are fine, but after mowing the lawn, just gimme something I can see through. Its just beer. Wanna be a snob? Drink wine.
    1 point
  24. Stole IP's Sig a little cause its funny as Fuck.
    1 point
  25. Dropping a course for a trackday, no way lol.
    1 point
  26. FUCK FUCK FUCK. Allegedly my mediation class starts on Saturday and not on Monday as I was lead to believe... I have to verify, but I will have to drop that class to make it on Saturday.
    1 point
  27. Son, I actually do know beer. Not saying its the best beer ever (even though their Black & Tan is one of my favorites), what I am saying is that you sound retarded bragging that you have gained so much beer knowledge in your vast 19 years. You're embarrassing yourself.
    1 point
  28. You're just out of high school, I wouldn't talk about immature drinkers son. And I will find you 100 people that have been drinking for longer than you have been alive that will tell you that Yuengling is their favorite beer.
    1 point
  29. I dunno why you guys are leaving 0 tip when you get bad service. I've always thought it got the point across better to leave a $.01 tip. I've actually had managers stop me on the way out the door and ask what the problem was and usually get a full refund or a gift cert.
    1 point
  30. Yeah cant say Ive seen alot of those either. Only colors I really seen a good amount of are the green and red in my area.
    -1 points
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