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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2011 in all areas

  1. I typed sewing first, then I saw you were in here and immediately changed it to soccer
    2 points
  2. Are those Shark Audio speakers? They look a lot like the ones I had on my bike mine were chrome with 150w amp those things get loud regardless of where you put them lol Nice set up btw
    1 point
  3. Awesome pic of Scott Hull. I can't imagine the stories people would hear over a few grams with him.
    1 point
  4. yay a sleepover!!! Can we paint each other's nails?
    1 point
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XG3I33cpvg&feature=player_embedded
    1 point
  6. Porter you will make a great mother
    1 point
  7. Blow me shouldn't you be changing diapers or breast feeding?
    1 point
  8. So yesterday I was headed up Riverside out of Dublin and the car in the right lane a little ahead of me is weaving left and right. I pull up next to him and see that he's texting. Not a kid either, very late 40s or early 50s. So I honed at him, and when he looked I did the univesal "hang up the phone" gesture. He did. Weird. And how many other idiot are out there driving around with their eyes glued to their phones?? Another time I was goiing into lowes and this kids is driving down the front of lowes with his window open and texting. There was a crowd of people crossing the lane and this kid just slowly drives through, not looking up, forcing people to rush across of back to get out of his. As soon as his open window got level with me I yelled "HANG UP THE DAMN PHONE" as loud as I could. He dropped the phone onto the floor and just staed at me like; "Don't beat me up" as he sped away. (Got a couple of "Heck yeah!" and "Damn straight!" out of the crowd.) It's cars that make motorcycles dangerous.
    1 point
  9. Speedytriple is a fast b'stard and would certainly fit immediately in any Advanced track group. Maybe he is the exception that proves the rule. Me, I agree that a track day would never be wasted time..... but I think hard street miles yield a better street rider in the long run.
    1 point
  10. Jeff in good spirits! Message from him minute ago: "I hope you are awesome they say lots of broken ribs pneumothorax right apex of lung and T 6,7,8 fracture with a spinal contusion which isn't good but better then severed." He also posted on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/photo.php?fbid=233710693311019&set=a.103527576329332.8349.100000162694138&type=1&theater
    1 point
  11. Not only fun but beneficial. I think we have ridden together before and if I'm correct it was last year’s Coshocton disaster so I didn't get a good feeling for your pace and you probably didn't get one for mine. I think I remember you wearing good gear so I know you are conscious of safety and take this as information instead of controversy. I have no shame in stating that my ability to do street riding safely at an accelerated pace was paid for by doing track days. Before I had done track time I might have ran a quick pace but it wasn’t safe and I for sure didn’t have options when trouble presented itself because in most cases I was over committed. I luckily made it through those years but disaster was always close by, I am trying to safe someone from taking the same path that I did and avoid injuries. I have rode with some fast people that I'm sure you have ridden with from the C.O.R.E. site, the two guys in particular I'm thinking of have done track time. I can’t speak for them but I'm certain that their ability to ride the pace they do come from track time. In fact every rider that I have ridden with that runs the same pace that I do with the exception of one absolutely crazy fucker (Who has gone down riding with me because he was over committed.) has done track time. Not that running a fast pace is the goal but it is a byproduct that comes with being smoother, having more knowledge of the bikes/your limits and that is something you can't or shouldn't be trying to teach yourself on the street. Having knowledge to assess hazards that are in abundance when street riding is a skill everyone should work on but having the skill to avoid them is enhanced by doing track time. Please do a track day then come back to this subject and I expect to see a different perspective on the skills that transfer to street riding.
    1 point
  12. Give me the skinny on it? What is the deal why are you getting rid of it? Pm me if you need to.. I want to know more... i am usually interested in anything 3/4 ton... except females....
    1 point
  13. it took me exactly 288 hours of seat time
    1 point
  14. oh crap... pics vids and link hunting this week, I guess... no worries, I don't throw much data files away...
    1 point
  15. Hey now, I know for a fact sheep lie! "Virgin Wool" my ass!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
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