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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2012 in all areas

  1. 1)Sorry about your loss and family issues. Trust me they suck, but that's life. BUT dude are you fucking kidding me? This is the biggest crock of shit I've ever seen. You just paid me 180.00 LESS THAN what we agreed upon via text messages and now you have the balls to fucking post this screwing other OR members? I told you to not even show up with less than $1200 asking price, you played the VET game, the I have 1K blah blah, then showed up with 1100, and then you kept 80 of the 1100, telling me you'd detail my truck etc. Screw that shit, just forget it. I shook your hand thinking I was helping someone out, and doing you a favor after I had 6 other people saying they'd happily pay me asking price. THEN less than 12 hours later you went and spent the money you "didnt have" a few hours before on wheels and tires... Pretty awesome how that worked out right? Then you buy a fucking nice engine, etc. NOW you post it up with a profit of OVER 1500? Unfucking real. Right now dude, you really are screwing some people on here, family circumstances or not. You lied to my face, you are now lying to everyone. I'm calling your bluff because shit like this ISN'T how this place is run. If anyone else wants more to this, feel free to PM me. This takes the cake from whoever that was a few years ago that bought a bike on here then tried to sell it for more, because this time a member was LIED to straight faced, then the other guy has the balls to post it on here. WOW! To the mods, no name calling, no barraging with insults, just pure simple truth here. IF there is something that needs edited feel free to pm me and I will do it. BUT members need to know what the story behind this is.
    6 points
  2. "Westside yo. Im boss wit mad gangsta skills. Got my hi point waitin to blast"
    3 points
  3. I missed this thread until now. Thread title suggested a reply of "Aren't we all." but it has taken a nice entertaining turn. If the cruiser folks want to hang together and not ride like the idiot crotch rocket riders that makes sense to me but why limit the size of bikes to 500cc if all you are going to do is cruise? I can keep up with most any cruiser with my 250 scooter. If the goal is to have a group of women to promote safe riding and do community service why limit the size of bikes used to ride safely? Unless you are really looking for women to be just like you. Have you vetted the folks you are helping with your community service to make sure they agree with your life choices? If someone can’t help because they don’t believe in your choices it makes sense to exclude those who don’t believe in them when they need help. When we do group rides we have 1300cc to 250cc bikes and a couple of cruisers or scooters thrown in here and there. If you are riding by safe group ride rules then no one is left out. Sport bike folks must be more tolerant than the crotch crawler crowd.
    3 points
  4. Fuck yes.. If thats too much for you then I'm sure we can start another club for you. Ride on.
    3 points
  5. Speaking of mature. Is there a minimum age you must be. I looked at your website and it's all older ladies.
    2 points
  6. I am just sitting here shaking my head. It just cracks me up really. I don't get the big deal about this cruiser VS Sport or HD VS eveything else, I ride a non HD cruiser, so I don't fit in. I have taken shit (most in fun) from the sport bike people about my cruiser, and HD people generally turn up their noses at my metric cruiser, but hey, mine is paid for! lol In the end, we all love life on 2 wheels, so why must we get shitty about all this? Don't get me started on the off roaders, they are dirty lol Pun intended, going off road would be fun some time.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. That's how I do. Speaking of do. How's your mom?
    1 point
  9. Fuggin jags always beats me to the ban hammer!!!
    1 point
  10. I personally know this kid and unfortuantely go to school with him. Yes, he does work for a repo company and thinks everything they repo is his. and in all seriousness, I think about 6 or 7 people on this board know who I am and know my stature (tall skinny white kid). I could honestly take this kid in a fight. I wouldnt worry to much about him showing up at anything, to much recorded j shore to watch. Sucks you got pimped out of your money madcat but like you said, karma likes to show its ugly face to people who deserve it.
    1 point
  11. damn you... stop i can rep no mo'!
    1 point
  12. DAMN! Your Grandma has some guns son!! I dont agree with her nazi love though:D
    1 point
  13. I'll be riding a POS 04 750. Got a hell of a price on it.
    1 point
  14. i'm going to make the assumption here that you haven't heard of the cincinnatti bengals... in which case, i'd recommend any color but black. blue sounds good. i'd say a deeper blue though but that's just me.
    1 point
  15. no its not context, guy. I know the west side of cbus, there is no ONE race there. Its plenty of different races and walks of life. So race was never involved however mentality of folk is what was referenced
    1 point
  16. Honestly, Im pretty much over it now. I realized that I'm just the better person plane and simple. I don't lie and cheat people that are doing someone a favor. I'm glad you were able to make money at my expense, it's not really the money you made, trust me I make way more than you will ever see. It's more just the fact of the matter. You lied to me, you told me how good people on OR were and how they always help you out etc. It's okay, I'm sorry I told the truth. I did learn a lesson. From now on, when I post something up for sale on here, if someone doesn't have what I ask. I will just explain to them why. Even if that means I literally throw the stuff out in the trash. Glad you were able to sell it, you must have needed the money more than I did. And yes, I would and did give you and anyone else the shirt off my back. Once again, the good guy gets taken advantage for. Also you sound like you work for a repo company, I did too. What you stated you did is obviously very illegal. You can't smash peoples windows, you can't intimidate people etc. I would recommend editing those posts just for some assurance. This is my last post in this thread, I have nothing else to say. Everyone on here including most of the actual people that run the boards know me, have ridden with me, have had dinner with me. I've given help to all kinds of people. Actually loaning my enclosed trailer to someone from here to take to TX, no charge, just because it's who I am. But like I said, remember Karma man. I hope nothing like this ever comes around to you, but if it does, take a second and think back to the moment you lied to my face and shook my hand on it. Jennings in 6 days!!!
    1 point
  17. This is the best of what the west side of Columbus has to offer
    1 point
  18. wow... that wasnt a threat or anything... we are all so scared..
    1 point
  19. Wow.. Jennings can't come fast enough! 1 week!!
    1 point
  20. the english skills in this thread are seriously amazing
    1 point
  21. mother fucker.... yeah yours wasnt worth my title
    1 point
  22. Don't worry nick. Everything will be wipped clean if it is sold. I may not be computer savvy, but I'm no dummy..... Thanks for looking out for me tho.
    1 point
  23. Hello CR. Thought it was high time I came over to see what great things you had to offer. Ok, about me, My car that reflects what this web site is all about is a 1995 Nissan 240sx SE. I've owned it since I was 17 and I'll be 27 here in March so its been a trip. I do all my own work and take pride in the culture that that is import tuners. So to explain my title and why I'm joining the ranks. Car has sat in the garage for too damn long with a spun bearing or a bent rod on cylinder 4. In either case I need to start networking with the present. I've been around and been on any and every forum containing or pertaining to the word 240sx since 2003. I do the whole car audio thing too, Advanced MECP certified if that means anything to you. So I'll be most interested in the for sale forums mainly until I finish my project. After my next 25 introductory posts that is. I'll try to attempt a list of what I've done so far. Engine: ASP Underdrive Pulley Ingen Intake Greddy Header (Yup I've still have one of these turds) Apexi N1 Exhaust Suspension: KYB AGX w/ Sportlines S15 Helical LSD Z32 Brakes (rear ebrake drums and lines yet to be installed) Exterior: S15 front end conversion w/ proper brackets Welded in core support, bumper support w/ bracket liners. Factory HID Silvia Headlamps Carbon Fiber Hood and Carbon Fiber 30mm over fenders Urethane S15 bumper with fogs Audio: I'll keep it simple (I'm not going to look up actual model numbers) Pioneer Premier radio (you know the OEL ones) Infinity Kappa's all the way around Infinity 600w RMS Mono amp w/ 2 JL Subs Mind you these pictures are kinda old but here she is not fully pained in some. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v725/bkremlap/P1010268.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v725/bkremlap/P1010266.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v725/bkremlap/P1000291.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v725/bkremlap/P1010038.jpg
    1 point
  24. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v725/bkremlap/P1000290.jpg One more
    1 point
  25. How bout just don't ride with PMS:D
    1 point
  26. nahhhhh, we ride in parades around town to get attention. We like to think all women are equal even though we like to prove our stereotype by cruising very, very slowly around town, so everyone can see us and know what type of bike we ride and that we are cute. If you are OK with flaunting yourself then by all means JOIN!! WHOOP WHOOOOOOP thats two members. YEAH BUDDDDDY! any other takers?
    1 point
  27. You 'muricins are bloody obsessed...
    1 point
  28. What can be done if they show up to protest a funeral? How about a benchrest and an AK-74, loaded with Hornady 60gr VMax ammo?
    -1 points
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