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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2014 in all areas

  1. that article: Cleveland is awesome because - 1. We got a basketball player back that we hated like a year ago. 2. We're going to have a bunch of sleezy politicians here 2 years from now. 3. The rock hall of fame hasn't stopped functioning.
    2 points
  2. Jimmy buffet fans: Identify themselves as 'parrot heads' Wear Hawaiian shirts Drink copious amounts of tequila get DUI's (illegal activity) Not labeled a gang
    2 points
  3. Needed new tires bad and wanted to get my suspension set up in a basic street way. During the front tire install, he found a blown fork seal and was able to get it taken care of within a day. The bike feels great now! Just got back from a 300 mile ride and no complaints from the PR4s or the sag setup. Thanks a lot for the help, you're a gracious guy.
    1 point
  4. I just hope he never leaves Central Ohio. OR would miss Hoblick more than NEO missed LeBron.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Good find! I'll get them downloaded and on to a new chapter of riding.
    1 point
  7. fucking magnets, how do they work? Seriously though, to classify a group of people as a gang solely on their music preferences is idiotic. Although, I highly doubt anyone is going to charge you with a gang crime because you have an ICP tattoo. They probably felt the need to create the classification of Juggalos as a gang in order to pursue tougher criminal charges on the sub-groups that are violent. So here's an idea: don't commit any violent crimes or steal anything, and this classification will likely never really effect you. I'm pretty sure we've all made dumb choices, maybe some of those are more visible than others (certain tattoos...). Tweak, if you like your tattoo, that's all that matters. If you don't, well hopefully you've at least learned something from it.
    1 point
  8. I've googled for the owners manual but no luck, I'll call my dealer Tuesday and get one coming(service manual too).
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. We did, no question about that. I was just tired of seeing the Harley guys walk past the cops with impunity after being at the bar all night, while some sportbike riders get popped for loud exhausts.
    1 point
  11. I don't know anybody there but when the ORDN guys show we always had a nice time getting food and chatting later. That and some of the bikes there are pretty interesting. Haven't made it this year but I might just to see the bikes. The pirates and the squids make for a nice mix in the crowd, but you can always tell the real riders by their bikes. Meh, if your bored and it's a Wednesday....
    1 point
  12. I have unfounded bias against Suzuki products not named sv650
    1 point
  13. An example of their earlier work. It has entertainment value...
    1 point
  14. Help me. Old guy here. I ride MCs. Can rebuild my own engines. I have ink on both legs, both arms, chest and back. I'm a real hep cat. WTF are juggalos?
    1 point
  15. LOL, my kid took a gamble and bought season floor box seats last week.
    1 point
  16. We're on the same track here, most won't ride unless it's perfect weather. There is nothing wrong with that but some of us ride anywhere anytime. A little cool weather or some rain is no big deal. I've never made a Gap trip that I didn't get rain for at least 100 miles. If you have the right bike and gear you can ride most of the year and distance is no big deal.
    1 point
  17. Stopped in for an hour or so, decent crowd parking is better. Crazy Harley dude rolled thru, you got to see this cat. 15 or more bikes showed, fun time sitting around talkin motorbike stuff.
    1 point
  18. drool! fantastic set up.
    1 point
  19. Oh man if my truck sells this week im all over this for my boys. No really its for the kids lol
    1 point
  20. i bitch about those titles too. just like all this fucking bs about "militarized police blow hole in 2yr old" instead of "mother moves 2yr old into house of drug dealer who sells drugs to undercover cops and gets raided, leading to injury" its all fucking bs....mainstream media is just a disease on society
    1 point
  21. Well after weeks of pushing myself harder i can say i am getting my wind back. Have lost another 7 pounds in the past week and a half. And can now start to feel and see results. Pants are getting looser, and starting to see some slimming in areas. Been pushing the hill running everyday. With stairs three times a week mixed in. Diet is coming along slowly, beer has been cut out besides a few on the weekend. Also doing that 30 day core workout posted a few pges back.
    1 point
  22. you have over 15000 post on this forum. Looks like you know all about making good life choices. notsrs
    -1 points
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