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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2014 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I finally feel up to posting. I first want to thank all emergency personnel who aided in dragging me out of a ravine and getting me to the helicopter, they were all amazing. Next, I want to thank Mike who drove non-stop to get me and our fallen bikes, Derek / Brian (Whaler) for never leaving my side through this whole ordeal. This scared the crap out of me. It was the hardest hit I have ever received. I want to validate that Derek is not responsible for my crash. It is my responsibility to pick the right entry speed and correct line and in this case neither mattered. This turn was covered end to end with gravel and you weren't going to get through it on two wheels at any speed higher than 25 mph. I want to thank God for turning me at the last second from going head first into a tree to back first. My jacket and ass took the brunt of the hit and I ended up in a pile of brush facing the sky. Got some rash on my hand where it burned through my glove, rash on my elbow where it burned through my jacket and the worst was my knee where my jeans didn't hold up. Thanks to everyone on the board who posted the encouraging comments. This is a huge ordeal for me and my family and all the support we received has been awesome. If anyone reads this post please take this with you. My gear helped save my life. Wear your gear at all times & know what your limits are for public roads because anything can happen at any time.
    2 points
  2. I meet in a public place...especially if selling on Craigslist. If I meet someone, the plate is on the bike but it's 1 person, not untold thousands online. The plate is publicly visible but as I ride by the observer has no other info about me other than the state I live in and my overall appearance which is also somewhat masked by gear. Online, people have the ability to glean much more info if they are intelligent and persistent enough. Again, this is an ounce of prevention that takes little effort so I don't see the downside for doing so.
    2 points
  3. I do...it's called due diligence. Anyone diligent enough could probably also get my name and address information. Every bit of personal info someone gains can be used to social engineer others into giving up more info or even access to things. One day I may mention online that I'm going on vacation and get back to find out I've been robbed. I never publish my phone number publicly online either. Who knows what people will do with info they get online.It takes all of 10 seconds to edit the picture. I also shred my mail and old credit cards. I'd rather be paranoid than regretful.
    2 points
  4. Nice to see an Ohio specific rider forum.
    1 point
  5. Happy Birthday kid, what you think I'd forget? Let's some of us locals get together for a post birthday feast and drinks. Sound good have the big guy hmu & we'll set it.
    1 point
  6. Im looking for a bike for the wife. Why is this bike up for sale so fast?
    1 point
  7. Thanks! And yes we need to have a feast. If either of us forget the others bday then we forgot our own too.
    1 point
  8. For my next motorcycle for sale add, I'm going to block out the entire picture of the motorcycle. I don't want internet theives knowing what kid of motorcycle I ride
    1 point
  9. Wait a second, aren't you the guy that posted this plate covering up thread non since?
    1 point
  10. Can we please have more than two parties of idiots? Further division may make them less harmful.
    1 point
  11. Good point. Possibly correct. But wouldn't you have to ascertain that the owner of said car actually lives there? Would you be exposed during this surveillance? Interesting theoretical discussion. Could easily be wrong about all of this - but choose to be careful.
    1 point
  12. The B-Last racing series?
    1 point
  13. The one I got topped at 86 and took 3 days to get there
    1 point
  14. Shitty clutch Vibrates the teeth out of your skull Shitty brake feel/feed back Goofy ass ape hanger bars bend everytime it's dropped Handling is poor at best, especially for a nervous new rider in a panic situation Power is outgrown the day after you get your license A quote from her on very first day riding "I'd rather ride a scooter, who the fuck rides these things" Traded for a EX500 after one week and never looked back. Then on to and F4I Please stop doing people a disservice by telling them it's the perfect beginner bike. Ninja or CBR 250/300 EX 500 GS 500 All far better choices.
    1 point
  15. Ok. $1000 for all of them. That's about what those buckets of shit are worth. It's the Yugo of motorcycles.
    1 point
  16. Oh, I'll vouch for this. He even has the well-trained minions to run it all. This has always been something that's fascinated me, but with the galaxy of tools and stuff out there I've always felt too overwhelmed to start doing anything. What would y'all suggest to start out with? I have on hand in the garage a B&D Matrix drill with the jigsaw and reciprocating saw attachments, a hacksaw, a couple of clamps, hammers, and that's about it. I'd like to just start easy with a workbench or something in the garage, but I just have no idea what I need and what is overkill. I have a tendency to go overboard buying tools.
    1 point
  17. You should take up the name 'Mad Welding Skillz'.....lol
    1 point
  18. 1 point
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