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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2014 in all areas

  1. There was a small article in the Columbus Dispatch this past week announcing that a cracker plant will be built in Monroe county,due to come on line by 2019.this a major project...1 billion dollars.What the article didn't mention is that there are two much larger cracker on the drawling board in Parkersburg WV and Manaca Pa. So what's my point? This...these plants,and several other gas processing plants,will need several instrument techs!From my limited experience with instrument techs there just isn't that many out there. If I was a young person who likes mechanical and electrical/electronic work,I would take a good look at this career field.If you like working on cars or motorcycles,those skills can translate over to the instrument tech career field pretty easily.Some of the best I.T.s I know were mechanics first. As for pay...a GOOD I.T. will make over 100 k with a very good benefit package. The need is coming,it's your call. ...and you will be living in some of the best riding areas in the mid west!
    2 points
  2. Ryan I'm going to have to disagree. This was a "TRACKDAY" in intermediate not a race. CR's should be role models and more contious and courteous than anyone on the track and he should have checked up. N2 rule is no inside passes in "I" group. This guy was barely straight up. He crashed and there was another rider in the grass from this Asshat's move. I run trackdays to have fun if I wanted the inherit risk I would race. If this guy made me wad my bike we would have to discuss who was at fault after I beat the fuck out of him with my helmet.
    2 points
  3. It really sucks that this society has became so dependent on lawsuits to compensate peoples mistakes and bad choices that you need to post a disclaimer just to deny them your hard earned money.
    2 points
  4. I got this in a "FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:Chilli cookoff!!1!" email in 2002
    1 point
  5. I'm just going to say I'm a big believer in structured novice groups and classrooms with formal instruction and constant student/instructor feedback, no matter who the organization is.
    1 point
  6. Wow that's some bullshit. I agree with madcat if anyone comes across me like that I'm taking matter into my own hands. Stuff like that confirms my belief that not all CR's should be CR's.
    1 point
  7. not the same, but AEP is also getting ready to start a huge new headquarters in New Albany. Jobs in Ohio are looking good for years to come.
    1 point
  8. You guys suck....thought this was actually about Nelson PIRC always turns into a clusterfuck for some reason. Checked out the video and I disagree with blaming the CR; it was a track day incident IMHO. 2 different lines going for the same pass. The CR stayed tight on exit and got on the gas early, while the guy who went down waited till he finished the turn on the regular line to roll on a second time and veer back into the track for passing clearance. The CR was already nose to tail side by side with momentum before he could have known the rider was going for the pass. I question if the CR even knew the downed rider was going for the pass. The CR was going right to left because he was setting up the next turn after the passes were complete.....just like ANYONE would do, not to "cut him off" or make a "dirty pass" as this guy put in his youtube description.
    1 point
  9. ORDN strikes again. From retail sales economics to motoporn in 3 posts.
    1 point
  10. Talk to carwhore. He sells a butt load of these trucks and knows them inside and out. We happen to have a guy here in Columbus known for bulletproofing these motors, and carwhore's dealership does work with him.
    1 point
  11. Damn thought about coming for the ride, but now after reading the first post if i can come it will just be for the meet up and say hello. Jesus if I wanted that many rules I'd join a MC. I get it you all want organization and somw of its for safty reasons, but not my kind of gig I guess. So I might show and say hello and go on my own unrestricted adventure. Yes I am just a grumpy old man..lol
    1 point
  12. I'm looking to get into this hobby a bit but know that this stuff can be expensive. I know its a long shot but if anyone has stuff that they are willing to get rid of and are not expecting full blown retail value from it let me know. I don't want to be shelling out hundreds into thousands then lose interest in it. :dumb:
    -1 points
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