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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2015 in Posts

  1. Motorcycle forum discussions in the dead of a harsh Midwest winter are not pretty!!! I'll refrain from discussing my hemorrhoids.
    2 points
  2. The prime minister of Israel defends his people. The king of Jordon defends his people. The president of Egypt defends his people. The president of France defends his people. The president of the United States roams golf courses in search of his balls.
    2 points
  3. This guy must be new or something.
    1 point
  4. Was just gonna say the CPAP is the only thing that worked for my mom. She had the surgery, some other surgery, tried all kinds of over the counter fixes, etc. CPAP is the only thing that can keep her from snoring and sleeping safely. If this doesn't do it, take a look into them. Also I feel ya, not really, but I got neutered Tuesday of last week and my sh*t is still black and blue. I had to take care of our son Wednesday as the sitter called off with a sick kid, and I am sure you can imagine I did not heal as I should have with a 18mos old jumping on me and all kinds of stuff the day after surgery. Oh and the local wore off when he was burning the left side shut. That did not feel good, not even a little.
    1 point
  5. Nobody gives a fuck about your nose... How's the pup?
    1 point
  6. If you feel you are bigger than average person (mainly bigger neck), have bad snoring issue and high BP, plus some daytime sleepy/fatigue problems (this includes functioning with multi coffee\energy drink support ) talk to your doctor and really really really should be thinking about getting the sleep study done. Its on the rise, and not much awareness around. And if diagnosed with sleep apnea based on the severity you might have to use a CPAP machine. Which i consider should be one of the first line management way before the surgical option (jury is still out as not many convincing trials) but any thing takes u away from a knife is good if you ask me. Unless u have big tonsills/adenoids or really bad dns think medical first. Always loosing weight trumps every thing for treatment. And if left unchecked down the years long term problem includes a a very bad lung and a weak heart which as of now is irreversible (pulmonary htn + right heart failure)
    1 point
  7. Pup is home. Vet had to put a big pocket of saline under his skin. Hoping his stomach calms down, he's got special food and meds and we have to postpone obedience class for a few weeks. Hope this is the last of it. On to the hookers and blow.
    1 point
  8. Maybe... or maybe I'll just drop some crazy drug-induced rant nightly. Can't wait till Monday when they pull the packing out of my nose. I can only breathe through my mouth, which dries it and my throat out, which sucks ass.
    1 point
  9. So, we finally will have winter shenanigans on the forum?
    1 point
  10. 1st annual so who knows, but it sounds like it will be like the boat and rv show. For $5.00 I might make it a family day. But who wants the wife around when the Monster Energy Girls are there!
    1 point
  11. Cool! Come ride Wayne with the bubbys.
    1 point
  12. Actually they have been working on the trails and the rumor is that Honda paid them to widen trails for their new line of side by sides. As of now, only RZR's meet the requirements and they are the slow moving traffic blocking semi trucks of the Wayne.
    1 point
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