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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2015 in all areas

  1. I don't typically linger around trucks but this is a good reminder that they can't see shit!
    1 point
  2. Ha! Mustangs have a bad enough rep. Almost as bad as those gsxr guys. I can't fuel the fire!
    1 point
  3. So, I decided to do smoked pork chops tonight, and decided to just cook the corn on the cob in the smoker at the same time. THAT was an EXCELLENT idea! The pork chops were a little dry, I think I left them in there a little too long. Next time I will get a thicker cut, for sure. For the chops, I just salted them kinda' heavily, then tossed them in. I like them that way, but next time I may make a rub. The corn, I left in the husk, soaked them for a few minutes in water, just put them in the smoker that way. They were in for a couple hours. Took it out, peeled the husk and buttered. There was just a light smoke flavor to it, just enough to set it off!
    1 point
  4. Wooo, I just nailed it. Across 70 to Indy, up through Davenport over to Des Moines then up to Aerostich. https://goo.gl/maps/xKFDm
    1 point
  5. There is only so much that can be done with that destination. Chicago traffic sucks, but that route gets better once west of Chicago. The nice thing about traveling west on an Iron Butt (Saddle Sore 1000) ride is that it will extend your time riding in daylight. Going into MN also lets you look forward to the trip to Aerostitch. If you ever want to get one of there suits, it would be tough to beat riding in there and picking out your desired product in person.
    1 point
  6. 83 is an awesome road. Everything past Millersburg is great. We start and end each of our rides from NEO with 83. It's the most direct non-slab route to the real good stuff! Plus it's usually a really clean road.
    1 point
  7. $600.00 OBO I can send video tonight.
    1 point
  8. sell, buy, sell, buy, sell buy... keep repeating i don't get attached to bikes that much. maybe I'm a little weird, but i don't have a lot of regrets selling any bikes I've owned. and i have owned a lot of bikes. i think I've owned at least 2 different bikes every year. only owned the same model of bike 2 times. and those are whats currently in my stable. i think i might be finally settling down now though. i say do whatever feels best for you. its always fun to try new bikes, and if you don't like it, move on to the next.
    1 point
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