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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2017 in all areas

  1. It's about to go down @ Pony Powersports - Saturday, August 12th and Sunday, August 13th from 9am-5pm. Pony Powersports will be hosting Suzuki FREE Demo Days featuring all the best of Suzuki street bikes. Make sure to grab your helmet, gloves, jacket, long pants, over the ankle boots/shoes and your valid motorcycle endorsement/license and a friend and come burn our fuel all day on some of the most exciting bikes in the industry. *Must be 18 or older to participate.
    3 points
  2. Tomorrow morning I am leaving for my first Iron butt Certification. I will be doing a Saddlesore 1000. Leaving Coolville and going to the Gateway Arch in St Louis, then turning around and coming back. Got all my documentation situated, bike is all ready to go, got my new Aerostich today and took it for a 25 mile test run (Also taking my old gear just in case). Packed some food in the tank bag, got the Camelbak for fluids, and the Garmin for GPS. I think I am ready to go. Now off to get some sleep for me. Leaving at 5am, hoping to avoid the night riding as much as possible. Below is my SPOT tracker page for tomorrow. http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0V7ZlCxzdnSoREZdxDf6nb3yJdkhOAjzn
    2 points
  3. Well it's coming along. Runs great. Need to source a bleeder for the clutch master cyl, and also replace and repair all the everystuff. Played dress-up today....
    2 points
  4. I can swing by Sunday evening to load up your Daytona. I fly back Sunday morning and will be back in Columbus around 12pm, will then need to load the CBR and pack all my stuff. $50, can fit 4 bikes comfortably, 5 bikes if you don't mind a tight fit. I'll give Mid O a call tomorrow and see how full the day is looking. If it's empty I'll just do a walk-up like usual... if it's got a good number of people I'll reserve a spot.
    1 point
  5. Google says every 15K starting in 2010. So 9K more if google is right. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/news/new-bikes/2010/february/feb0310-multistrada-1200-servicing-costs-slashed-/
    1 point
  6. I really like the section of 26 from 145 to Woodsfield. The section south of 800 is all under construction for a repave until you get close to Marietta and its brand new pavement.
    1 point
  7. Had a great time. Sorry about the dirt road detour, Can't get the Adventure stuff out of my head sometimes. Video of 536
    1 point
  8. Ohfercryingoutloud Tonik, stop fucking with the guy. He's right about the ones supplied to Kawasaki having to meet a certain spec and the NAPA ones maybe, maybe not, but we aren't talking about a fuel nozzle for a rocket motor here. It's a loop of metal the crushes to form a seal. I've used both OEM and off the shelf from the parts store. If you install it and tighten it properly and it doesn't leak once you get it all bled out and apply full pressure, then it'll be fine. It's not something that will develope a leak over time, in my experience. It'll either work right off or it won't. The question should really be - are you willing to risk additional down time if the cheap substitute fails on installation?
    1 point
  9. I went to this at the Dayton Air Show and you could only ride the bikes in the parking lot, not on the street. Max was about 20 miles per hour. Pretty disappointing to have demo rides advertised but only be able to ride in the parking lot.
    0 points
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