it's never going to go away. the sooner you all get it and quit fearing it the better off everything will be. it's going to eventually kill everyone it was going to kill anyway. can't stop the inevitable.
The reality is still crystal clear: don't be dumb. Adhere to the protocols the experts tell us to follow. They have no agenda which would suppress commerce or personal freedom. Don't fall victim to those who assert that wearing or not wearing a mask is somehow a political statement. This isn't a "forever" thing; Dr. Fauci is a straight-shooter, and I follow what he advises the public to do in order to avoid sickness and death from COVID.
Initial studies are indicating that people that had it, especially those that were asymptomatic, are more likely to get it again.
"Clinical and immunological assessment of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections | Nature Medicine"