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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2023 in all areas

  1. Made it Back home pa & ny are great 2lane high speed low traffic roads like 83 and 78 in Ohio except 4times bigger area you could probably drive 300 miles of woods and not hit a city can’t say there’s a Pacific route to take, but the better roads are the ones by putting a point somewhere in the middle of nowhere judging by aerial views, and how twisty they are, the further north, you go, the bigger the mountains are i rode 1480miles of two lanes 40miles of four-lane s only reason to get on four-lane is because of a gravel roads otherwise you actually make better time on the 2lanes Overall northern roads are not as twisty as oh,wv,nc,tn,ky. But road conditions are much better not a lot of cops or patrol perfect to ride 2 up or for cruising or get away from traffic and commercialized motorcycle roads New York food sucks pa food is great
    3 points
  2. Rode 350+ miles of back roads today again Staying the night in kane pa nobody’s here I called the number they left the keys for me not one single soul on site its it’s actually a nice motel. Just strange nobody’s here nice tiled bathrooms & looks remodeled within the last seven year s. Had the best food of the trip at the the barrel House.next door
    1 point
  3. Solo trips are certainly the bomb. Been a long time since I have done one.
    1 point
  4. Time for new tires. Bought some Continental Sport Attacks. Should be a fun fall season. 😎
    1 point
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