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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2013 in all areas

  1. A. He said Federal immigration laws. They are not racist. B. If modern firearms aren't protected by the 2nd Amendment, then internet, TV, radio, etc aren't protected by the 1st. Don't forget about wiretapping, drones, etc. Those wouldn't be covered by the 4th. Be careful what you wish for amigo.
    3 points
  2. Then you can't post that here, because back then "press" meant newspapers and telograms not interwebs forums and tvs
    2 points
  3. That's funny, because I apparently just glazed right over his post, and after I read yours I was like, what's she talking about? ... lol. poor guy.
    1 point
  4. Sandy Hook was a tragedy. And I am all for honest to goodness policies that might prevent it. Like a guard at schools. Properly trained employees with CCW permits, I'm even for background checks prior to the sale of a weapon, etc. But it doesn't matter if the killer used an assault rifle or not in the shooting. It doesn't justify taking away the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens. If you don't understand the reasoning behind the second amendment. You need to go back to school. Or watch the news from other countries. For some reason many Americans have a false sense of security, that the government is always acting in their best interest. You don't have to like guns, or even own one. Just don't tell a law abiding american they can't have one.
    1 point
  5. I'm waiting for Apache-mounted 20mm bubble cannons.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. The whole no warning shot raises an eyebrow (Geneva convention) but as far as American soldiers being able to fire on us citizens isn't very shocking. I mean come on dude, look at cops, if they are in danger they are willing to fire on us citizens, so why should the military be any different just because they are in American and not Iraq?
    1 point
  8. Holding strong at 3 but people behind me are catching up quick
    1 point
  9. No one needs more than 3 bubbles.
    1 point
  10. Hollywood has to work, we could all go there and pester the shit out of him.
    1 point
  11. Wait, are we talking about fully or semi auto bubbles?
    1 point
  12. http://www.legis.ga.gov/Legislation/en-US/display/20132014/HB/90
    1 point
  13. Zero tolerance = zero intelligence. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
    1 point
  14. Welcome to the Ohio Mike BBB gun barrel shop we got so many barrels they are blocking the door to the kitchen. mike has a gorgeous slightly used camo Mossburg 24" rifled barrel for a 500 12 ga. Fits 2 3/4"-3" shells i have a awesome unicorn slaying mossburg 500 24" rifled barrel with cantilevered scope mount with a crappy 2.5x20 scope his is a measly 100 thats right 100 us dollars thats a 1263.04 peso value mine is 120 and on the mossberg site is much much more but today and well until they sell a lucky ORDN member can stock up on an extra barrel for their lovely 500.
    1 point
  15. no. too bad for your argument that we have "the bill of rights", not "the bill of needs".
    1 point
  16. That is the ignorant bullshit that is spewed by ignorant anti gun people. When the second amendment was written is was to enable everyone to have equal fire power. Guns killed people back then too. The people had the same fire power as the military. The bill of rights was written for the future not just the current times. Please show me the part that says it won't apply later on in the future I'd love to see that clause.
    1 point
  17. Ok so bowdog has me on the line to sell him this barrel, but what he does not know, and this is super secret type stuff, is that i have secretly talked to him and he agreed that if i can sell it before he gets back he will have one less barrel he does not need. so i am temporarily re-offering a new (it came with the shotgun and what the hell do i need with a rifled barrel) mossburg 500 24" rifled barrel with cantilevered scope mount with a crappy 2.5x20 scope. yes this fine barrel sells for a mere 120 us dollars. but wait is there more? why yes there is indeed. this fine barrel has extra holes in it called porting that do something to make bullets go faster and ladies britches or mens boxer drop faster depending on who is holding the gun. you may ask what can this fine barrel do. my friends this barrel is warranted to slay dragons, unicorns, manbearpigs and fish in a barrel with ease. it will also give the buyer the added feeling of guilt that they are stealing a barrel from a beloved ORDN icon like Bowdog, but we are all assholes here so screw him right anyway you gots till friday to make an offers.
    1 point
  18. Im stupid anal about keeping my stuff clean, another reason I hate this time of year
    1 point
  19. Boom! Headshot! Rep. for ghostie.
    1 point
  20. You're right, reading comprehension is lacking in America. First, the letter is from "GEICO COMMERCIAL INSURANCE", meaning it was a commercial (or business as you put) policy. Second, it specifically says, "because it is used in conjunction with a company that deals in the weapons industry".
    1 point
  21. If states can't enforce federal immigration laws, why should they enforce federal gun laws? +1 for Georgia
    1 point
  22. I blame all my failures as an adult on the fact that I never truly put my heart into building a raft as a child.
    1 point
  23. Thou shalt not block the view of Chocolate Jesus during his anointing.
    1 point
  24. you guys are missing the point, it can also mount a grenade launcher
    1 point
  25. Two fat bitches and bag of weed? ... oh and a bag of potato chips for the fat bitches
    1 point
  26. 0 points
  27. $1.00 :gabe: But for real...I'll gib ya a doll hair.
    -1 points
  28. Well, I guess that will just put the collective minds of the parents who lost kids there at rest. Thank 7lb, 8oz baby Jesus that a AR wasn't actually used.
    -1 points
  29. immigraton laws tend to border on racisim for one. and 2 you don't need an assault type weapon. riffles, shotgun and handgun is all you should be allowed to own. and if you want to get technical about the constitution since it was written when the only kind of "arms" was a musket you should only be allowed to own one of those.
    -2 points
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