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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. Your Forza skills are not for the faint of heart... Damn right banana...
  2. This thread's fun-factor just doubled...
  3. note to self, E doesn't visit anymore...
  4. Update: I got bank approval, and we're all inspected, so I'm going to get it; we're going to start the paperwork shortly! Totally geeked, this should be a great time
  5. WAIT!! Is CMRemaly is chick?? When did this happen??
  6. i'll absolutely let you know, maybe we can take it out for a lunch during the week or something.
  7. for anyone who's interested on here, I went to see this thing and I have two notes: 1.) Justin knows his shit, and he's one of the easiest guys to talk to you'll find out there. If Cycle Search is run with the same attitude, it may be my first stop for bikes in the future because I haven't felt this comfortable looking at cars or bikes in a long time. 2.) This thing is downright rowdy. I drove it (but gently since it wasn't mine and it wasn't broken in yet) and sweet hell yes. The sounds that come out of this thing alone are worth the price of admission. Soooo, I'm actually in the process of probably buying this thing. My loan app should come through today or tomorrow, and Justin has been nice enough to drive it down to Cinci to have one of my oldest family friends give it a once over, then assuming all goes well on those fronts, I should be handing him his deposit. I am quite enthusiastic, this thing is a pretty piece of work, and Justin's a top-notch guy.
  8. welcome, that looks like the start of a very impressive build.
  9. These are just plain epic....thanks justin, i owe kodak one whole afternoon of makeup work now...
  10. holy shit, i love this place...
  11. i was on the fence about this thread until now. well played. entertainment win.
  12. I realize its an old beetle, but this guy has clearly been working with these things for long time.... http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Fastest-Engine-Belt-Ever_718589.htm
  13. here's hoping he and the bike get back to normal quickly... someone said old money, so i hope they man up and he gets the RC back the way it should be. brandon, since i've been tracking with jess, i've wanted to meet up with you guys out there eventually, so you guys try to stay in one piece till next season. glad to hear he made it out alright.
  14. sorry, i didn't even see the note until late, but I was busy with MW2. That'll be my crack for a bit, but I'll be on and off Forza all winter. I have lots of career to go still....

  15. welcome to the great(ish) Dayton area group....
  16. sounds like you're both missing hints
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