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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. i almost always come first.... (that was a classy 1000th post, eh?)
  2. jarvismb

    On my soap box.

    wow, you guys are really on the ball allow me to clarify that the previous post was a joke, enough with the reds. I admittedly should've known better
  3. i was watching the game when he lined up for that, and even the announcers couldn't really believe it. I looked at the ol' lady, and was like, "what the hell is happening here?" But you're right, he sure as shit put it through straight. If I didn't know better I'd think it was Graham doing it, just business as usual.
  4. 1. I WANT TO WIN A TRACKDAY WITH NESBA 2. No 3. N/A - Novice W/ STT 4. Either date would be good!
  5. i don't even know where to begin, woman...
  6. I heard the STT staff put on a live version of the Aristocrats joke, and the mid-o staff didn't have enough mops or interns on hand to clean the paddock, so they told them to leave. I heard the goat they brought didn't make it through the night, and they'll have to get a new ambulance because the interior can't be recovered. I heard they didn't even get to finish the joke.
  7. Chris Rock covered this at some point, but you're both right. "Every time a man is being nice, he's just offering dick...."
  8. I think I finally have this thread down....
  9. I have to honest to say that I'm upset he's back in the NFL. I think he served his time, so yea, he's allowed to re-enter society, just like everyone else, but in no way should he get to be make crazy money doing something other good people would love to do and more importantly, be a role model for this country's youth after what he did. He can go get a regular job, like the rest of us, but I think he should've lost his chance to be in the NFL, and I think they set a bad precedent by allowing people that have committed violent crimes to come back. I think doing that kind of thing should be a privilege, and if these people are going to be role models for young people, they should be held to a certain standard of conduct. It shouldn't be that hard to conduct yourself appropriately for a few million a year. We all have to act a certain way at our jobs, why shouldn't they?
  10. @ inya, i just need to spread more rep....
  11. wrong shape, but i love your enthusiasm.
  12. easy killer, maybe you're cool, but i'm certainly not....
  13. sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's ok to go ass to mouth.
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