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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. I played the level. I killed innocents. Profit???
  2. jarvismb


    A hearty thanks from me as well. Without you guys/girls i wouldn't have the ability to use a sweet motorcycle forum that occasionally discusses motorcycles but seriously, all your service and sacrifice is greatly appreciated back here at home.
  3. I'll see if i can be on then. Just getting back from the honeymoon, the house is a wreck from all the shit from the wedding, so we're working every night to clean shit up. I'll try to set aside some time if I can manage it.
  4. V4, I added you to my friends list, and if anyone else wants to add me it's jarvismb. The most creative thing you've ever witnessed.
  5. i'll take a pic sometime, you'll love it....
  6. I'm telling you, the wheel adds a lot to it. The force feedback coding is really good at letting you know when the tires are starting to break loose. You're a lot faster without the TCS system on, but I really feel like the wheel is the only way to really control the car at the edge of traction like you would be doing in a real car anyway. For example, when I'm playing against the AI with the same car, I can't reliably pass on the outside of a turn (with TCS off) on the controller, I can only manage it with the wheel. I've gone uber-nerd and built a little racing setup with the wheel out of my old rack band drum set stand. It's fun as shit when you really have a setup in place to use it like a simulator.
  7. I play every night I have time. Playing with the wheel really helps, and the feeling is pretty accurate when you use the Microsoft wheel with the force feedback. The only assist I use is ABS since the brake pedal has no feedback and I can't tell that I'm about to break loose until it happens and I hear the squealing. Other than that, I use no assits and just leave the AI at medium. It's a good challenge and with equal cars I can win every time if I'm smart about my moves and keep my lines clean. The Livery system is staggering. Simply fantastic. I have one simple design on my storefront, but I've bought countless others. Some people out there are crazy talented. We'll need to get some races together sometime since the multiplayer matchmaking scheme sucks copious amounts of donkey balls. If you guys set it up from time to time, I'll try to get in.
  8. thanks, and I can get back into it next season, since I'll likely be dropping my other Thursday commitment for the weekday rides, and since I'm married I'll need the mental health outings on Sundays. 2010 - Dirt roads beware... Where was I when they were handing out these chicks?
  9. please tell me someone else gets this reference too rep for you sir...
  10. ahhh,the comfort of the OR support group.... *tear*
  11. I'll do this again too.....here's Tucker:
  12. she has fake boobs. he has fake money. i see no real problem here.
  13. oh, guys/girls, here's your fun fact for the day... If you make sure to ask the right way, and have a couple Catholics on your side, you can actually convince the Catholic Church to marry you in official fashion and in an actual Cathedral and still have your Jewish family come bring you a glass and break it at the end of the ceremony. Watching 200 Catholics scream "mazel tov" at the end of a catholic ceremony in a cathedral is a sight to see, I assure you.
  14. i love it when a couple crazies lend a great name to the rest of the community. keep up the good work boys & girls.
  15. don't make me come downstairs and climb your big ass and teach you some manners....
  16. The supreme dictatorship known as mother-in-law found not the humor in said plan... Thanks, much appreciated Ben. For some reason I remembered that I still need to come to Columbus to get that swingarm, or I need to PayPal some shipping monies (with a a little handling charge included, I'm sure) because I completely forgot we did that this summer. I'm really sorry about leaving it there, I haven't thought about it in so long, but if you PM me how you'd like me to get it out of the basement, I'll get on it. Can I use that argument for my annulment hearing?
  17. there wasn't room for the livestock.
  18. I got married last weekend. Discuss....
  19. Happy BDay big guy, I'll have to swing by the big downstairs this afternoon and see if you made it in today...
  20. nick's having twins, he knows what a poke is....
  21. if rep doesn't come back just for this, nothing will bring it back.
  22. It's temporary like Valtrex temporarily stops herpes outbreaks. It addresses the issue for now, the underlying problem still persists...
  23. i would rep you for that, but...well...you know....
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