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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. OMG I LUV JELLO-SHOTS!!!1111!!!one111!!!!
  2. i feel like everything's kinda far from Ostrander
  3. I heard they sell Yamahas....
  4. does that girl know that bras come in different sizes?
  5. My dad has an '08. It's massive. Cool bike though, GLWS.
  6. you're probably not gonna like that as much as you'd think....
  7. for the record, we rode to burger king that way....
  8. the boy shorts were fantastic. with high heels. true story.
  9. jess, didn't you just show us that this weekend?
  10. E, I need a pic fix. I'm freakin' out over here. Don't make me go down the street and steal that sweet ass camera myself and upload them.
  11. That is almost exactly what I was doing, except I didn't quite have the balls to carry the speed 3rd required through the last part....
  12. *grabs camera, stumbles out door*
  13. you heard it here first, nick loves the sausage....
  14. ladies and gentlemen, if this is not the messiah, then i don't know what is...
  15. fine, i'll take one, but i'm still watching jess and the blonde when i'm done....
  16. now you get neg rep for pussing out!!!
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