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Everything posted by jarvismb

  2. listen here bumblebee, you weren't even on the last big dayton ride, so i don't want any lip from you
  3. I don't know what you're talking about....
  4. don't tempt me, i might just get bored and do it.....

  5. look, if you put lights in the house, eventually his wife is gonna see him naked, and after meeting her, I feel like she's a perfectly nice girl who doesn't deserve that....
  6. that pic is awesome, thanks

  7. which is exactly how it should be
  8. it's sometimes labeled under monotit....
  9. you've gotta be out of your damn mind..... if i'm insuring two people, and one racks up a huge bill getting injured, you can be damn sure I'm going to raise the rates for both because the average cost of insuring both just went up. Yea, only one guy did it, but the average cost is all i care about, so that's what rates are going to be based on. You just stated the very reason it does go up...it's a for profit business. They're not a charity, they're not gonna just take it on the chin if people rack up more bills than they pay in premiums. If people rack up bigger bills, they're gonna make rates higher. That is the utmost fundamental principal behind making insurance profitable.
  10. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhaaa
  11. yea, my whole father's side of the family lives either in Boca or Vero Beach in FL, if that gives it away....
  12. dude, I don't know where they got that from, but I can assure I know of zero jews who think swine flu was an offensive term. The only thing I've hear in terms of renaming the outbreak was to quell the misinformation that was spreading that you catch it from pork or pigs, which is wholly inaccurate. I hate how one jew with access to the media can make the whole lot look ridiculous....
  13. I'll say this again here, but I've said it before, and I'll say it forever..... I want people to wear their gear! I don't give a shit about their safety, if they're stupid enough to go hauling around without gear, then I can start the generalization that they're probably not the kind of person that I would lament being rid of. This is the kind of person that thinks only of themselves and not everyone else that's affected by their actions... When you wreck, it effects other people..... 1.) Common sense will justify that if I wreck in full gear and get back up, walk over to my bike and either have it picked up or towed away, it's going to cost a hell of a lot less than if emergency vehicles are involved. The cops called, the street shut off, ambulances (possibly life-flight), the street partially (or completely) shut down, the traffic created, maybe firetrucks called, road clean-up crews....I have a lot of other better uses in mind for all of our taxpayer money and commuter time and emergency response crew time than peeling your dumb ass off the street. The first point is that I don't want to pay for other people's stupidity, and yes, if they go down, it costs everyone a lot more the less they wear. 2.) When this dickhole survives and his insurance pays out stupid amounts in medical bills, I get to pay for that too. Insurance companies are going to make money. And if they have to shell out thousands for this donkey to get put back together, then they're going to charge me more for make sure their books are in the black and the end of the day. Again, when these people don't wear gear, it costs me more. I have a great job, and I can afford these things, but that sure as hell isn't the point. Those people's actions are effecting me, and I really don't care for it. It's not fair that my costs are affected by these actions, but that's the way it is, so I have the right to not like it. And let's not even get started on how people like that obviously don't care as much as they could about their loved ones that would be devastated if anything happened to them when they wreck with no gear....
  14. bring some eggs, and nick will give you a solid minute & a half...
  15. you know, one of these days, I might accidentally learn how to ride, and them where will your jokes be? huh?
  16. i've shown my goofy ass in this stuff before, but more picture whoring of me looking like an idiot is always a good time... And this is my everyday street gear....
  17. sweet E, you think you cold send me a big copy of my pic? the color saturation is awesome
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