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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. that's my anti-nazi bear. and he beat you. so, what does that say about you?
  2. if I'd known everyone would be staring at my business parts, I would've photo shopped a respectable bulge in there.....
  3. cool, i was hoping to be able to see a wreck in person.
  4. I just thought I'd post up to say that I just signed up with STT for Bluegrass for Saturday, July 11th. With all the great times they're having getting that track ready, I was hoping this would be enough time to make sure it was all done. If anyone else is going, post up. Maybe we can see if we've got another OR track orgy thing going. This will be my first time, so if anyone thinks watching some tiny jew pop his track cherry sounds like a good time, I may have a show for you....
  5. KawiKid will be the first to tell you that post count != intelligence
  6. i didn't get it until a couple pages in, but holy crap......
  7. !!!!!!!!!!! what the crap? !!!!!!! you'se a dick....
  8. I'd rather be beating up 5-year-olds. This one would probably smell bad.
  9. 26.... but i call bullshit, there's a catholic elementary school down the street, I'll be back in 10-15 minutes.....
  10. haven't you seen Munich? We're not to be trifled with....
  11. my new guy beat Doll143 flawless!!!! http://thorny.mybrute.com/fight/205496514
  12. just like the girls in tijuana
  13. i know how he feels, i'm getting married soon, so i'm waiting for my impending nut removal too....
  14. wait, there's a kind and gentle way to take it in the ass?
  15. it's all fun and games until you lose your sword.....*sigh*
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