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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. my friends and i did this one night drinking at the Goose Island Brewey in Chicago. It's a fun game.... swalls swesticles swagina swaint (or swaint rub for some people here) swasshole swunt switoris swoner swenis swack swabia you get the idea....we're simple people (and drink if you repeat one)
  2. i tend to lean more forward on the bike, so i get the swalls more than the swass..... both, however, suck....
  3. little guy's too tired to day from bringing the noise. tomorrow, it's a date....
  4. my new guy thorny is EPIC. 3 victories today, two of them flawless.... (MJ might have been one of them...)
  5. poor honda....i has a sad now
  6. well, I'm late to the thread, but count me in the next ride so I can show these new people what real slow riding looks like (and I'm a Springboro kid now, I moved from Centerville a little over a year ago. I'm actually not that far from a couple of these guys)
  7. yes! my guy thorny has a bear and a dog now. way to go killer....
  8. well, my image posting stupidity kinda overshadowed my original point, but since I got that figured out, I was just kind wondering if any other EEs have seen boards that have so many flood planes. I was kinda trying to get an opinion from you other guys to see if I've just been sheltered or if this really is a hot mess. it's also just for fun to post some EE nerd porn....
  9. it makes lots of independent precision-controlled power sources and uses compound analog and digital control loops for voltage servos. Carefully controlling ~100W power supplies to within +/- 0.05VDC is not a trivial task when the load is about 1400 individual MEMS thermal actuators. They make a lot of switching current noise.
  10. you should see the trace routing....that cluster fuck in the lower left corner is an FPGA/CPLD/FLASH combination. 14 layer board. This will be an interesting board to debug, considering it has analog, digital, and 300-500 watts of power all together. Should be a fun next couple weeks.
  11. it's paint by numbers, and Ben can only count to 1.... (don't ban me )
  12. it's def the file size that's the problem. to get anything out of the pic it has to be full size, and most places don't like giving you access to un-scaled images....
  13. soooo, did you just find the red button, or are the other colors broken?
  14. i just changed it, still happening?
  15. it might have something to do with my privacy settings on Webshots, I'll see if I can fix it.
  16. seriously? I see it when I look at the page.
  17. it's supposed to be big. that's already shrunk from my screen resolution, there's so much detail in what we work on that we need to screen size.
  18. Nick, don't make me come downstairs and climb your big ass to smack some sense into you.....
  19. Alright, I've done a lot of board designs so far in my career, but this one takes the cake for fill planes. This is complete copper pour insanity.... I thought a couple of you fellow EE nerds might get a kick out of this.
  20. Just read this article this morning, Ohio comes through as the second worst place to drive!!!
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