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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. well, there's your problem.
  2. I absolutely agree with this. fantastic job.
  3. my 3 for the day: 1.) MJ whooped me 2.) kicked some random's ass 3.) Beat the ever-loving piss out of ross 2 outta 3 ain't bad.....
  4. i saw everyone that tried to beat me....thanks i tried to get some revenge today, but where the hell did MJ get a damn sword!?!?!
  5. soooo, are you saying there's not gonna be a July 11th event?
  6. I'm planning on signing up for the July 11th weekend here shortly, and I'll be looking for peeps to go with so I can whore for a trailer to hook up with.
  7. how do you all sleep at night?
  8. my character's jewish too.... every time you beat me, it's a hate crime.
  9. jarvismb

    555 dayton trip

    :lol: (thread tag)
  10. IN! http://jarvismb.mybrute.com/
  11. yea, lead poisoning is kida like the boogeyman, it can't hurt you if you don't believe in it....
  12. dude, lead can be absorbed in a lot of ways. Anyone remember leaded gas until they realized they were killing everyone because lead can be inhaled and absorbed very easily? The whole chaos surrounding the lead levels in fish in certain parts of the world? Lead is easily absorbed, but it isn't easily taken out of the body, as is the case with all heavy metals. They are fat soluble, and as such, hide in the linings of cell membranes and the body doesn't remove them at a blindingly quick pace. That's how slow buildup will damage (or kill) you. Some key heavy metals are easy to get in small amounts, and it's well documented that small amounts of lead can be seriously harmful to your body. Any 'ol human physiology book will tell you that, or any quick search on Google.... you weren't supposed to eat leaded gas, but it sure as hell got in your body until they stopped using it.
  13. every time i search for 'taint' on this website, I'm disappointed.....
  14. I can only assume you mean pulsed 40kV. If you mean DC, just let me know so I can be out the county when you charge that thing up, and out of the state when you discharge it. you're gonna want to use a FET driver piggybacked into a big power FET to do the switching. Current switching like that needs big FETs, and those things usually have big gate capacitances that regular ICs won't like to drive by themselves. FET drivers are about as straighforward to use as anyhting, they just tend to be necessary for decent transient characteristics when using big power FETs and big currents.
  15. shiiiiiit, you posted this just before I was about as I read it. Stun guns are what you want to imitate. It's seriously crazy simple in theory, but harder to get something to do that in the real world. you have a pulse generator go through a transformer with a huge winding differential. Sometimes they go through 2 cascaded transformers to get the same effect in smaller windings. In your case, you're going to be running 40W of power through a transformer with a 3333:1 winding ratio (which is a hell of a thing). Also, you're primary side will have to be rated for at least 3.5A (probably more to be safe, it's gonna get hot), and windings for that kind of current aren't super tiny.
  16. of course everything involved in the logic would be single-chip, but there's always more involved than the logic. The IO interface takes up room, connectors and all, and you need POL voltage conversion, which requires real estate too. Of all the boards I've built, I can't think of a single one that was a one-chip solution that ended up being one chip on a board. Nothing currently works that way, but we're getting closer. Things like mixed-signal ASICs/FPGAs/MCUs are making headway, but we still always need support architecture.
  17. BLASPHEMY!!!! You bite your tongue Brad!!!
  18. as a matter of fact, ACTEL has some great FUSION FPGAs that I've used before that are absolutely perfect for creating fuel computers. They're actually mixed-signal FPGAs that have A2Ds and them for throttle position conversion, and they have hardwired FLASH cores that can hold LUTs. Throw in a firmware instantiated USB device core, and you have a one-chip fuel computer solution. Edit, did a quick lookup of parts you'd need to make this.... the POL voltage conversions take up more room than the chip itself, but all things accounted for, you could have a more powerful fuel computer than a PCIII in a PCB that's probably 1"x2".
  19. fuel computers are really overblown in perceived complexity. By far the most advanced part of the PCIII is actually the USB interface, which is sad considering how easy a USB device structure is to implement. The actual computer part is nothing more than a 2-D LUT with one dimension coming from a pulse period counter, and the other from an A2D converter.
  20. Matchbook Romance - Monsters (i wrote that on the first iteration of this thread, but it's great song....)
  21. the arguments i have in favor of this are far too long to type out, but to be succinct.... 1.) The tax implications are massive. Simply massive. Holy crap that's a lot of money for the gub'ment...... 2.) It lightens all kinds of judicial/prison burdens. Imagine al the room we could save for rapists/murderers/child molesters if we stopped filling them with punks who got busted for weed, and imagine the time saved in the judicial system saving judges from hearing marijuana-related cases. 3.) Public safety from 'bad' drugs. I'll leave this short, but know that I've seen the effect of dirty pot (opiates to be exact) first hand before and it isn't pretty. One friend in particular did not have a good time. Would be nice to have a 'safe' place to buy 'clean' (read: FDA regulated) drugs. 4.) Millions less drug cartels have from imports. I don't care that weed isn't their cash cow, but it's still money that doesn't leave the country anymore. Some is better than none.
  22. does it make me look bad to say i'm totally excited to hear that? fuck it, i'm totally excited to hear that....
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