dude, lead can be absorbed in a lot of ways. Anyone remember leaded gas until they realized they were killing everyone because lead can be inhaled and absorbed very easily? The whole chaos surrounding the lead levels in fish in certain parts of the world? Lead is easily absorbed, but it isn't easily taken out of the body, as is the case with all heavy metals. They are fat soluble, and as such, hide in the linings of cell membranes and the body doesn't remove them at a blindingly quick pace. That's how slow buildup will damage (or kill) you. Some key heavy metals are easy to get in small amounts, and it's well documented that small amounts of lead can be seriously harmful to your body. Any 'ol human physiology book will tell you that, or any quick search on Google.... you weren't supposed to eat leaded gas, but it sure as hell got in your body until they stopped using it.