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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. No way, I have the same thing in my house! It totally works, I've never woken up to terrorists in my house either! Or tigers!! Yahtzee!!
  2. If the block is properly grounded, then JRMiii is right, there should be no real difference. The 'spark' is headed to ground across the gap anyway, this is just getting it there through a different path. Electrons flow, they don't care how they get there. If you're trying to get technical, the only issue I could see is with the return currents. Electrons are funny little things, and they try their hardest to travel in a loop of least resistance, but if given an option, they also travel along the parallel path they were sent in. This is kind of a funky law, and it usually only applies to PCB boards, but depending on how your wiring harness is set up, there are many ground wires and it may not tend to travel along the one you'd think. The whole point of this is to say that if the return currents choose to travel from the block (headed back to the battery) and through the same ground lines as the ECU, then you'll get big ground bouncing in the ECU, and if it's big enough, it could cause it to "see" bigger voltages than it could handle. Off the top of my head, I'd say the odds of that are low, but that's the only thing I could think of that would blow the ECU.
  3. this turned very quickly from strange to hot. my objections are generally absent.
  4. Just two pictures of things you don't see everyday.... 1.) Aston Martin Lift FAIL! 2.) This could be a big problem for everyone...
  5. Tired of Winter? Little cabin fever, perhaps? It turns out, money can buy happiness, or at least a little entertainment. Just strap a few Blizzaks to your GT-R, and head out to the Nurburgring (where I'm sure you won't have to wait in line right now), and have a little fun. Words cannot fully express my jealousy. http://www.gtrblog.com/index.php/2009/01/19/video-nissan-gt-r-at-nurburgring-in-wint?blog=4
  6. and don't take nakkid pics of yourself and leave them at McDonalds....
  7. jarvismb


    *edit, brad got in before me
  8. jarvismb


    yakov smirnov FTW!
  9. jarvismb


    Blondes (damn you for beating my good word)
  10. jarvismb


    blende (refers to atomic spatial configurations in crystalline structures )
  11. ben, where do you come up with this shit?
  12. hell yes, another EE in Dayton. Well played. If you ride to class in the spring I should see you around in the evenings. I'm getting my MSEE at WSU after work during the week, and I ride there for classes when the weather permits. I even leave for the Thursday rides right from the lot to meet up with the rest of these clowns. Welcome, and enjoy....
  13. I hear golden showers are cheaper in Pittsburgh too...
  14. only the catcher is gay, not the pitcher.
  15. I don't let them face each other.
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