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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. don't talk about whodey like that, he can read.
  2. I agree that LED isn't up to speed yet, but like I said, I blame the industry for pushing the wrong tech first (just my opinion). Most people I talk to that have CFL bulbs have no idea that contain mercury and that you shouldn't just throw them out to be landfilled with the rest of the trash. Hell I've even seem people accidentally break them, then just go and start picking up the big pieces by hand like there's no problem. Mercury isn't a trivial thing that handle like that, especially by women, and I think they should at least do a better job informing people at large about what's in the bulbs. Oh well, like I said, I'm glad LEDs will be coming into the mainstream soon, and I'll certainly be outfitting my entire house with them when I can. I'm glad people are getting together to phase out incandescents, that's all good news. Old tech, time to move on.
  3. Whoa, easy there sailor. Watch where you say that, the bike could be listening, and that's like family. She could get upset.
  4. As an EE, I really wish the industry would have pushed LED from the beginning instead of CFL bulbs for the last few years. CFL bulbs have some problems that may end up outweighing the advantages in years to come, depending on how many of them are improperly disposed of. By the time we all go to LED bulbs, we'll have tons and tons of CFL bulbs in landfills rocking staggering amounts of aggregate mercury into everything. They never really talk about it, but there's mercury in every CFL bulb, which has always turned me off from them. LEDs are the most energy efficient anyway, and they'll last damn near forever, even putting CFL lifespans to shame. Just my opinion, but a poor play on the part of the lighting industry to ever go with CFL before LED. But I'm glad LED (and eventually OLED) will be entering the scene, those things are just awesome, and will help in lighting efficiency in everything from houses to cars. Cool stuff in those little guys.
  5. wow, i unknowingly cheered on the death of my own people when I was 7 years old....crap, I bet that's frowned upon.
  6. yea, last time they launched 'black suit' Stig off an aircraft carrier. maybe they could make him "try" the old rocket car myth....
  7. They killed off Black Stig a few years ago, but now it looks like White Stig might be done for as well. Any ideas what color the next Stig will be? Red would be cool. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/4286448/Who-is-the-Stig-The-answer.html
  8. You know it. Barely visible by satellite. Did I mention it's made of coral and bird shit? It's pretty cool.
  9. I'll be 27 in March. Hopefully I'll get a walker or at least a nice cane for my birthday.
  10. Would this thing really be seaworthy? I mean, a bit bigger maybe, but I'm in if you guys are. And by the way, these guys had a great idea because they built the top out of a beer pong table, so you're all ready to go when you get there. Didn't everyone here already know this?Dude, that would only be true if I lived in Columbus....
  11. I've been trying to skip to 4 & 5 for 26 years and no luck. If you find out how, let me know.
  12. Ok, so let's get right to it - there's a Jarvis Island in the South Pacific Ocean. I have no idea why anyone would want to know this, but it's winter and I'm sharing. There's pretty much nothing on it but birds, and it was used for about 2 decades for Guano Mining. Seriously. Guano Mining. Look it up. They dug up poo for a while, then when it was used up, left it as a big hole, so the whole situation is just ripe for pun-related hilarity. I'll leave you all to your imaginations. So that's about it, but I do have an island and that's something. I just thought everyone should know, there is literally a dry, useless, jarvis-themed shithole in the middle of the ocean. Awesome.
  13. but we'll have to get that trailer together first so i can get it up there, but then we can make a bunch of them and sell them cheap from your garage.... 1.) Ideas for simple trailer 2.) Lots of talk and planning about said trailer 3.) ??? 4.) Profit (5. Hookers & Blow, if 4 works out)
  14. add 4 boxes to the pile, thanks for setting this up guys, great idea, great initiative.
  15. yea, this cold has kinda made me start heating the garage, which I've never had to do before. The new race bike doesn't have anti-freeze in it because of it's normal track restrictions, and I didn't want to flush the whole thing, so now I have to keep the garage at a decent temp all winter. Just one of those little things I forgot to plan for when I bought it. Next year will be easier because I can store it at the end of the season properly, and when it's not 2 freakin degrees outside....
  16. the white suit's where it's at, everyone else is just jealous. :badgerrock:

  17. And there it is - everyone has a price..... Whereas it would take a cool million bucks for me to nail Angelica Houston, MJ would take it to the sheets with Martha Stewart for a decent morning meal.
  18. only on OR and in the winter are a group of people be so bored that they post 5 pages of conversation about eating week-old chili, then turn it into a 'who would plow Martha Stewart' sound-off. we all need Spring, people, this can't be healthy.....
  19. How can you tell if you're at a classy sushi bar? Order 9 sake bombs and see how they give them to you. It's some sort of dragon thing, they light the one on the right on fire, then slam the table, and it drops into the beer, then all the other ones domino down the line, and when it gets to the end everyone drinks. Good times had by all.
  20. We'll see, she has to settle in with the idea of the track bike for now, she still seems a bit iffy on that whole deal. Hey, Dustin, random question - you weld?
  21. yea, steer clear of Cleveland...
  22. If you could drive like The Stig, then you could do whatever you want to that car.
  23. can i eat the chili and have hookers?
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