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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. don't talk about Gen3 like that, she reads these posts.
  2. Unless something happens to my bike, I'm going to Putnam for Saturday. I have one of those huge E-350 passenger vans I use to haul my bike and whatever trailer people I ride share with happen to have. I have at least one other person going with me, and if Dave goes, then two. If we get a big enough trailer, we can fit four people inside with one bike inside and three on a trailer (if it's that size). If you want to go the whole weekend, and it works out, we could always try to have you go up with us on Saturday and leave with idodishez on Sunday. Maybe that's making it too complicated, but if you're interested, the offer's out there.
  3. I'm planning on doing the Putnam trip. Dave and I may go together if planning works out this time, but I've got another guy that's likely going too.
  4. if we start calling dibs on these puppies, I want in.
  5. guys stop it, i haven't figured out this squirrel thing yet, and at this rate jbot will have eaten all of them and started hoarding puppies before i even get home from work...
  6. http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20110803/news/708039979/
  7. dammit....where's that squirrel-cleaning thread?
  8. I don't have any cash, but I'm Jewish, so I could offer you a couple rounds of sub-par coitus and prepare your tax returns for next year. soooo, yea....let me know.
  9. I bought the first warmer. Dub's a stand-up guy, thanks bud.
  10. all because you touch yourself at night.
  11. As a professional engineer, I can officially declare that 19% error completely negligible. Besides, it's not really the height she cares about. I would certainly do that if you were ok with it, but it still seems like putting a lot of the travel on you.
  12. I always thought you and KawiKid had enough of a similar physique to pull off the ol' bait-and-switch with the misses... I was being completely facetious. I just wanted to drudge up quality ORdN dirty laundry for no good reason. I actually offer nothing positive to the community as a whole. I'm just a more useless Todd#43. Yea...that is getting a bit silly. Any idea what it would cost to ship it, since I'm clearly incapable of accomplishing even the smallest task of driving to Columbus?
  13. "I hate this place, Casper just makes up his own rules and has babies while Moderators are free to have illicit carnal relations with the common members and then delete all the posts about it before they leave." if you guys aren't careful, I'm gonna delete my account...
  14. Pics of said fiance, then we can tell you if this was worth it or not.
  15. odd....that's exactly what Wikipedia says about you... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jbot
  16. Ok, looks like ohdaho can't make it this trip, and since we were gonna travel together, I'm curious if anyone else will be headed up Friday night to camp. I know you can camp offsite, but is there any camping at Putnam? If so, is anyone doing that? We're heading up from Dayton after work, so hopefully we see some of you guys up there late Friday night.
  17. If STT is anything like it was when I went a couple years ago, it shouldn't be a problem at all. They were all great about that the last time I was with them. I've been with Mid-O staff, NESBA, STT and MotoSeries, and for the most part they all do a great job with it, but STT and MotoSeries have always been particularly attentive when I've needed some advice/attention. (Please not that all of these groups have been great, but I've been the most annoying about coach time with those two, and they both produced great results, so I mention them in particular)
  18. My bad, but I need to be back by Sunday too. The wife is coming with us to watch (and help if/when she can) since she's never seen a track event. I've got the huge E-350 van again to haul if you think you could grab that same trailer. We can fit one bike in the van and still have room for plenty of people and gear as long as we have a small trailer for the other bike. We can figure out this weekend if we want to camp or hotel, but I think we're down for either.
  19. I will officially buy anything K-Swiss sells...
  20. That was the plan. I guess I didn't emphasize that part enough, sorry. This one-day stuff is killing me. The drive out to Putnam is long enough that you'd be in the car longer than on the track if you went for one day. When Jess and Eber and I went to Gingerman we did a weekend too, since it was way the hell up in Michigan. Made the drive a lot more worthwhile. PM me if this screws you up, and we can figure something out.
  21. Even though I don't qualify for this, I'll bump it so new people get a chance to see it, and ask if anyone's going to these dates? Odaho and I are planning to go this whole weekend, so if you're new you won't be alone, and if you're not new and just going, let us know.
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