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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. Ben's clearly been watching Jersey Shore, since in his title he misspelled the phrase "will obviously" as "might"....
  2. Someone fruited the link. (Those responsible have been sacked)
  3. Just use them in place of Ballistics Gel.
  4. This does not pass the Jerry Sandusky test.
  5. Then he'll be a step ahead of me. I look like Jinu trying to dog-bone Rosanne Barr on the back of that piggy ass bike.
  6. Yea....About that... Cope, don't be an idiot like some people that may or may not have just posted up owning this generation GSXR, and forget to check if the fucking rectifier is still plugged in after a wreck a while back...It's a real bitch to have your bike randomly loose all electrical systems right at the end of the front straight at Putnam. Or so I hear. Yet another thing that duct tape has fixed in a pinch while at the track.
  7. I can assure you of two things: 1.) That generation of GSXR is absolutely piggy. If you happen to be small, it's an RV. 2.) Even a shitty rider that only weighs 130lbs soaking wet can still work with it. She may have some girth on her, but she still rides faster than I can...
  8. jarvismb

    Bus Stop

    From the album: Track Toy

  9. jarvismb

    Track Toy

  10. jarvismb

    Who likes FN?

    I'm just here 'cuz I searched for "toss salad"...
  11. I'll go with all of you to look at her on a bike. Is that what we're doing?
  12. Electrolytes. It's what dogs crave.
  13. Dave, you're not white...you wouldn't understand.
  14. Is that seriously just a double-DIN head unit glued to the top of the tank?
  15. Sooo, who are we gonna see up there tomorrow?
  16. Can't go, I'll be at the track with the rest of the adults.
  17. Is that first pic of Jess? Where's that girl been?
  18. If this is referring to this weekend (27th), then like Dave said, we're going up too. I'm going to be trying my first "I" group after a few years of Novice, so I'm a bit anxious. I've been talking to Gunshow Nick on and off about it, and he was telling me I could still get a tow in the "I" group to make sure I'm comfortable at the new group pace, so I guess I'm curious if any of you guys are going to be CR-ing Intermediate this weekend? Oh, and Andy, thanks for all the help with those tire warmers. You're the best, I don't care what blue030547502398 says about you...
  19. No, they always just end up arguing about what constitutes a pubic hair vs an ass hair...
  20. As long as he holds his line...
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