For your entertainment, another ridiculous random event... I was perusing the cheap end tables and night stands at walmart when I hear "you put your left arm in, you put your left arm out..." and I see someone out of the corner of my eye staring at me from my left side. "you put your left arm in and you shake it all about" got a little louder as the guy singing it passed in front of me. He turned his head to look at my face, mumbled 'damn, lookin good', and continued around the corner. I am left standing there, confused and holding back laughter, as he comes back around the corner and proceeds to ask me if i'm married, probably thinking that my smiling was out of flattery and not out of the fact that i have just been hit on by a weird dude singing the hokey pokey at walmart. I shook my head and said i have a boyfriend, and he said 'that's too bad, good for him' and walked away. Although, looking back on that, I feel like I could have taken the crown for most hilbilly man meeting - I met a man at walmart while looking at press-wood furniture... he was singing the hokey pokey and it was so romantic. Anyone else have a random story?